41 research outputs found

    The impact of a postgraduate learning experience on the confidence of General Dental Practitioners

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    This study aimed to explore the relationship between participating in a learning experience and the ensuing changes in confidence. A self-selected group of General Dental Practitioners (GDPs) entered a five-year, part-time postgraduate master’s training programme in restorative dentistry. Confidence in communication with patients and technical skills were measured at the start of the programme by questionnaire and at the conclusion of the programme by questionnaire and personal interview. A total of 72 clinicians started the programme; 27% (n = 20) completed the master’s degree. Assessment of confidence revealed a spread from 4/10 to 10/10 for communication with patients and clinical skills in restorative dentistry before the programme started. A total of 15% (n = 11) volunteered for interview. Analysis of qualitative data revealed (i) a perceived increase in confidence from all clinicians; (ii) a perceived greater ability to treat patients; (iii) an increase in treatment options being offered to patients; (iv) a perceived increase in treatment uptake by patients; and (v) greater job opportunities. The study showed a positive relationship between the learning experience and the perceived increase in confidence of clinicians. The increase in confidence manifested itself in better communication and clinical skills

    The use of picture cards to elicit postgraduate dental student feedback

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    The aim of this study was to elicit information about the use of picture cards to stimulate student feedback following a postgraduate dental course. Twenty-nine general dental practitioners (GDPs) volunteered for the study. Following an explanation of how this style of feedback worked, students were asked to choose a picture card from those available and use that image to stimulate their feedback. An independent interviewer introduced the topic and gathered comments in the form of qualitative data, generated by pre-formed questions. 93% (n = 26) questionnaires were completed and returned. 77% (n = 20) GDPs reported enjoying giving their feedback by ‘picture card’ technique; 83% (n = 20) reported this form of feedback stimulated their thoughts. Qualitative data were analysed thematically. Some GDPs felt the picture cards helped them formulate their feedback, others felt being able to give feedback to a third party they did not know was beneficial and giving feedback as a group was helpful. This novel approach of using picture cards to stimulate feedback was well received by these GDPs. A mixed result as to the value of this style of feedback was evident. A group feedback session facilitated by a stranger was considered to be a valuable approach to take

    Dental Teacher Feedback and Student Learning: A Qualitative Study

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    Feedback is essential to improve student learning and motivation and to encourage curriculum development by teachers. This study looked at feedback to and from dental students from a qualitative perspective. Methods: Dental teachers were recruited exclusively to this study from the membership of the Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE). Delegates from each of the four annual ADEE conferences were invited to attend focus groups to discuss aspects of feedback. Focus groups established an individual theme for the respective conferences: (i) the role of the teacher in delivering feedback; (ii) feedback from the students’ perspective; (iii) changes to feedback due to the COVID-19 pandemic; and (iv) integrating feedback with assessments. Results: Qualitative data collected from the conference delegates were diverse and thought provoking. Delegates reported different styles of feedback varying from individual, personal feedback to no feedback at all. An enforced and mostly positive adaptation to online delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic was reported. A partial return to pre-pandemic practices was described. Conclusions: Feedback is well recognized by students and teachers as contributing to learning. A universal approach to delivering feedback as part of the student learning process can be challenging due to a multitude of variables. Many aspects of changes in dental education, teaching, and feedback practices adopted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic have been retained post-pandemic, thereby accelerating the anticipated progression to online teaching

    Bracket bonding to polymethylmethacrylate-based materials for computer-aided design/manufacture of temporary restorations: influence of mechanical treatment and chemical treatment with universal adhesives

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    Objective To assess shear bond strength and failure mode (Adhesive Remnant Index, ARI) of orthodontic brackets bonded to polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) blocks for computer-aided design/manufacture (CAD/CAM) fabrication of temporary restorations, following substrate chemical or mechanical treatment. Methods Two types of PMMA blocks were tested: CAD-Temp® (VITA) and Telio® CAD (Ivoclar-Vivadent). The substrate was roughened with 320-grit sandpaper, simulating a fine-grit diamond bur. Two universal adhesives, Scotchbond Universal Adhesive (SU) and Assure Plus (AP), and a conventional adhesive, Transbond XT Primer (XTP; control), were used in combination with Transbond XT Paste to bond the brackets. Six experimental groups were formed: (1) CADTemp®/SU; (2) CAD-Temp®/AP; (3) CAD-Temp®/XTP; (4) Telio® CAD/SU; (5) Telio® CAD/AP; (6) Telio® CAD/XTP. Shear bond strength and ARI were assessed. On 1 extra block for each PMMA-based material surfaces were roughened with 180-grit sandpaper, simulating a normal/medium-grit (100 mm) diamond bur, and brackets were bonded. Shear bond strengths and ARI scores were compared with those of groups 3, 6. Results On CAD-Temp® significantly higher bracket bond strengths than on Telio® CAD were recorded. With XTP significantly lower levels of adhesion were reached than using SU or AP. Roughening with a coarser bur resulted in a significant increase in adhesion. Conclusions Bracket bonding to CAD/CAM PMMA can be promoted by grinding the substrate with a normal/medium-grit bur or by coating the intact surface with universal adhesives. With appropriate pretreatments, bracket adhesion to CAD/CAM PMMA temporary restorations can be enhanced to clinically satisfactory levels

    The influence of varying maxillary incisor shape on perceived smile aesthetics

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    OBJECTIVE: This paper aims to determine the influence of varying the maxillary incisor shape of an individual on perceived smile aesthetics. METHODS: A photograph of a female smile displaying maxillary teeth only was digitally altered to produce five different incisor shapes. They consisted of three basic shapes: square (S), ovoid (O), triangular (T) and two variations, tapered-ovoid (TO) and square-tapering (ST). The images were ranked from the most to the least attractive by 30 dentists, 30 technicians and 30 patients. RESULTS: The TO maxillary incisor shape was perceived to be the most attractive smile overall (50%), and amongst dentists (70%), technicians (50%) and patients (30%). The O shape maxillary incisors were ranked the second most attractive overall (36.7%) and the most attractive amongst patients (56%). The S shape maxillary incisors were perceived as the least attractive overall (43.3%), and amongst dentists (47%), technicians (50%) and patients (33%). CONCLUSIONS: The tapered-ovoid incisor tooth form for females is preferred to the square form, which corresponds with the findings in the dental literature. However, the results also suggest that there is not one ‘ideal’ incisor shape and that dental professionals are more critical than patients with respect to the shapes of maxillary incisors. Dental professionals should take the individual variability in patient response into consideration during treatment planning, to produce an aesthetic outcome that is acceptable for the patient. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: As a general rule, the tapered-ovoid tooth form is perceived to be more desirable than the square tooth form. The dental team should therefore keep this finding in mind and liaise with the patients accordingly, in order to help to produce desirable aesthetic clinical outcomes

    The REFOLD database: a tool for the optimization of protein expression and refolding

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    A large proportion of proteins expressed in Escherichia coli form inclusion bodies and thus require renaturation to attain a functional conformation for analysis. In this process, identifying and optimizing the refolding conditions and methodology is often rate limiting. In order to address this problem, we have developed REFOLD, a web-accessible relational database containing the published methods employed in the refolding of recombinant proteins. Currently, REFOLD contains >300 entries, which are heavily annotated such that the database can be searched via multiple parameters. We anticipate that REFOLD will continue to grow and eventually become a powerful tool for the optimization of protein renaturation. REFOLD is freely available at