377 research outputs found

    Coherent multi-mode dynamics in a Quantum Cascade Laser: Amplitude and Frequency-modulated Optical Frequency Combs

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    We cast a theoretical model based on Effective Semiconductor Maxwell-Bloch Equations and study the dynamics of a multi-mode mid-Infrared Quantum Cascade Laser in Fabry Perot with the aim to investigate the spontaneous generation of optical frequency combs. This model encompasses the key features of a semiconductor active medium such as asymmetric,frequency-dependent gain and refractive index as well as the phase-amplitude coupling of the field dynamics provided by the linewidth enhancement factor. Our numerical simulations are in excellent agreement with recent experimental results, showing broad ranges of comb formationin locked regimes, separated by chaotic dynamics when the field modes unlock. In the former case, we identify self-confined structures travelling along the cavity, while the instantaneous frequency is characterized by a linear chirp behaviour. In such regimes we show that OFC are characterized by concomitant and relevant amplitude and frequency modulation

    Terahertz optically tunable dielectric metamaterials without microfabrication

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    We theoretically investigate the terahertz dielectric response of a semiconductor slab hosting an infrared photoinduced grating. The periodic structure is due to the charge carries photo-excited by the interference of two tilted infrared plane waves so that the grating depth and period can be tuned by modifying the beam intensities and incidence angles, respectively. In the case where the grating period is much smaller than the terahertz wavelength, we numerically evaluate the ordinary and extraordinary component of the effective permittivity tensor by resorting to electromagnetic full-wave simulation coupled to the dynamics of charge carries excited by infrared radiation. We show that the photoinduced metamaterial optical response can be tailored by varying the grating and it ranges from birefringent to hyperbolic to anisotropic negative dielectric without resorting to microfabrication.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Extrinsic electromagnetic chirality in all-photodesigned one-dimensional THz metamaterials

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    We suggest that all-photodesigned metamaterials, sub-wavelength custom patterns of photo-excited carriers on a semiconductor, can display an exotic extrinsic electromagnetic chirality in terahertz (THz) frequency range. We consider a photo-induced pattern exhibiting 1D geometrical chirality, i.e. its mirror image can not be superposed onto itself by translations without rotations and, in the long wavelength limit, we evaluate its bianisotropic response. The photo-induced extrinsic chirality turns out to be fully reconfigurable by recasting the optical illumination which supports the photo-excited carriers. The all-photodesigning technique represents a feasible, easy and powerful method for achieving effective matter functionalization and, combined with the chiral asymmetry, it could be the platform for a new generation of reconfigurable devices for THz wave polarization manipulation.Comment: 11 page

    Retrieval of the Dielectric Properties of a Resonant Material in the Terahertz Region via Self-Detection Near Field Optical Microscopy

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    We present a numerical and analytical study of the self-detection scattering type near field optical microscopy (SD s-SNOM), a recently demonstrated technique based on a combination of self-mixing interferometry and scattering near-field microscopy. This scheme, which exploits a terahertz (THz) quantum cascade laser as both a laser source and detector, allows to investigate the optical properties of resonant materials in the THz range with resolution far beyond the diffraction limit. Our study, developed by using a modified version of the Lang-Kobayashi model, is focused on the weak feedback regime (Acket parameter C approximate to 10(-1)), where we derive an approximated method for the retrieval of the scattering coefficient of the SD s-SNOM configuration applied to a sample of Cesium Bromide (CsBr). These results were used in turn to derive the dielectric permittivity of the sample, reporting a good accuracy in the estimation of its phonon resonances

    Dissipative phase solitons in semiconductor lasers

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    We experimentally demonstrate the existence of non dispersive solitary waves associated with a 2Ï€\pi phase rotation in a strongly multimode ring semiconductor laser with coherent forcing. Similarly to Bloch domain walls, such structures host a chiral charge. The numerical simulations based on a set of effective Maxwell-Bloch equations support the experimental evidence that only one sign of chiral charge is stable, which strongly affects the motion of the phase solitons. Furthermore, the reduction of the model to a modified Ginzburg Landau equation with forcing demonstrates the generality of these phenomena and exposes the impact of the lack of parity symmetry in propagative optical systems.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Bioengineering the Pancreas: Cell-on-Scaffold Technology

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    Nowadays, type I diabetes mellitus is a pathology afflicting millions of people globally with a dramatic assessment in the next future. Current treatments including exogenous insulin, pancreas transplantation and islets transplantation, are not free from important lifelong side effects. In the last decade, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine have shown encouraging results about the possibility to produce a functional bioengineered pancreas. Among many technologies, decellularization offers the opportunity to produce an organ-specific acellular matrix that could subsequently repopulate with endocrine cellular population. Herein, we aim to review the state-of-art and this technology highlighting the diabetes burden for the healthcare system and the major achievements toward the manufacturing of a bioengineered pancreas obtained by cell-on-scaffold technology

    Dynamics of Optical Frequency Combs in Ring and Fabry-Perot Quantum Cascade Lasers

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    Since the demonstration that multimode Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCLs) can operate as sources of Optical Frequency Combs (OFC) [1] , an extended class of theoretical models, based on standard two or three level Maxwell-Bloch equations, has been proposed to interpret such phenomenology

    Scaling collaborative policymaking: how to leverage on digital co-creation to engage citizens

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    n recent years, new methods to engage citizens in deliberative processes of governments and institutions have been studied. Such methodologies have become a necessity to assure the efficacy and sustainability of policies. Several tools and solutions have been proposed while trying to achieve such a goal. The dual problem to citizen engagement is how to provide policymakers with useful and actionable insights and data stemming from those processes. The following paper has the aim to share with the audience of the Data for Policy Conference 2021 an innovative tool based on the concept of participatory policymaking with the scope of collecting feedback and comments to enhance the consistency and the usefulness of the tool. We propose research featuring a method and implementation of a crowdsourcing and co-creation technique that can provide value to both citizens and policymakers engaged in the policy-making process. Thanks to our methodology, policymakers can design challenges for citizens to take part, cooperate and provide their input to policymakers. We also propose a web-based tool that allows citizens to participate and produce content to support the policymaking processes through a gamified interface that focuses on emotional and vision-oriented content

    Machine learning methods to predict outcomes of pharmacological treatment in psychosis

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    In recent years, machine learning (ML) has been a promising approach in the research of treatment outcome prediction in psychosis. In this study, we reviewed ML studies using different neuroimaging, neurophysiological, genetic, and clinical features to predict antipsychotic treatment outcomes in patients at different stages of schizophrenia. Literature available on PubMed until March 2022 was reviewed. Overall, 28 studies were included, among them 23 using a single-modality approach and 5 combining data from multiple modalities. The majority of included studies considered structural and functional neuroimaging biomarkers as predictive features used in ML models. Specifically, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) features contributed to antipsychotic treatment response prediction of psychosis with good accuracies. Additionally, several studies found that ML models based on clinical features might present adequate predictive ability. Importantly, by examining the additive effects of combining features, the predictive value might be improved by applying multimodal ML approaches. However, most of the included studies presented several limitations, such as small sample sizes and a lack of replication tests. Moreover, considerable clinical and analytical heterogeneity among included studies posed a challenge in synthesizing findings and generating robust overall conclusions. Despite the complexity and heterogeneity of methodology, prognostic features, clinical presentation, and treatment approaches, studies included in this review suggest that ML tools may have the potential to predict treatment outcomes of psychosis accurately. Future studies need to focus on refining feature characterization, validating prediction models, and evaluate their translation in real-world clinical practice
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