5 research outputs found

    A neuroskeletal atlas: Spatial mapping and contextualization of axon subtypes innervating the long bones of C3H and B6 mice

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    Nerves in bone play well-established roles in pain and vasoregulation and have been associated with progression of skeletal disorders, including osteoporosis, fracture, arthritis, and tumor metastasis. However, isolation of the region-specific mechanisms underlying these relationships is limited by our lack of quantitative methods for neuroskeletal analysis and precise maps of skeletal innervation. To overcome these limitations, we developed an optimized workflow for imaging and quantitative analysis of axons in and around the bone, including validation of Baf53b-Cre in concert with R26R-tdTomato (Ai9) as a robust pan-neuronal reporter system for use in musculoskeletal tissues. In addition, we created comprehensive maps of sympathetic adrenergic and sensory peptidergic axons within and around the full length of the femur and tibia in two strains of mice (B6 and C3H). In the periosteum, these maps were related to the surrounding musculature, including entheses and myotendinous attachments to bone. Three distinct patterns of periosteal innervation (termed type I, II, III) were defined at sites that are important for bone pain, bone repair, and skeletal homeostasis. For the first time, our results establish a gradient of bone marrow axon density that increases from proximal to distal along the length of the tibia and define key regions of interest for neuroskeletal studies. Lastly, this information was related to major nerve branches and local maps of specialized mechanoreceptors. This detailed mapping and contextualization of the axonal subtypes innervating the skeleton is intended to serve as a guide during the design, implementation, and interpretation of future neuroskeletal studies and was compiled as a resource for the field as part of the NIH SPARC consortium. © 2021 The Authors. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR).

    Shared autonomic pathways connect bone marrow and peripheral adipose tissues across the central neuraxis

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    Bone marrow adipose tissue (BMAT) is increased in both obesity and anorexia. This is unique relative to white adipose tissue (WAT), which is generally more attuned to metabolic demand. It suggests that there may be regulatory pathways that are common to both BMAT and WAT and also those that are specific to BMAT alone. The central nervous system (CNS) is a key mediator of adipose tissue function through sympathetic adrenergic neurons. Thus, we hypothesized that central autonomic pathways may be involved in BMAT regulation. To test this, we first quantified the innervation of BMAT by tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) positive nerves within the metaphysis and diaphysis of the tibia of B6 and C3H mice. We found that many of the TH+ axons were concentrated around central blood vessels in the bone marrow. However, there were also areas of free nerve endings which terminated in regions of BMAT adipocytes. Overall, the proportion of nerve-associated BMAT adipocytes increased from proximal to distal along the length of the tibia (from ~3-5 to ~14-24%), regardless of mouse strain. To identify the central pathways involved in BMAT innervation and compare to peripheral WAT, we then performed retrograde viral tract tracing with an attenuated pseudorabies virus (PRV) to infect efferent nerves from the tibial metaphysis (inclusive of BMAT) and inguinal WAT (iWAT) of C3H mice. PRV positive neurons were identified consistently from both injection sites in the intermediolateral horn of the spinal cord, reticular formation, rostroventral medulla, solitary tract, periaqueductal gray, locus coeruleus, subcoeruleus, Barrington\u27s nucleus, and hypothalamus. We also observed dual-PRV infected neurons within the majority of these regions. Similar tracings were observed in pons, midbrain, and hypothalamic regions from B6 femur and tibia, demonstrating that these results persist across mouse strains and between skeletal sites. Altogether, this is the first quantitative report of BMAT autonomic innervation and reveals common central neuroanatomic pathways, including putative command neurons, involved in coordinating multiple aspects of sympathetic output and facilitation of parallel processing between bone marrow/BMAT and peripheral adipose tissue

    A bone-specific adipogenesis pathway in fat-free mice defines key origins and adaptations of bone marrow adipocytes with age and disease

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    Bone marrow adipocytes accumulate with age and in diverse disease states. However, their origins and adaptations in these conditions remain unclear, impairing our understanding of their context-specific endocrine functions and relationship with surrounding tissues. In this study, by analyzing bone and adipose tissues in the lipodystrophic \u27fat-free\u27 mouse, we define a novel, secondary adipogenesis pathway that relies on the recruitment of adiponectin-negative stromal progenitors. This pathway is unique to the bone marrow and is activated with age and in states of metabolic stress in the fat-free mouse model, resulting in the expansion of bone marrow adipocytes specialized for lipid storage with compromised lipid mobilization and cytokine expression within regions traditionally devoted to hematopoiesis. This finding further distinguishes bone marrow from peripheral adipocytes and contributes to our understanding of bone marrow adipocyte origins, adaptations, and relationships with surrounding tissues with age and disease

    Sarm1 knockout prevents type 1 diabetic bone disease in females independent of neuropathy

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    Patients with diabetes have a high risk of developing skeletal diseases accompanied by diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN). In this study, we isolated the role of DPN in skeletal disease with global and conditional knockout models of sterile-α and TIR-motif-containing protein-1 (Sarm1). SARM1, an NADase highly expressed in the nervous system, regulates axon degeneration upon a range of insults, including DPN. Global knockout of Sarm1 prevented DPN, but not skeletal disease, in male mice with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Female wild-type mice also developed diabetic bone disease but without DPN. Unexpectedly, global Sarm1 knockout completely protected female mice from T1D-associated bone suppression and skeletal fragility despite comparable muscle atrophy and hyperglycemia. Global Sarm1 knockout rescued bone health through sustained osteoblast function with abrogation of local oxidative stress responses. This was independent of the neural actions of SARM1, as beneficial effects on bone were lost with neural conditional Sarm1 knockout. This study demonstrates that the onset of skeletal disease occurs rapidly in both male and female mice with T1D completely independently of DPN. In addition, this reveals that clinical SARM1 inhibitors, currently being developed for treatment of neuropathy, may also have benefits for diabetic bone through actions outside of the nervous system

    A Neuroskeletal Atlas: Spatial Mapping and Contextualization of Axon Subtypes Innervating the Long Bones of C3H

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    Nerves in bone play well-established roles in pain and vasoregulation and have been associated with progression of skeletal disorders, including osteoporosis, fracture, arthritis, and tumor metastasis. However, isolation of the region-specific mechanisms underlying these relationships is limited by our lack of quantitative methods for neuroskeletal analysis and precise maps of skeletal innervation. To overcome these limitations, we developed an optimized workflow for imaging and quantitative analysis of axons in and around the bone, including validation of Baf53b-Cre in concert with R26R-tdTomato (Ai9) as a robust pan-neuronal reporter system for use in musculoskeletal tissues. In addition, we created comprehensive maps of sympathetic adrenergic and sensory peptidergic axons within and around the full length of the femur and tibia in two strains of mice (B6 and C3H). In the periosteum, these maps were related to the surrounding musculature, including entheses and myotendinous attachments to bone. Three distinct patterns of periosteal innervation (termed type I, II, III) were defined at sites that are important for bone pain, bone repair, and skeletal homeostasis. For the first time, our results establish a gradient of bone marrow axon density that increases from proximal to distal along the length of the tibia and define key regions of interest for neuroskeletal studies. Lastly, this information was related to major nerve branches and local maps of specialized mechanoreceptors. This detailed mapping and contextualization of the axonal subtypes innervating the skeleton is intended to serve as a guide during the design, implementation, and interpretation of future neuroskeletal studies and was compiled as a resource for the field as part of the NIH SPARC consortium. © 2021 The Authors. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR).