3 research outputs found

    Impact Earth: A review of the terrestrial impact record

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    Over the past few decades, it has become increasingly clear that the impact of interplanetary bodies on other planetary bodies is one of the most ubiquitous and important geological processes in the Solar System. This impact process has played a fundamental role throughout the history of the Earth and other planetary bodies, resulting in both destructive and beneficial effects. The impact cratering record of Earth is critical to our understanding of the processes, products, and effects of impact events. In this contribution, we provide an up-to-date review and synthesis of the impact cratering record on Earth. Following a brief history of the Impact Earth Database (available online at http://www.impactearth.com), the definition of the main categories of impact features listed in the database, and an overview of the impact cratering process, we review and summarize the required evidence to confirm impact events. Based on these definitions and criteria, we list 188 hypervelocity impact craters and 13 impact craters (i.e., impact sites lacking evidence for shock metamorphism). For each crater, we provide details on key attributes, such as location, date confirmed, erosional level, age, target properties, diameter, and an overview of the shock metamorphic effects and impactites that have been described in the literature. We also list a large number of impact deposits, which we have classified into four main categories: tektites, spherule layers, occurrences of other types of glass, and breccias. We discuss the challenges of recognizing and confirming impact events and highlight weaknesses, contradictions, and inconsistencies in the literature. We then address the morphology and morphometry of hypervelocity impact craters. Based on the Impact Earth Database, it is apparent that the transition diameter from simple to complex craters for craters developed in sedimentary versus crystalline target rocks is less pronounced than previously reported, at approximately 3 km for both. Our analysis also yields an estimate for stratigraphic uplift of 0.0945D0.6862, which is lower than previous estimates. We ascribe this to more accurate diameter estimates plus the variable effects of erosion. It is also clear that central topographic peaks in terrestrial complex impact craters are, in general, more subdued than their lunar counterparts. Furthermore, a number of relatively well-preserved terrestrial complex impact structures lack central peaks entirely. The final section of this review provides an overview of impactites preserved in terrestrial hypervelocity impact craters. While approximately three quarters of hypervelocity impact craters on Earth preserve some portion of their crater-fill impactites, ejecta deposits are known from less than 10%. In summary, the Impact Earth Database provides an important new resource for researchers interested in impact craters and the impact cratering process and we welcome input from the community to ensure that the Impact Earth website (http://www.impactearth.com) is a living resource that is as accurate and as up-to-date, as possible

    Effects of target heterogeneity on impact cratering processes in the light of the Hera mission: combined experimental and numerical approach

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    Procedings of: Europlanet Science Congress 2020, Virtual meeting, 21 September–9 October 2020.The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) plans to impact the smaller component of the 65803 Didymos asteroid system [1], Dimorphos, and alter the binary orbit period of the system [2]. The experiment aims to demonstrate the controlled deflection capabilities of a near-Earth asteroid. ESA’s Hera mission [1,2] will arrive at Dimorphos four years after the DART impact and provides a detailed characterization of the impact. For a successful analysis it is important to know the influence of various parameters known to affect the cratering. Here we present some preliminary results as well as planned experiments at the Experimental Projectile Impact Chamber (EPIC) at Centro de Astrobiología CSIC-INTA, Spain, carried out in concert with observations of natural craters and numerical simulations for mutual verification of the methods and a first analysis of the effects of factors such as heterogeneities in a granular (i.e. ‘rubble-pile’) target.Ormö was supported by grants ESP2017-87676-C5-1-R from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional. Ormö and Herreros were supported by the Spanish State Research Agency Project No.MDM-2017-0737 Unidad de Excelencia "María de Maeztu"- Centro de Astrobiología (INTA-CSIC), and the CSIC I-LINK project LINKA20203

    Discriminating between impact or nonimpact origin of small meteorite crater candidates : No evidence for an impact origin for the Tor crater, Sweden

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    Compared to intensive research on km-sized meteorite impact craters, fewer studies focus on smaller craters. The small craters are often hard or impossible to recognize using “classical” criteria like the presence of shatter cones, shocked quartz, and geochemical indicators. Therefore, a long list of candidate structures awaiting approval/disapproval of their origin has been formed over the last decades. One of them is the Tor structure in central Sweden. To test a hypothesis of an impact origin of this structure, we have performed topographical analysis, geophysical studies, 10Be exposure dating of boulders, and 14C dating of Tor-associated charcoal. None of the methods gave us a reason to claim the Tor structure is of impact origin. Thus, we support a recently suggested idea of Tor being formed by a grounded iceberg within a glacial lake