16 research outputs found

    Monomeric solution structure of the helicase-binding domain of Escherichia coli DnaG primase

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    DnaG is the primase that lays down RNA primers on single-stranded DNA during bacterial DNA replication. The solution structure of the DnaB-helicase-binding C-terminal domain of Escherichia coli DnaG was determined by NMR spectroscopy at near-neutral pH. The structure is a rare fold that, besides occurring in DnaG C-terminal domains, has been described only for the N-terminal domain of DnaB. The C-terminal helix hairpin present in the DnaG C-terminal domain, however, is either less stable or absent in DnaB, as evidenced by high mobility of the C-terminal 35 residues in a construct comprising residues 1–171. The present structure identifies the previous crystal structure of the E. coli DnaG C-terminal domain as a domain-swapped dimer. It is also significantly different from the NMR structure reported for the corresponding domain of DnaG from the thermophile Bacillus stearothermophilus. NMR experiments showed that the DnaG C-terminal domain does not bind to residues 1–171 of the E. coli DnaB helicase with significant affinity

    Single-molecule studies of fork dynamics in Escherichia coli DNA replication

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    We present single-molecule studies of the Escherichia coli replication machinery. We visualize individual E. coli DNA polymerase III (Pol III) holoenzymes engaging in primer extension and leading-strand synthesis. When coupled to the replicative helicase DnaB, Pol III mediates leading-strand synthesis with a processivity of 10.5 kilobases (kb), eight-fold higher than that by Pol III alone. Addition of the primase DnaG causes a three-fold reduction in the processivity of leading-strand synthesis, an effect dependent upon the DnaB-DnaG protein-protein interaction rather than primase activity. A single-molecule analysis of the replication kinetics with varying DnaG concentrations indicates that a cooperative binding of two or three DnaG monomers to DnaB halts synthesis. Modulation of DnaB helicase activity through the interaction with DnaG suggests a mechanism that prevents leading-strand synthesis from outpacing lagging-strand synthesis during slow primer synthesis on the lagging strand.