25 research outputs found

    Protein Kinase Activation Increases Insulin Secretion by Sensitizing the Secretory Machinery to Ca2+

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    Glucose and other secretagogues are thought to activate a variety of protein kinases. This study was designed to unravel the sites of action of protein kinase A (PKA) and protein kinase C (PKC) in modulating insulin secretion. By using high time resolution measurements of membrane capacitance and flash photolysis of caged Ca2+, we characterize three kinetically different pools of vesicles in rat pancreatic β-cells, namely, a highly calcium-sensitive pool (HCSP), a readily releasable pool (RRP), and a reserve pool. The size of the HCSP is ∼20 fF under resting conditions, but is dramatically increased by application of either phorbol esters or forskolin. Phorbol esters and forskolin also increase the size of RRP to a lesser extent. The augmenting effect of phorbol esters or forskolin is blocked by various PKC or PKA inhibitors, indicating the involvement of these kinases. The effects of PKC and PKA on the size of the HCSP are not additive, suggesting a convergent mechanism. Using a protocol where membrane depolarization is combined with photorelease of Ca2+, we find that the HCSP is a distinct population of vesicles from those colocalized with Ca2+ channels. We propose that PKA and PKC promote insulin secretion by increasing the number of vesicles that are highly sensitive to Ca2+

    Phorbol esters modulate spontaneous and Ca2+-evoked transmitter release via acting on both munc13 and protein kinase C

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    Diacylglycerol (DAG) and phorbol esters strongly potentiate transmitter release at synapses by activating protein kinase C (PKC) and members of the Munc13 family of presynaptic vesicle priming proteins. This PKC/Munc13 pathway has emerged as a crucial regulator of release probability during various forms of activity-dependent enhancement of release. Here, we investigated the relative roles of PKC and Munc13-1 in the phorbol ester potentiation of evoked and spontaneous transmitter release at the calyx of Held synapse. The phorbol ester phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (1 mu M) potentiated the frequency of miniature EPSCs, and the amplitudes of evoked EPSCs with a similar time course. Preincubating slices with the PKC blocker Ro31-82200 reduced the potentiation, mainly by affecting a late phase of the phorbol ester potentiation. The Ro31-8220-insensitive potentiation was most likely mediated by Munc13-1, because in organotypic slices of Munc13-1H567K knock-in mice, in which DAG binding to Munc13-1 is abolished, the potentiation of spontaneous release by phorbol ester was strongly suppressed. Using direct presynaptic depolarizations in paired recordings, we show that the phorbol ester potentiation does not go along with an increase in the number of readily releasable vesicles, despite an increase in the cumulative EPSC amplitude during 100 Hz stimulation trains. Our data indicate that activation of Munc13 and PKC both contribute to an enhancement of the fusion probability of readily releasable vesicles. Thus, docked and readily releasable vesicles are a substrate for modulation via intracellular second-messenger pathways that act via Munc13 and PKC

    Recruitment of Endophilin to Clathrin-Coated Pit Necks Is Required for Efficient Vesicle Uncoating after Fission

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    SummaryEndophilin is a membrane-binding protein with curvature-generating and -sensing properties that participates in clathrin-dependent endocytosis of synaptic vesicle membranes. Endophilin also binds the GTPase dynamin and the phosphoinositide phosphatase synaptojanin and is thought to coordinate constriction of coated pits with membrane fission (via dynamin) and subsequent uncoating (via synaptojanin). We show that although synaptojanin is recruited by endophilin at bud necks before fission, the knockout of all three mouse endophilins results in the accumulation of clathrin-coated vesicles, but not of clathrin-coated pits, at synapses. The absence of endophilin impairs but does not abolish synaptic transmission and results in perinatal lethality, whereas partial endophilin absence causes severe neurological defects, including epilepsy and neurodegeneration. Our data support a model in which endophilin recruitment to coated pit necks, because of its curvature-sensing properties, primes vesicle buds for subsequent uncoating after membrane fission, without being critically required for the fission reaction itself

    Sensing Exocytosis and Triggering Endocytosis at Synapses: Synaptic Vesicle Exocytosis–Endocytosis Coupling

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    The intact synaptic structure is critical for information processing in neural circuits. During synaptic transmission, rapid vesicle exocytosis increases the size of never terminals and endocytosis counteracts the increase. Accumulating evidence suggests that SV exocytosis and endocytosis are tightly connected in time and space during SV recycling, and this process is essential for synaptic function and structural stability. Research in the past has illustrated the molecular details of synaptic vesicle (SV) exocytosis and endocytosis; however, the mechanisms that timely connect these two fundamental events are poorly understood at central synapses. Here we discuss recent progress in SV recycling and summarize several emerging mechanisms by which synapses can “sense” the occurrence of exocytosis and timely initiate compensatory endocytosis. They include Ca2+ sensing, SV proteins sensing, and local membrane stress sensing. In addition, the spatial organization of endocytic zones adjacent to active zones provides a structural basis for efficient coupling between SV exocytosis and endocytosis. Through linking different endocytosis pathways with SV fusion, these mechanisms ensure necessary plasticity and robustness of nerve terminals to meet diverse physiological needs

    Posttetanic potentiation critically depends on an enhanced Ca2+ sensitivity of vesicle fusion mediated by presynaptic PKC

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    Activity-dependent enhancement of transmitter release is a common form of presynaptic plasticity, but the underlying signaling mechanisms have remained largely unknown, perhaps because of the inaccessibility of most CNS nerve terminals. Here we investigated the signaling steps that underlie posttetanic potentiation (PTP), a form of presynaptic plasticity found at many CNS synapses. Direct whole-cell recordings from the large calyx of Held nerve terminals with the perforated patch-clamp technique showed that PTP was not mediated by changes in the presynaptic action potential waveform. Ca2+ imaging revealed a slight increase of the presynaptic Ca2+ transient during PTP (≈15%), which, however, was too small to explain a large part of PTP. The presynaptic PKC pathway was critically involved in PTP because (i) PTP was occluded by activation of PKC with phorbol esters, and (ii) PTP was largely (by approximately two-thirds) blocked by the PKC inhibitors, Ro31-8220 or bisindolylmaleimide. Activation of PKC during PTP most likely acts directly on the presynaptic release machinery, because in presynaptic Ca2+ uncaging experiments, activation of PKC by phorbol ester greatly increased the Ca2+ sensitivity of vesicle fusion in a Ro31-8220-sensitive manner (≈300% with small Ca2+ uncaging stimuli), but only slightly increased presynaptic voltage-gated Ca2+ currents (≈15%). We conclude that a PKC-dependent increase in the Ca2+ sensitivity of vesicle fusion is a key step in the enhancement of transmitter release during PTP

    Regulation of transmitter release by Ca2+ and synaptotagmin: insights from a large CNS synapse

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    Transmitter release at synapses is driven by elevated intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+](i)) near the sites of vesicle fusion. [Ca2+](i) signals of profoundly different amplitude and kinetics drive the phasic release component during a presynaptic action potential, and asynchronous release at later times. Studies using direct control of [Ca2+](i) at a large glutamatergic terminal, the calyx of Held, have provided significant insight into how intracellular Ca2+ regulates transmitter release over a wide concentration range. Synaptotagmin-2 (Syt2), the major isoform of the Syt1/2 Ca2+ sensors at these synapses, triggers highly Ca2+-cooperative release above 1 mu M [Ca2+](i) but suppresses release at low [Ca2+](i). Thus, neurons utilize a highly sophisticated release apparatus to maximize the dynamic range of Ca2+-evoked versus spontaneous release