193 research outputs found

    Chronicles of Oklahoma

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    Article narrates the life and career of Clement Vann Rogers, a rancher, farmers, stockman, politician, and benefactor. Rogers served on the Cherokee Senate and on the Board of Directors at Worcester Academy

    Diagnostic ultrasound estimates of muscle mass and muscle quality discriminate between women with and without sarcopenia

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    Introduction: Age-related changes in muscle mass and muscle tissue composition contribute to diminished strength in older adults. The objectives of this study are to examine if an assessment method using mobile diagnostic ultrasound augments well-known determinants of lean body mass (LBM) to aid sarcopenia staging, and if a sonographic measure of muscle quality is associated with muscle performance.Methods: Twenty community-dwelling female subjects participated in the study (age = 43.4 ±20.9 years; BMI: 23.8, interquartile range: 8.5). Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and diagnostic ultrasound morphometry were used to estimate LBM. Muscle tissue quality was estimated via the echogenicity using grayscale histogram analysis. Peak force was measured with grip dynamometry and scaled for body size. Bivariate and multiple regression analyses were used to determine the association of the predictor variables with appendicular lean mass (aLM/ht2), and examine the relationship between scaled peak force values and muscle echogenicity. The sarcopenia LBM cut point value of 6.75 kg/m2 determined participant assignment into the Normal LBM and Low LBM subgroups.Results: The selected LBM predictor variables were body mass index (BMI), ultrasound morphometry, and age. Although BMI exhibited a significant positive relationship with aLM/ht2 (adj. R2 = .61, p \u3c .001), the strength of association improved with the addition of ultrasound morphometry and age as predictor variables (adj. R2 = .85, p \u3c .001). Scaled peak force was associated with age and echogenicity (adj. R2 = .53, p \u3c .001), but not LBM. The Low LBM subgroup of women (n = 10) had higher scaled peak force, lower BMI, and lower echogenicity values in comparison to the Normal LBM subgroup (n = 10; p \u3c .05).Conclusions: Diagnostic ultrasound morphometry values are associated with LBM, and improve the BMI predictive model for aLM/ht2 in women. In addition, ultrasound proxy measures of muscle quality are more strongly associated with strength than muscle mass within the study sample

    Diagnostic ultrasound estimates of muscle mass and muscle quality discriminate between women with and without sarcopenia

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    Introduction: Age-related changes in muscle mass and muscle tissue composition contribute to diminished strength in older adults. The objectives of this study are to examine if an assessment method using mobile diagnostic ultrasound augments well-known determinants of lean body mass (LBM) to aid sarcopenia staging, and if a sonographic measure of muscle quality is associated with muscle performance.Methods: Twenty community-dwelling female subjects participated in the study (age = 43.4 ±20.9 years; BMI: 23.8, interquartile range: 8.5). Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and diagnostic ultrasound morphometry were used to estimate LBM. Muscle tissue quality was estimated via the echogenicity using grayscale histogram analysis. Peak force was measured with grip dynamometry and scaled for body size. Bivariate and multiple regression analyses were used to determine the association of the predictor variables with appendicular lean mass (aLM/ht2), and examine the relationship between scaled peak force values and muscle echogenicity. The sarcopenia LBM cut point value of 6.75 kg/m2 determined participant assignment into the Normal LBM and Low LBM subgroups.Results: The selected LBM predictor variables were body mass index (BMI), ultrasound morphometry, and age. Although BMI exhibited a significant positive relationship with aLM/ht2 (adj. R2 = .61, p \u3c .001), the strength of association improved with the addition of ultrasound morphometry and age as predictor variables (adj. R2 = .85, p \u3c .001). Scaled peak force was associated with age and echogenicity (adj. R2 = .53, p \u3c .001), but not LBM. The Low LBM subgroup of women (n = 10) had higher scaled peak force, lower BMI, and lower echogenicity values in comparison to the Normal LBM subgroup (n = 10; p \u3c .05).Conclusions: Diagnostic ultrasound morphometry values are associated with LBM, and improve the BMI predictive model for aLM/ht2 in women. In addition, ultrasound proxy measures of muscle quality are more strongly associated with strength than muscle mass within the study sample

    Interrater reliability of quantitative ultrasound using force feedback among examiners with varied levels of experience

