107 research outputs found

    Sexually transmitted infections and the HPV-related burden: evolution of Italian epidemiology and policy

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    Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a major public health problem worldwide, with a high prevalence between the ages of 15 and 25 in most Western countries. High notification rates of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis are reported in the WHO European Region, with differences between countries. In Italy, the total number of STIs alerts increased by 18% from 2020 to 2021. HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection; globally one in seven women is infected by this virus, and certain sexual behaviors are important risk factors for HPV-related cancers, particularly cervical cancer (CC), anogenital cancers and cancers of the head and neck. The burden of CC is relevant worldwide, in particular in Europe CC is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women aged 15–44. This HPV-related tumor is preventable through a combined strategy of vaccination and screening for precursor lesions. In Italy, the coverage of organized screening varies from region to region and the average HPV vaccination rate is still far from the expected optimal threshold of 95% at the age of 12. To address the challenges of health promotion and HPV prevention, priority actions are needed such as: promoting education and information at every level, from schools to healthcare professionals. In Italy, education of adolescents on sexual and reproductive health, still remains critical, regionally inhomogeneous and much lower than in other European countries. Equitable measures need to be taken, and schools are an important place for health promotion activities

    Maternal age and the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes: a retrospective cohort study

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    The increased potential for negative pregnancy outcomes in both extremes of reproductive age is a well-debated argument. The aim of this study was to analyze the prevalence and the outcome of pregnancies conceived at extreme maternal ages

    "Water or not water: That is the question." Analysis of costs and consumption of the operating theaters in a greener perspective

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    Objective: To compare the amounts of water and plastic used in surgical hand washing with medicated soaps and with alcohol-based products and to compare costs and consumption in a year, based on scheduled surgical activity. Method: This retrospective study was carried out at Udine's Gynecology Operating Block from October to November 2022. We estimated the average amount of water with a graduated cylinder and the total cost of water usage based on euros/m3 indicated by the supplier; for each antiseptic agent we collected the data relevant to wash time, amount of water and product used per scrub, number of handscrubs made with every 500 mL bottle and cost of a single bottle. We put data into two hypothetical contexts, namely WHO guidelines and manufacturers' recommendations. Data were subjected to statistical analysis. Results: The daily amount of water using povidone-iodine, chlorhexidine-gluconate and alcohol-based antiseptic agents was 187.6, 140.7 and 0 L/day (P value = 0.001), respectively; A total of 69 000 L/year of water would be saved if alcohol-based products were routinely used. A single unit of an alcohol-based product allows three times as many handscrubs as any other product (P value = 0.001) with consequent reduction in plastic packaging. Conclusion: Despite the cost saving being negligible, choosing alcohol-based handrub over medicated soap handrub - on equal antiseptic efficacy grounds - could lead to a significant saving of water and plastic, thus making our operating theaters more environmentally friendly

    Partial vs. complete course of antenatal corticosteroid prophylaxis: An Italian single center retrospective study

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    Introduction: This study aimed to compare the outcomes of preterm infants given 12 vs. 24mg of betamethasone prophylaxis to understand whether a partial course of antenatal corticosteroids (CCS) could prevent or mitigate the major preterm birth complications. Methods: This is a retrospective single-center cohort study including neonates born between 24 and 34 weeks of gestation from 2001 to 2019 at the University Hospital of Udine. The study population was divided into two groups: one group received 12mg, and another received a 24mg dose of betamethasone before the delivery. A separate analysis was performed for single and multiple pregnancies. The two groups were evaluated for various neonatal outcomes. Results: The study population included a total of 1,258 pregnancies and 1,543 neonates delivered between 24 and 34 weeks of gestation, of which 1,022 (803 single and 219 multiple pregnancies) were exposed to the complete CCS prophylaxis, whereas 236 (192 single and 44 multiple pregnancies) received the incomplete CCS prophylaxis. In single pregnancies, as for maternal characteristics, the most significant differences observed between the two groups are the following: a higher prevalence of spontaneous vaginal deliveries in the incomplete CCS prophylaxis (36.46 vs. 23.91%) and, by contrast, a higher prevalence of cesarean deliveries in the complete CCS prophylaxis group (75.72 vs. 63.02%). As for neonatal outcomes, the low Apgar score in the first and fifth min was significantly more prevalent in the incomplete CCS prophylaxis group compared with the complete CCS prophylaxis group. The group of incomplete CCS prophylaxis reported a higher occurrence of the following outcomes: IVH grade 3-4 (7.81 vs. 3.74%, p < 0.05), PVL (7.29 vs. 1.99% p < 0.05), ROP (23.96 vs. 18.06% p = 0.062), and RDS (84.38 vs. 78.83% p = 0.085). After adjusting for covariates, the complete CCS prophylaxis group in single pregnancies was significantly protective for IVH grade 3-4, PVL, and low Apgar's scores. Similar results were found in multiple pregnancies except for RDS. Discussion: This retrospective single-center cohort study found that, compared with preterm infants treated with 24mg betamethasone in utero, those given half course of betamethasone had a significantly higher prevalence of IVH grade 3-4, PVL, RDS, and lower Apgar scores at 1 and 5 min. In conclusion, the evidence from this single-center retrospective study supports the preference for the complete CCS prophylaxis in women at risk of preterm birth because of its beneficial effect on the main adverse outcomes

