3 research outputs found

    Canavan Disease as a Model for Gene Therapy-Mediated Myelin Repair

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    In recent years, the scientific and therapeutic fields for rare, genetic central nervous system (CNS) diseases such as leukodystrophies, or white matter disorders, have expanded significantly in part due to technological advancements in cellular and clinical screenings as well as remedial therapies using novel techniques such as gene therapy. However, treatments aimed at normalizing the pathological changes associated with leukodystrophies have especially been complicated due to the innate and variable effects of glial abnormalities, which can cause large-scale functional deficits in developmental myelination and thus lead to downstream neuronal impairment. Emerging research in the past two decades have depicted glial cells, particularly oligodendrocytes and astrocytes, as key, regulatory modulators in constructing and maintaining myelin function and neuronal viability. Given the significance of myelin formation in the developing brain, myelin repair in a time-dependent fashion is critical in restoring homeostatic functionality to the CNS of patients diagnosed with white matter disorders. Using Canavan Disease (CD) as a leukodystrophy model, here we review the hypothetical roles of N-acetylaspartate (NAA), one of the brain\u27s most abundant amino acid derivatives, in Canavan disease\u27s CNS myelinating pathology, as well as discuss the possible functions astrocytes serve in both CD and other leukodystrophies\u27 time-sensitive disease correction. Through this analysis, we also highlight the potential remyelinating benefits of gene therapy for other leukodystrophies in which alternative CNS cell targeting for white matter disorders may be an applicable path for reparative treatment

    Novel Combinatorial MicroRNA-Binding Sites in AAV Vectors Synergistically Diminish Antigen Presentation and Transgene Immunity for Efficient and Stable Transduction

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    Recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) platforms hold promise for in vivo gene therapy but are undermined by the undesirable transduction of antigen presenting cells (APCs), which in turn can trigger host immunity towards rAAV-expressed transgene products. In light of recent adverse events in patients receiving high systemic AAV vector doses that were speculated to be related to host immune responses, development of strategies to mute innate and adaptive immunity is imperative. The use of miRNA binding sites (miR-BSs) to confer endogenous miRNA-mediated regulation to detarget transgene expression from APCs has shown promise for reducing transgene immunity. Studies have shown that designing miR-142BSs into rAAV1 vectors were able to repress costimulatory signals in dendritic cells (DCs), blunt the cytotoxic T cell response, and attenuate clearance of transduced muscle cells in mice to allow sustained transgene expression in myofibers with negligible anti-transgene IgG production. In this study, we screened individual and combinatorial miR-BS designs against 26 miRNAs that are abundantly expressed in APCs, but not in skeletal muscle. The highly immunogenic ovalbumin (OVA) transgene was used as a proxy for foreign antigens. In vitro screening in myoblasts, mouse DCs, and macrophages revealed that the combination of miR-142BS and miR-652-5pBS strongly mutes transgene expression in APCs but maintains high myoblast and myocyte expression. Importantly, rAAV1 vectors carrying this novel miR-142/652-5pBS cassette achieve higher transgene levels following intramuscular injections in mice than previous detargeting designs. The cassette strongly inhibits cytotoxic CTL activation and suppresses the Th17 response in vivo. Our approach, thus, advances the efficiency of miRNA-mediated detargeting to achieve synergistic reduction of transgene-specific immune responses and the development of safe and efficient delivery vehicles for gene therapy

    Structural characterization of a novel human adeno-associated virus capsid with neurotropic properties

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    Adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) are vehicles for gene therapy in humans, but currently only a limited amount of AAV serotypes is available. Here, the authors identify a novel AAV, AAVv66, and demonstrate enhanced production yields, virion stability, and CNS transduction compared to the clinically approved serotype AAV2