7 research outputs found
Ethnogeography and archaeology of the Wiyot territory,
- Publication venue
- Berkeley, University of California press,
- Publication date
- Field of study
Cover title.Bibliographical footnotes.Mode of access: Internet
A Study of Bone Artifacts from Grasshopper Pueblo, Az P:14:1
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Perishable artifacts from Last Canyon Cave, Montana
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Seasonality of Late Prehistoric Clamming on San Francisco Bay: Oxygen Isotope Analyses of Macoma nasuta
- Author
- Andrus C. Fred T.
- Arnold Jeanne E.
- Bartelink Eric J.
- Bartelink Eric J.
- Bettinger Robert L.
- Bird Doug W.
- Bird Doug W.
- Bocek Barbara
- Broughton Jack M.
- Broughton Jack M.
- Broughton Jack M.
- Byrne Roger
- California Department of Water Resources
- Culleton Brendan J.
- Eerkens Jelmer W.
- Erlandson Jon M.
- Hildebrandt William R.
- Ingram B. Lynn
- Jerardino Antonieta
- Jones Terry L.
- Jones Terry L.
- Kennett Douglas J.
- Killingley John S.
- Koch Paul L.
- Koerper Henry C.
- Loud Llewellyn L.
- Nelson Nels C.
- Parker John
- Patterson William P.
- Rosenheim Brad E.
- Rosenthal Jeffrey
- Schweikhardt Peter
- Shackley M. Steven
- Steele Teresa E.
- Stevens Rhiannon E.
- Stuiver Minze
- Wohlgemuth Eric
- Wohlgemuth Eric
- Publication venue
- 'Maney Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Approaches to Linguistic Prehistory
- Author
- Barth Fredrik
- Basgall Mark E.
- Childe V. Gordon
- Clarke David
- Diebold A. Richard
- Fagan Brian
- Fowler Catherine S.
- Harding D. W.
- Hattori Eugene M.
- Hodder Ian
- Hodder Ian
- Hopkins Sara Winnemucca
- Huffman T. N.
- Johnson Jerald J.
- Johnson Jerald J.
- Loud Llewellyn L.
- Miller Wick
- Moratto Michael J.
- Nurse Derek
- Phillipson D. W.
- Renfrew Colin
- Rouse Irving
- Royce Anya P.
- Schortman Edward M.
- Schwartz Douglas W.
- Shipley William F.
- Soper Robert
- Sutton Mark Q.
- Sutton Mark Q.
- Sutton Mark Q.
- Treganza Adan E.
- Vansina Jan
- Willey Gordon R.
- Publication venue
- 'Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Long-distance conveyance of California obsidian at the Hayhurst lithic cache site (34ML168) in Oklahoma
- Author
- Arnold Jeanne E.
- Banks Larry D.
- Bell Robert E.
- Bradley Richard
- Brosowske Scott D.
- Caldwell Joseph R.
- Cotterell Brian
- Di Peso Charles C.
- Dillian Carolyn D.
- Drass Richard E.
- Ericson Jonathon E.
- Glauberman Philip J.
- Goldschmidt Walter R.
- Griffin James B.
- Hammatt Hallett H.
- Haskell David L.
- Heflin Eugene
- Heizer Robert F.
- Helms Mary W.
- Hofman Jack L.
- Hughes Richard E.
- Hughes Richard E.
- Hughes Richard E.
- Jones Andrew
- Lazzari Marisa
- Lekson Stephen H.
- Lekson Stephen H.
- LeVick Lawrence E.
- Loud Llewellyn
- Martinón-Torres Marcos
- Mathien Frances Joan
- Miller James C.
- Muñiz Mark P.
- Pauketat Timothy R.
- Peregrine Peter
- Shackley M. Steven
- Spielmann Katherine A.
- Torrence Robin
- Vokes Arthur W.
