1,083 research outputs found

    Estudio de algunas especies de Ascomicetes macroscopicos, de la flora española

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    Se realiza el estudio de doce especies de Ascomicetes, cuyos cuerpos fructíferos alcanzan tamaños macroscópicos y de los cuales pudieron realizarse diapositivas directamente del natural o en el Laboratorio. De cada una de ellas se realiza un breve comentario de sus peculiaridades morfológicas o ecológicas. En algún caso pudo seguirse el desarrollo de sus fructificaciones. La revisión nomenclatural ha sido realizada por Moser, M.: Kleine Kryptogamen flora II a: Ascomyceten. Al menos dos especies de las que se muestran creemos son nuevas citas para la Flora española de Ascomicetes.We study twelve species of Ascomycetes with ascocarps. We do a little comentary of their morfological and ecological peculiarities. The nomenclature review is according to Moser, M. in Gams: Kleine Kryptogamenflora II a. We think at last two species are new for Iberian Peninsula

    Connexin channels mediate PGE2-dependent regulation of CFTR activity in Calu-3 cells

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    The accuracy of the motor imagery and the ball reception in children

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    Estudios recientes observaron que las imágenes motrices se desarrollan de forma entrelazada con el desarrollo de las habilidades motrices en niños. La finalidad de este estudio es analizar en qué medida la imagen motriz de los elementos necesarios para resolver un problema motor (la recepción de un balón), se relaciona con los niveles de habilidad en niños (3 - 9 años). La muestra estuvo formada por 215 participantes (87 chicos y 118 chicas), (M = 5,94, DT = 1,47). Se ha utilizado una metodología mixta: dibujos, indicaciones gestuales, verbalización del pensamiento y una prueba práctica de recepción de balón. El MANOVA reveló diferencias significativas en las capacidades meta-cognitivas y motrices en función de las etapas de desarrollo. Un análisis de ecuaciones estructurales reveló que las capacidades meta-cognitivas median la relación entre las etapas de desarrollo y la habilidad de recepción de móviles. Se discuten sus repercusiones en el aprendizaje motorRecent studies have found that motor imaginery is developed linked to the development of motor skills in children. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the motor imaginery of the principal elements to solve a motor problem (ball reception) relates to the motor skill levels in children (3-9 years). The sample consisted of 215 participants (87 boys and 118 girls), (M = 5.94, SD = 1.47).We used a mixed methodology: drawings, gestural prompts, verbalization of thought and a practical test of ball reception. The MANOVA revealed significant differences in the meta-cognitive abilities and motor function of the developmental stages. A structural equation analysis revealed that meta-cognitive abilities mediate the relationship between the stages of development and the ability in the reception of moving objects. Their implications in motor learning are discusse

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is capable of natural transformation in biofilms

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    Abstract Natural transformation is a mechanism that enables competent bacteria to acquire naked, exogenous DNA from the environment. It is a key process that facilitates the dissemination of antibiotic resistance and virulence determinants throughout bacterial populations. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic Gram-negative pathogen that produces large quantities of extracellular DNA (eDNA) that is required for biofilm formation. P. aeruginosa has a remarkable level of genome plasticity and diversity that suggests a high degree of horizontal gene transfer and recombination but is thought to be incapable of natural transformation. Here we show that P. aeruginosa possesses homologs of all proteins known to be involved in natural transformation in other bacterial species. We found that P. aeruginosa in biofilms is competent for natural transformation of both genomic and plasmid DNA. Furthermore, we demonstrate that type IV pili (T4P) facilitate but are not absolutely essential for natural transformation in P. aeruginosa

    Neutron spectrometry at various altitudes in atmosphere by passive detector technique

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    A new experimental system, constituted by passive detectors, has been developed to measure neutron spectra at various altitudes in the atmosphere. The knowledge of the neutron spectrum is required to evaluate with a good accuracy the neutron contribution to the total dose, due to the cosmic ray exposure, in fact the flux-to-dose conversion factors strongly depend on neutron energy. Moreover, in many dosimetric applications, as the dose evaluation to the aircrew in service on intercontinental flights, the passive system is not only the most convenient but it is often the unique technique. The experimental system is constituted by the passive bubble detector BD100R, polycarbonate foils, polycarbonate bottles, sensitive in low and intermediate neutron energy range, and the bismuth stack, sensitive in the high energy range. Experimental data were obtained in high mountain measurements at Matterhorn (3600 m altitude, 46 N ) and Chacaltaya (5230 m altitude, 16 S), during flights at 12000 m and on board of stratospheric balloons at 38000 m. All the spectra obtained show, as expected, the evaporation peak around 1 MeV and the second direct bump around 100 MeV; the results, different in the neutron flux intensity, confirm the satisfactory sensitivity of this experimental technique

