32 research outputs found


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    Quality and safety of laboratory diagnostics are very important and significant affect on the promotion of overall health care. Classification of laboratory diagnostics to preanalytical, analytical and post-analytical phase facilitate the monitoring of the entire laboratory process and the emergence of possible errors. A lot of evidence suggesting that the preanalytical phase is the the most critical part of the process. Some of problems that occur in this phase include non-compliant samples due to misidentification, quantity (insufficient sample volume for analysis) or quality (hemolysed, clotted, contaminated samples) samples. Standardization of the entire process and the timely detection of errors leads to higher quality of laboratory diagnosis, what is best shown in the requirements for laboratory accreditation to ISO 15189th. The duty and obligation of laboratory are a permanent education of clinical staff, patients and other users for all procedures that contribute the quality of the sample

    How to use tumor markers in clinical practice Lorena Honović

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    Tumor markers are substances, usually proteins that are produced by the body in response to cancer growth or by the cancer tissue itself and they may be detected in blood, urine, or tissue samples. Some tumor markers are specific for a particular type of cancer, while others are seen in several cancer types. Most of the well-known markers may also be elevated in non-cancerous conditions. Tumor markers provide information that can be used to: diagnose, stage, determine prognosis, guide treatment, monitor treatment and determine recurrence. However, numerous clinical trials have shown that the diagnostic value of tumor markers in early detection and diagnosis of disease is over valuated. In the past few years, a The awareness of the limitations of the tumor marker analysis, in particular tumor markers for non-cancerous diseases leading to possible value increases (false positives), is also indispensable. All of this led to the definition of guidelines for good practice, including the design of quality control, rules for requesting, validation and interpretation of results, and the setting up of a serum library


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    Quality and safety of laboratory diagnostics are very important and significant affect on the promotion of overall health care. Classification of laboratory diagnostics to preanalytical, analytical and post-analytical phase facilitate the monitoring of the entire laboratory process and the emergence of possible errors. A lot of evidence suggesting that the preanalytical phase is the the most critical part of the process. Some of problems that occur in this phase include non-compliant samples due to misidentification, quantity (insufficient sample volume for analysis) or quality (hemolysed, clotted, contaminated samples) samples. Standardization of the entire process and the timely detection of errors leads to higher quality of laboratory diagnosis, what is best shown in the requirements for laboratory accreditation to ISO 15189th. The duty and obligation of laboratory are a permanent education of clinical staff, patients and other users for all procedures that contribute the quality of the sample

    Normal reference ranges for laboratory tests in pregnancy

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    Trudnoća je stanje u kojem se javlja niz fizioloÅ”kih promjena u organizmu, koje se očituju i u promijenjenim vrijednostima nekih laboratorijskih parametara. Vrijednosti laboratorijskih parametara u trudnoći zahtijevaju stoga interpretaciju u sasvim drukčijim okvirima referentnih intervala, koji moraju biti specifični za trudnoću, jer se vrijednosti parametara krvne slike, jetrenih funkcija, koagulacijskih faktora, CRP-a, SE-a i brojnih drugih laboratorijskih parametara značajno razlikuju u odnosu na negravidno stanje žene. Opstetričari, ali i liječnici ostalih specijalnosti koji skrbe o trudnicama, pritom trebaju razumjeti fizioloÅ”ki mehanizam adaptacije i poznavati granične vrijednosti pojedinih laboratorijskih parametara, kako ne bi doÅ”lo do pogreÅ”ke u njihovoj interpretaciji, Å”to bi moglo rezultiratineopravdanim liječenjem zdravih trudnica, odnosno previdom razvoja patoloÅ”kih stanja u trudnoći. Medicinsko-biokemijski laboratoriji zdravstvenih ustanova koje skrbe o trudnicama trebali bi uključiti u svoje popise referentnih vrijednosti i vrijednosti specifične za trudnoću, Å”to bi pridonijelo kvaliteti praćenja trudnoće.Pregnancy is a state that induces a number of physiological changes in the organism, which result in changes in laboratory values. Consequently, laboratory values during pregnancy should be interpreted based on the very different set of pregnancy-specific reference ranges, considering that blood count, liver parameters, coagulation factors, C-reactive protein, sedimentation, and other factors differ significantly compared to their non-gravid values. Obstetricians and other physicians, who participate in pregnancy management, should understand the physiological mechanism of adaptation and be able to recognise the threshold laboratory values of each parameter in order to prevent not only misinterpretation and subsequent unjustified treatment of healthy pregnant women, but also failure to recognize pathological findings in pregnancy. Healthcare laboratories that provide care to pregnant women should include pregnancy-specific referent ranges to their standard laboratory values tables in order to improve the quality of pregnancy management