1,462 research outputs found

    It\u27s a bitter sweet symphony: Licensing complexities and copyright law in the music industry.

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    Historically, there has consistently been tension in the music industry between the ideas of ownership and accessibility. This past semester, I researched the history of copyright law and how it has evolved in regard to the licensing of musical works. I have conducted a content analysis of The U.S. Copyright Act in the last century to gain insight into its evolution and advancements. After I gathered an adequate understanding of intellectual property law within the realm of the music industry, I focused my case study research on one milestone example of copyright law’s relationship to issues of licensing and ownership rights within the music industry. I analyzed The Verve v. The Rolling Stones dispute surrounding the popular song, “Bitter Sweet Symphony,” and how this case study highlighted copyright infringement complications involved when ownership is called into question after sampling. The case also exemplifies the hypocrisy of certain musicians walking the fine line between musical inspiration and copyright infringement. This case research then led me to inquire more about the repercussions of high-profile cases and the difference between being inspired by musical style and directly copying it. My research process and content analysis have cemented my hypothesis that the music industry has been significantly impacted by the complexities of licensing. If different concepts of U.S. copyright law interpretations had been applied, the outcome of the aforementioned case study infringement would have differed or would not have occurred in the first place

    Alien Registration- Gagnon, Lorence (Allagash, Aroostook County)

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    Perfil psicológico de la obesidad mórbida

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    Este estudio tiene por objetivos detectar las características psicológicas de un grupo de pacientes con obesidad mórbida (IMC≥40); así como analizar si la edad de inicio de la enfermedad determina el perfil psicológico de la persona obesa. Los resultados indican que las personas con obesidad mórbida son conscientes de su enfermedad pero no de la gravedad de la misma, además, no suelen sentirse únicos responsables de su salud. En la misma línea que otros estudios, los datos confirman la comorbilidad que esta enfermedad guarda con los trastornos de personalidad dependiente y compulsivo, sin embargo, no evidencian la existencia de un trastorno psiquiátrico específico. También, revelan que la edad de inicio de la obesidad juega un papel importante en la configuración del perfil psicológico, tanto así que las personas con obesidad mórbida temprana presentan un patrón de personalidad más desfavorable para adherirse a un tratamiento médico/psicológico, complicando así su recuperación.This study has a main aims to detect the characteristics psychological of a groups of patients with morbid obesity (IMC≥40), and analyze if the onset disease age is a variable determining in the features psychological obese. Results reflect that the morbidly obese persons are conscious of their disease but they aren’t of their gravity, furthermore, they don’t feel responsibility of their health. In accordance with other research, this dates shows the comorbidity between this disease and Dependent and Compulsive personalities disorders, nevertheless, it is not possible to establish a typical pattern of psychiatry specify for these patients. Also, dates reveal as the onset obesity age has a fundamental role in the configuration of feature psychological. the individuals with an onset obesity early has a pattern of personality more unfavourable for adhere a medic or psychological treatment, complicating their recuperation

    The Effectiveness of Direct Instruction in Increasing English Reading Fluency for Arabic Speaking English Language Learner Students in Qatar: A Research Case Study

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    The research question addressed in this project was, what effect does Direct Instruction reading curriculum have on improving the reading fluency of Arabic speaking, English language middle school students? It documents one teacher’s experience and results using Direct Instruction reading curricula to improve reading fluency and comprehension of Qatari English Learner students. The author provides a literature review of Direct Instruction research and documents the results of his own efforts to increase the reading fluency of his students using Direct Instruction curricula and methods. He concludes that Direct Instruction was ineffective for his students, as it did not significantly improve fluency and comprehension scores

    The University\u27s Role toward Student-Athletes: A Moral or Legal Obligation

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    A Survey of Financial Responsibility Laws and Compensation of Traffic Victims: A Proposal for Reform

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    One of the most acute socio-economic and legal problems confronting society today concerns the compensation of traffic victims. In 1966, there were 52,500 persons killed as a result of traffic accidents,\u27which constituted nearly one-half of all accident fatalities. In addition, 868,000 persons were injured, and the total cost of motor vehicle accidents was estimated at ten billion dollars. As a result of the steadily rising accident toll, there has been increased concern over means of insuring that victims of automobile accidents will be compensated. This concern has been aggravated by the continued presence of the financially irresponsible motorist. The problem becomes even more acute when one considers that in 1966 there was a total of 94,177,000 motor vehicles registered in the United States and 98,496,000 licensed drivers, whereas by 1983 it is estimated that there will be 115,000,000 vehicles. The states first attempted to solve this problem by means of the financial responsibility law. At present, all 50 states and the District of Columbia have some form of financial responsibility statute, including North Carolina, New York and Massachusetts, which also have compulsory insurance laws. Although vigorously defended by the insurance industry, these financial responsibility statutes have come under strong criticism for failure to achieve their intended purpose. Although a variety of plans for compensation without respect to fault have been proposed--such as, the Columbia Plan, Saskatchewan Plan, Full Aid Insurance, and Basic Protection Insurance-American jurisdictions have retained the fault principle and have concentrated on plans designed to assure that motorists will be capable of responding with damages should the need arise. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to summarize the operation and effect of financial responsibility laws with a consideration of existing problem areas, and to submit suggested proposals for reform

    An evaluation of the challenges facing MSMEs in the informal settlement of Namibia

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    The study investigated challenges facing Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the informal settlements of Namibi

    The Impact of Systematically Hiring Top Talent: A Study of Topgrading as a Rigorous Employee Selection Bundle

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    This research contributes to the employee selection literature by examining the various aspects of value creation derived from systematic approaches to selective hiring and onboarding best practices. These best practices covering the end-to-end spectrum of talent acquisition activities from pre-recruitment to post-hiring performance management are examined through the construct of employee selection bundles. A rigorous type of employee selection bundle called Topgrading is examined across six case studies. This research builds on the employee selection literature by exploring the cross section of organizational learning theory, goal setting theory, and process management theory on the employee selection bundle as a mechanism that positively impacts firm performance

    Subchapter S as a Vehicle in Real Estate and Oil & Gas

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    This article discusses several significant problem areas faced in real estate and oil & gas activities under the new rules for S corporations enacted by the Subchapter S Revision Act of 1982 (hereinafter the 1982 Act ),\u27 as modified by the Tax Reform Act of 1984 (hereinafter the 1984 Act ). The 1982 Act brought the taxation of S corporations and shareholders more in line with the partnership model, thus making the law conform more to the expectations of the parties. At the same time, the 1982 Act removed many of the serious pitfalls and the sought after planning devices under the old law. Nevertheless, differences between S corporations and partnerships (or proprietorships) remain, as does the necessity for planning in the use of S corporations. Moreover, the law prior to the 1982 Act continues to be applicable to certain oil and gas corporations so electing. The principal objective in making such an election will be to continue use of the former rules relating to the independent producers and royalty owners exemption, which will view the S corporation as a separate entity in applying the daily 1,000 barrel exemption

    Constitutional Law - Search and Seizure - Brief Investigational Stops - Drug Courier Profiles

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    The United States Supreme Court has held that drug courier profiles may be utilized by law enforcement agents to demonstrate that a reasonable suspicion of criminal activity exists in order to justify their brief investigative stop of an individual for questioning within Constitutional parameters. United States v. Sokolow, _ U.S. -, 109 S. Ct. 1581 (1989)