- Wyckoff Don G.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Lattice QCD and neutrino-nucleus scattering
- Author
- @@endQCD Collaboration
- A. Agadjanov
- A. Bansal
- A. Baroni
- A. Baroni
- A. Bodek
- A. de Gouvêa
- A. Fatima
- A. Lovato
- A. Lovato
- A. Roggero
- A. Walker-Loud
- A.S. Meyer
- A.S. Meyer
- A.T. Yue
- A.V. Butkevich
- A.V. Radyushkin
- A.V. Radyushkin
- A1 Collaboration
- Aaron S. Meyer
- Andreas S. Kronfeld
- B. Bhattacharya
- B. Buck
- B. Pontecorvo
- B. Pontecorvo
- B. Yoon
- B.J. Owen
- B.N. Lu
- Budapest-Marseille-Wuppertal Collaboration
- C. Alexandrou
- C. Alexandrou
- C. Alexandrou
- C. Alexandrou
- C. Alexandrou
- C. Andreopoulos
- C. Egerer
- C. Juszczak
- C. Monahan
- C.H. Llewellyn Smith
- C.W. Andersen
- CalLat Collaboration
- COHERENT Collaboration
- CP-PACS Collaboration
- D. Agadjanov
- D. Casper
- D. Krofcheck
- D. Lee
- D.B. Kaplan
- D.B. Leinweber
- D.G. Middleton
- D.J. Wilson
- D.S. Armstrong
- D.Z. Freedman
- David G. Richards
- E. Epelbaum
- E. Majorana
- Fermilab Lattice MILC Collaborations
- Fermilab Lattice MILC Collaborations
- Fermilab Lattice MILC Collaborations
- Flavor Lattice Averaging Group
- G. Garvey
- G. Hohler
- G. Parisi
- G. Rossi
- G.D. Megias
- G.S. Bali
- G.S. Bali
- G.T. Garvey
- H. Krebs
- H.L. Lai
- H.W. Hammer
- H.W. Hammer
- H.W. Lin
- H.W. Lin
- H.W. Lin
- Hadron Spectrum Collaboration
- Hadron Spectrum Collaboration
- Hadron Spectrum Collaboration
- Hadron Spectrum Collaboration
- Huey-Wen Lin
- I.C. Cloet
- J. Carlson
- J. Carlson
- J. Green
- J. Heeck
- J. Karpie
- J. Karpie
- J. Kirscher
- J. Liang
- J. Nieves
- J. Zmuda
- J.A. Formaggio
- J.H. Zhang
- J.J. Dudek
- J.J. Dudek
- J.T. Londergan
- JLQCD Collaboration
- K. Cichy
- K. Gallmeister
- K. Orginos
- K. Ottnad
- K. Polejaeva
- K. Rummukainen
- K.F. Liu
- K.F. Liu
- K.F. Liu
- K.F. Liu
- K.J. Eskola
- K2K Collaboration
- Keh-Fei Liu
- L. Contessi
- L. Lellouch
- M. Constantinou
- M. Döring
- M. Gluck
- M. Göckeler
- M. Kobayashi
- M. Lage
- M. Lüscher
- M. Lüscher
- M.A. Belushkin
- M.L. Wagman
- M.T. Hansen
- M.T. Hansen
- MILC Collaboration
- MINERvA Collaboration
- MINERvA Collaboration
- MiniBooNE Collaboration
- MiniBooNE Collaboration
- MiniBooNE Collaboration
- MiniBooNE Collaboration
- MINOS Collaboration
- N. Barnea
- N. Cabibbo
- N. Rocco
- N. Rocco
- N.N. Meiman
- NOMAD Collaboration
- NPLQCD Collaboration
- NPLQCD Collaboration
- NPLQCD Collaboration
- NPLQCD Collaboration
- NuSTEC Collaboration
- NuTeV Collaboration
- O. Benhar
- O. Benhar
- O. Benhar
- O. Benhar
- O. Benhar
- O. Benhar
- O. Benhar
- O. Benhar
- P. Guo
- P. Minkowski
- PACS Collaboration
- PACS Collaboration
- Particle Data Group
- PNDME Collaboration
- PNDME Collaboration
- PNDME Collaboration
- PNDME Collaboration
- QCDSF Collaboration
- Qweak Collaboration
- R. Gran
- R. Machleidt
- R.A. Briceño
- R.A. Briceño
- R.A. Briceño
- R.A. Briceño
- R.A. Briceño
- R.A. Briceño
- R.A. Briceño
- R.A. Briceño
- R.J. Hill
- R.J. Hill
- R.J. Hill
- R.S. Sufian
- R.S. Sufian
- Rajan Gupta
- Raza Sufian
- RBC UKQCD Collaborations
- RQCD Collaboration
- S. Arzumanov
- S. Bacca
- S. Capitani
- S. Davidson
- S. Dolan
- S. He
- S. Kretzer
- S. Kreuzer
- S. Pastore
- S. Sasaki
- S. Weinberg
- S. Weinberg
- S.J. Brice
- S.R. Beane
- S.R. Beane
- S.R. Beane
- Sergey Syritsyn
- SNO Collaboration
- Super-Kamiokande Collaboration
- T. Bhattacharya
- T. Van Cuyck
- T. Yanagida
- T.A. Lähde
- U. Aglietti
- U. van Kolck
- U.G. Meißner
- U.G. Meißner
- V. Bernard
- V. Bernard
- V. Bernard
- W. Bentz
- W. Detmold
- W. Detmold
- W. Detmold
- W. Detmold
- W.H. Dickhoff
- W.T. Chou
- William Detmold
- X. Feng
- X. Feng
- X. Ji
- X. Ji
- Y. Ding
- Y. Hayato
- Y. Meng
- Y.C. Jang
- Y.Q. Ma
- Z. Maki
- Z. Ye
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study