    Does Sexual Function and Quality of Life Improve after Medical Therapy in Women with Endometriosis? A Single-Institution Retrospective Analysis

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    Background: Endometriosis is a gynecological condition affecting up to 10% of women of reproductive age and characterized by chronic pain. Pain is the major cause of the impairment of quality of life in all aspects of these patients. Previous studies have shown that endometriosis treatment, hormonal or surgical, has proven effective not only in controlling the disease but also in improving symptoms, and we can assume also effective in improving quality of life. Methods: This study evaluates quality of life and sexual function in patients with endometriosis at the time of diagnosis and after 6 months of medical therapy, to assess the impact of treatment on these aspects. We evaluated retrospectively patients with a diagnosis of endometriosis between 2018 and 2020. All patients underwent gynecological examination and transvaginal ultrasound and filled in three questionnaires. The same evaluation was provided after taking medical hormonal therapy. Results: The improvement of dysmenorrhea, chronic pelvic pain, and dyspareunia after medical treatment were statistically significant. Instead, items concerning arousal, lubrication, and sexual satisfaction showed a statistically significant worsening after therapy. Conclusions: We can state that hormone therapy alone is not sufficient to achieve an improvement in the patient's quality of life and sexual function. Emerging evidence suggests that most of these patients showed a central sensibilization phenomenon characterized by an amplification of the response to a peripheral and/or neuropathic nociceptive trigger, which is expressed by hyperalgesia and allodynia. For this reason, in these patients, it is better to adopt a multimodal and multidisciplinary approach, including other professional figures, that acts on pain and also intervenes in all those conditions that contribute to worsening quality of life

    How BRCA and homologous recombination deficiency change therapeutic strategies in ovarian cancer: a review of literature

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    About 50% of High Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer exhibit a high degree of genomic instability due to mutation of genes involved in Homologous Recombination (HRD) and such defect accounts for synthetic lethality mechanism of PARP inhibitors (PARP-i). Several clinical trials have shown how BRCA and HRD mutational status profoundly affect first line chemotherapy as well as response to maintenance therapy with PARP-i, hence Progression Free Survival and Overall Survival. Consequently, there is urgent need for the development of increasingly reliable HRD tests, overcoming present limitations, as they play a key role in the diagnostic and therapeutic process as well as have a prognostic and predictive value. In this review we offer an overview of the state of the art regarding the actual knowledge about BRCA and HRD mutational status, the rationale of PARPi use and HRD testing (current and in development assays) and their implications in clinical practice and in the treatment decision process, in order to optimize and choose the best tailored therapy in patients with ovarian cancer

    Breast and Axilla Treatment in Ductal Carcinoma In Situ

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    Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) represents a challenge for the breast unit team, beginning from its difficult radiological detection and continuing with its controversial multimodal treatment and management. With the introduction of the mammographic screening, DCIS has become a common diagnosis. In fact, today DCIS is mostly identified by mammography or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The increased prevalence of DCIS diagnosis, in the past, raised the problem of the therapeutic management. In this chapter, the breast and axillary surgery in case of DCIS and the most controversial aspects regarding DCIS management are reviewed based on international guidelines and on the current literature

    Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma: a case report with adjuvant intraoperative treatment

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    Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma is a rare form of malignant mesenchymal neoplasm mainly localized into the limbs, particularly in the thigh and popliteal fossa. It has been classified as a low-grade sarcoma so far, but it shows a tendency to relapse and metastasize. In the early stage of disease, surgery represents the only chance of cure. In case of diffuse metastatic disease, systemic chemotherapy with anthracyclines is the standard of care. In this paper, we present a case of a patient affected by this rare disease and the analysis of radiological, surgical and histopathological aspects
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