    Influence of ERβ selective agonism during the neonatal period on the sexual differentiation of the rat hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It is well established that sexual differentiation of the rodent hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis is principally orchestrated by estrogen during the perinatal period. Here we sought to better characterize the mechanistic role the beta form of the estrogen receptor (ERβ) plays in this process.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To achieve this, we exposed neonatal female rats to three doses (0.5, 1 and 2 mg/kg) of the ERβ selective agonist diarylpropionitrile (DPN) using estradiol benzoate (EB) as a positive control. Measures included day of vaginal opening, estrous cycle quality, GnRH and Fos co-localization following ovariectomy and hormone priming, circulating luteinizing hormone (LH) levels and quantification of hypothalamic kisspeptin immunoreactivity. A second set of females was then neonatally exposed to DPN, the ERα agonist propyl-pyrazole-triol (PPT), DPN+PPT, or EB to compare the impact of ERα and ERβ selective agonism on kisspeptin gene expression in pre- and post-pubescent females.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All three DPN doses significantly advanced the day of vaginal opening and induced premature anestrus. GnRH and Fos co-labeling, a marker of GnRH activation, following ovariectomy and hormone priming was reduced by approximately half at all doses; the magnitude of which was not as large as with EB or what we have previously observed with the ERα agonist PPT. LH levels were also correspondingly lower, compared to control females. No impact of DPN was observed on the density of kisspeptin immunoreactive (-ir) fibers or cell bodies in the arcuate (ARC) nucleus, and kisspeptin-ir was only significantly reduced by the middle (1 mg/kg) DPN dose in the preoptic region. The second experiment revealed that EB, PPT and the combination of DPN+PPT significantly abrogated preoptic Kiss1 expression at both ages but ARC expression was only reduced by EB.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results indicate that selective agonism of ERβ is not sufficient to completely achieve male-typical HPG organization observed with EB or an ERα agonist.</p

    Ubiquitin-Specific Protease 8 Mutant Corticotrope Adenomas Present Unique Secretory and Molecular Features and Shed Light on the Role of Ubiquitylation on ACTH Processing

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    Background: Somatic mutations in the ubiquitin-specific protease 8 (USP8) gene have recently been shown to occur in ACTH-secreting pituitary adenomas, thus calling attention to the ubiquitin system in corticotrope adenomas. Objectives: Assess the consequences of USP8 mutations and establish the role of ubiquitin on ACTH turnover in human ACTH-secreting pituitary adenomas. Methods: USP8 mutation status was established in 126 ACTH-secreting adenomas. Differences in ACTH secretion and POMC expression from adenoma primary cultures and in microarray gene expression profiles from archival specimens were sought according to USP8 sequence. Ubiquitin/ACTH coimmunoprecipitation and incubation with MG132, a proteasome inhibitor, were performed in order to establish whether ubiquitin plays a role in POMC/ACTH degradation in corticotrope adenomas. Results: USP8 mutations were identified in 29 adenomas (23%). Adenomas presenting USP8 mutations secreted greater amounts of ACTH and expressed POMC at higher levels compared to USP wild-type specimens. USP8 mutant adenomas were also more sensitive to modulation by CRH and dexamethasone in vitro. At microarray analysis, genes associated with endosomal protein degradation and membrane components were downregulated in USP8 mutant adenomas as were AVPR1B, IL11RA, and PITX2. Inhibition of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway increased ACTH secretion and POMC itself proved a target of ubiquitylation, independently of USP8 sequence status. Conclusions: Our study has shown that USP8 mutant ACTH-secreting adenomas present a more "typical" corticotrope phenotype and reduced expression of several genes associated with protein degradation. Further, ubiquitylation is directly involved in intracellular ACTH turnover, suggesting that the ubiquitin-proteasome system may represent a target for treatment of human ACTH-secreting adenomas

    Synergistic exploitation of hyper- and multispectral Sentinel measurements to determine Phytoplankton Functional Types at best spatial and temporal resolution (SynSenPFT)

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    We derive the chlorophyll a concentration (Chla) for three main phytoplankton functional types (PFTs) – diatoms, coccolithophores and cyanobacteria – by combining satellite multispectral-based information, being of a high spatial and temporal resolution, with retrievals based on high resolution of PFT absorption properties derived from hyperspectral satellite measurements. The multispectral-based PFT Chla retrievals are based on a revised version of the empirical OC-PFT algorithm applied to the Ocean Color Climate Change Initiative (OC-CCI) total Chla product. The PhytoDOAS analytical algorithm is used with some modifications to derive PFT Chla from SCIAMACHY hyperspectral measurements. To combine synergistically these two PFT products (OC-PFT and PhytoDOAS), an optimal interpolation is performed for each PFT in every OC-PFT sub-pixel within a PhytoDOAS pixel, given its Chla and its a priori error statistics. The synergistic product (SynSenPFT) is presented for the period of August 2002 March 2012 and evaluated against PFT Chla data obtained from in situ marker pigment data and the NASA Ocean Biogeochemical Model simulations and satellite information on phytoplankton size. The most challenging aspects of the SynSenPFT algorithm implementation are discussed. Perspectives on SynSenPFT product improvements and prolongation of the time series over the next decades by adaptation to Sentinel multi- and hyperspectral instruments are highlighted

    2018 consensus statement by the Spanish Society of Pathology and the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology on the diagnosis and treatment of cancer of unknown primary

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    Cancer of unknown primary (CUP) is defned as a heterogeneous group of tumours that present with metastasis, and in which attempts to identify the original site have failed. They difer from other primary tumours in their biological features and how they spread, which means that they can be considered a separate entity. There are several hypotheses regarding their origin, but the most plausible explanation for their aggressiveness and chemoresistance seems to involve chromosomal instability. Depending on the type of study done, CUP can account for 2–9% of all cancer patients, mostly 60–75 years old. This article reviews the main clinical, pathological, and molecular studies conducted to analyse and determine the origin of CUP.The main strategies for patient management and treatment, by both clinicians and pathologists, are also addressed.The authors are grateful for the editorial assistance of Dr. Fernando Sánchez-Barbero of HealthCo (Madrid, Spain) in the production of this manuscript. SEOM and SEAP are grateful for the fnancial support for this project in the form of unrestricted grants from Ferrer Diagnostic, OncoDNA and Foundation Medicine/Roche