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    Background. Quantitative ultrasound measures are influenced by multiple external factors including examiner scanning force. Force feedback may foster the acquisition of reliable morphometry measures under a variety of scanning conditions. The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability of force-feedback image acquisition and morphometry over a range of examiner-generated forces using a muscle tissuemimicking ultrasound phantom. Methods. Sixty material thickness measures were acquired from a muscle tissue mimicking phantom using B-mode ultrasound scanning by six examiners with varied experience levels (i.e., experienced, intermediate, and novice). Estimates of interrater reliability and measurement error with force feedback scanning were determined for the examiners. In addition, criterion-based reliability was determined using material deformation values across a range of examiner scanning forces (1–10 Newtons) via automated and manually acquired image capture methods using force feedback. Results. All examiners demonstrated acceptable interrater reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient, ICC = .98, p \u3c .001) for material thickness measures obtained using force feedback. Individual examiners exhibited acceptable reliability with the criterion-based reference measures (ICC \u3e .90, p \u3c .001), independent of their level of experience. The measurement error among all examiners was 1.5%–2.9% across all applied stress conditions. Conclusion. Manual image capture with force feedback may aid the reliability of morphometry measures across a range of examiner scanning forces, and allow for consistent performance among examiners with differing levels of experience

    Differences in audiovisual temporal processing in autistic adults are specific to simultaneity judgments

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    Research has shown that children on the autism spectrum and adults with high levels of autistic traits are less sensitive to audiovisual asynchrony compared to their neurotypical peers. However, this evidence has been limited to simultaneity judgments (SJ) which require participants to consider the timing of two cues together. Given evidence of partly divergent perceptual and neural mechanisms involved in making temporal order judgments (TOJ) and SJ, and given that SJ require a more global type of processing which may be impaired in autistic individuals, here we ask whether the observed differences in audiovisual temporal processing are task and stimulus specific. We examined the ability to detect audiovisual asynchrony in a group of 26 autistic adult males and a group of age and IQ-matched neurotypical males. Participants were presented with beep-flash, point-light drumming, and face-voice displays with varying degrees of asynchrony and asked to make SJ and TOJ. The results indicated that autistic participants were less able to detect audiovisual asynchrony compared to the control group, but this effect was specific to SJ and more complex social stimuli (e.g., face-voice) with stronger semantic correspondence between the cues, requiring a more global type of processing. This indicates that audiovisual temporal processing is not generally different in autistic individuals and that a similar level of performance could be achieved by using a more local type of processing, thus informing multisensory integration theory as well as multisensory training aimed to aid perceptual abilities in this population

    The Lantern Vol. 56, No. 1, Fall 1989

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    • Spider Silk • Cattle Prods and Prodigies • Hooligans • Japan Night • Closed Captioned for the Emotionally Impaired • On Reading Ellison\u27s King of the Bingo Game • Breakfast Talk • Thoughts in a Boring Bed • Therapy • Maria\u27s Room • The Poet, Unsuccessful Once Again • Words in a Restaurant • Their Way • Maternity • Hell in a Nut Shell • Transformers • What Would Mozart Hear? • A Single Sestinahttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/lantern/1135/thumbnail.jp

    The Lantern Vol. 62, No. 1, December 1994

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    • Hollow • A Little Knowledge is Dangerous • My Old Block • Life • The Natural Born Fool • Oracle • Formation of a Triangle • Marie on the Beach • The Tweed Derby • Tripping • In Vitro • The Character • Coming Home for Christmas • Unkempt • Too Much • Reimertanti-Ode • Seeds • Secrethttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/lantern/1145/thumbnail.jp

    The Lantern Vol. 60, No. 2, Summer 1993

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    • Wake • Misconception • Cliche • Standard Oil • Lake Effect • Charlotte • Psychedelic Iridescent Infidelity • A Playground in Winter • Shooting Pool with Angels • The Blood Through Our Veins • Iced Coffee • Buzz Kill • Immortality • Cathodic Union • Crush • Mushrooms • Conversing • Eggplant • A Letter to the Civil Rights Movement • Still Sitting, Contemplating • Sensible Love • Monsters Under the Bed • Poison Rock • Waiting at the Dentist • Fate • Static • The Three C\u27s • As We Frolic • Nest • A Bottle of Wine and Patsy Cline • Bottoms of Pages, Backs of Bookshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/lantern/1143/thumbnail.jp