11 research outputs found

    Mediterranean spotted fever as a cause of septic shock

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    Mediterranean spotted fever is a generally benign disease but with the potential of serious manifestations.We report a case of Mediterranean spotted fever in a 56-year–old woman, with pet dog exposure, who presented with a septic shock pattern. Based on clinical symptoms, history, and laboratory results, the diagnosis of Mediterranean spotted fever was suspected and the outcome was favorable with doxycycline treatment.Although rickettsiae remain an uncommon cause of the sepsis syndrome, it is important to consider it, especially as people are now traveling to endemic areas more frequently. Keywords: Mediterranen spotted, Fever, Tick-borne diseases, Septic Shoc

    Febre crônica associada a abscesso esplênico causado por Staphylococcus epidermidis Chronic fever associated with splenic abscess due to Staphylococcus epidermidis

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    Abscessos ocultos são causa freqüente de febre crônica. Os abscessos esplênicos são entidades raras, usualmente associadas a quadros subjacentes de cirurgia abdominal, endocardite ou imunodepressão. Apresenta-se um caso de paciente com febre prolongada causada por um abscesso esplênico, cujo principal diagnóstico diferencial era leishmaniose visceral, que provavelmente esteve associado a traumatismo abdominal. O tratamento consistiu em antibioticoterapia seguida de esplenectomia.<br>Occult abscesses are frequent causes of chronic fever. Splenic abscesses are rare entities that are usually associated with underlying conditions such as abdominal surgery, endocarditis or immunodepression. We report on the case of a patient with prolonged fever caused by a splenic abscess, whose main differential diagnosis was visceral leishmaniasis. However, this condition was probably related to abdominal trauma. The treatment consisted of antibiotics followed by splenectomy