54 research outputs found

    Jyske Heste til Europa. En holstensk mellemhandler 1830- 1840.

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    Forfatteren var arkivar ved Staatsarchiv Hamburg. Han indleder sin artikel med at konstatere, at ”underligt nok er Den danske hestehandels historie ikke skrevet, og det på trods af, at eksporten af danske, særlig jyske heste fra det sene 1700-tal og op gennem hele 1800-tallet var af største økonomiske betydning. Hestehandelen kunne - værdimæssigt- måle sig med tidens okseeksport, som forskningen har ofret ulige mere opmærksomhed.”Forfatteren udnytter en brevbog, der er ført af Johann Ahsbahs fra Grevenkop (Steinburg amt i Holsten), som kilde til en af de betydeligste hestehandlere i første halvdel af 1800-tallet.

    Landvolkbevægelsen i Slesvig-Holsten

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    Protestbevægelsen Landvolkbewung i Slesvig-Holsten ligner på mange måder den af Hans Schultz Hansen ovenfor beskrevne ”Bondens Selvstyre”. e tyske bønder havde ligesom de danske haft gode afsætningsmuligheder under krigen, og inflationen under og efter krigen reducerede den gamle hypoteksgæld til næsten intet. Omvendt var der et investeringsbehov, og mange bønder optog ny gæld, men nu til høje renter, og da priserne begyndte at falde efter 1926, gik det helt galt for mange. Det første til en stor protestbevægelse. Metoderne var generelt mere radikale end i Danmark. Centralt stod skattenægtelser, forsøg på at standse tvangsauktioner og boykot, men det accellererede til bombeattentater. Bevægelsen, som var løst organiseret, havede sit tyngdepunkt i det vestlige Slesvig-Holsten. Den udgav dagbladet ”Das Landvolk” med et oplag på ikke mindre end 90.000 eksemplarer i september 1929. Landvolk er ofte slået i hartkorn med nazismen. I virkeligheden bekæmpede NSDAP  Landvolkbevægelsen, fordi den udgjorde en konkurrent. Da bevægelsen begyndte at klinge ud, meldte først og fremmest yngre landmænd sig  dog ind i partiet, og bevægelsen var på den måde "med til at berede vejen for den tyske fascismes magtovertagelse”

    Skovens tilbagegang i Slesvig og Holsten

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    Forfatteren gennemgår i hovedtræk skovenes udvikling i Slesvig-Holsten siden oldtiden. Langt tilbage var der stor skovrigdom. Meget blev ryddet, men skovene voksede igen under agrarkrisen i 1300-tallet. Derefter kom der igen pres på skovene. De bulhuse, som prægede meget af landsdelen, krævede meget træ, og det samme gjorde digebyggeri i marsken, anlæg af fæstninger og træ til skibe og trækul. I det 17. århundrede drev besættelsesstyrker rovdrift på skovene. Fra 1600-tallet og frem skulle en række forordninger standse ødelæggelserne, og der blev taget inititiativ til at plante skov, så udviklingen kan siges at vende i det 18. århundrede, omend det først slog reelt igennem i det 19

    Quality circles to identify barriers, facilitating factors, and solutions for high-quality primary care for asylum seekers

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    Straßner C, Gewalt SC, Becker von Rose P, Lorenzen D, Szecsenyi J, Bozorgmehr K. Quality circles to identify barriers, facilitating factors, and solutions for high-quality primary care for asylum seekers. BJGP Open. 2017;1(3):BJGP-2017-0112

    CD9 controls integrin α5β1-mediated cell adhesion by modulating its association with the metalloproteinase ADAM17

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    Integrin α5β1 is a crucial adhesion molecule that mediates the adherence of many cell types to the extracellular matrix through recognition of its classic ligand fibronectin as well as to other cells through binding to an alternative counter-receptor, the metalloproteinase ADAM17/TACE. Interactions between integrin α5β1 and ADAM17 may take place both in trans (between molecules expressed on different cells) or in cis (between molecules expressed on the same cell) configurations. It has been recently reported that the cis association between α5β1 and ADAM17 keeps both molecules inactive, whereas their dissociation results in activation of their adhesive and metalloproteinase activities. Here we show that the tetraspanin CD9 negatively regulates integrin α5β1-mediated cell adhesion by enhancing the cis interaction of this integrin with ADAM17 on the cell surface. Additionally we show that, similarly to CD9, the monoclonal antibody 2A10 directed to the disintegrin domain of ADAM17 specifically inhibits integrin α5β1-mediated cell adhesion to its ligands fibronectin and ADAM17.This work has been supported by the grant SAF2016-77096-R from Ministerio Español de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) awarded to CC, by a grant from Fundación Ramón Areces Ayudas a la Investigación en Ciencias de la Vida y de la Materia, 2014 awarded to MY-M, and by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 877, A6, Z3 and SPP1710) to JG and I

    Interleukin-6 receptor specific RNA aptamers for cargo delivery into target cells

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    Aptamers represent an emerging strategy to deliver cargo molecules, including dyes, drugs, proteins or even genes, into specific target cells. Upon binding to specific cell surface receptors aptamers can be internalized, for example by macropinocytosis or receptor mediated endocytosis. Here we report the in vitro selection and characterization of RNA aptamers with high affinity (Kd = 20 nM) and specificity for the human IL-6 receptor (IL-6R). Importantly, these aptamers trigger uptake without compromising the interaction of IL-6R with its natural ligands the cytokine IL-6 and glycoprotein 130 (gp130). We further optimized the aptamers to obtain a shortened, only 19-nt RNA oligonucleotide retaining all necessary characteristics for high affinity and selective recognition of IL-6R on cell surfaces. Upon incubation with IL-6R presenting cells this aptamer was rapidly internalized. Importantly, we could use our aptamer, to deliver bulky cargos, exemplified by fluorescently labeled streptavidin, into IL-6R presenting cells, thereby setting the stage for an aptamer-mediated escort of drug molecules to diseased cell populations or tissues

    CD9 Controls Integrin α5β1-Mediated Cell Adhesion by Modulating Its Association With the Metalloproteinase ADAM17

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    Integrin α5β1 is a crucial adhesion molecule that mediates the adherence of many cell types to the extracellular matrix through recognition of its classic ligand fibronectin as well as to other cells through binding to an alternative counter-receptor, the metalloproteinase ADAM17/TACE. Interactions between integrin α5β1 and ADAM17 may take place both in trans (between molecules expressed on different cells) or in cis (between molecules expressed on the same cell) configurations. It has been recently reported that the cis association between α5β1 and ADAM17 keeps both molecules inactive, whereas their dissociation results in activation of their adhesive and metalloproteinase activities. Here we show that the tetraspanin CD9 negatively regulates integrin α5β1-mediated cell adhesion by enhancing the cis interaction of this integrin with ADAM17 on the cell surface. Additionally we show that, similarly to CD9, the monoclonal antibody 2A10 directed to the disintegrin domain of ADAM17 specifically inhibits integrin α5β1-mediated cell adhesion to its ligands fibronectin and ADAM17