5 research outputs found
Research highlights from the 2018 European Respiratory Society International Congress: Airway disease
The annual European Respiratory Society (ERS) International Congress (held in Paris in 2018) was once again a platform for discussion of the highest-quality scientific research, cutting-edge techniques and innovative new therapies within the respiratory field. This article discusses only some of the high-quality research studies presented at this year’s Congress, with a particular focus on airway diseases including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchiectasis and cough, as presented through Assembly 5 of the ERS (Airway Diseases: Asthma and COPD). The authors establish the key take-home messages of these studies, compare their findings and place them in the context of current understanding.Health Research Boar
Identification of oxidative stress related proteins as biomarkers for lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in bronchoalveolar lavage
Lung cancer (LC) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) commonly coexist in smokers, and the presence of COPD increases the risk of developing LC. Cigarette smoke causes oxidative stress and an inflammatory response in lung cells, which in turn may be involved in COPD and lung cancer development. The aim of this study was to identify differential proteomic profiles related to oxidative stress response that were potentially involved in these two pathological entities. Protein content was assessed in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) of 60 patients classified in four groups: COPD, COPD and LC, LC, and control (neither COPD nor LC). Proteins were separated into spots by two dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) and examined by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/TOF). A total of 16 oxidative stress regulatory proteins were differentially expressed in BAL samples from LC and/or COPD patients as compared with the control group. A distinct proteomic reactive oxygen species (ROS) protein signature emerged that characterized lung cancer and COPD. In conclusion, our findings highlight the role of the oxidative stress response proteins in the pathogenic pathways of both diseases, and provide new candidate biomarkers and predictive tools for LC and COPD diagnosis
Comparaciones entre asociaciones de broncodilatadores de larga duración para la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica
A pesar de la aparición de numerosas revisiones sistemáticas y metaanálisis sobre el uso de la doble
terapia broncodilatadora para el tratamiento de la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica, la eficacia
comparada de estas combinaciones entre sí no se ha explorado tan exhaustivamente. En la presente revi-
sión narrativa se revisan los primeros estudios de doble terapia broncodilatadora y se evalúan los estudios
que comparan dobles terapias broncodilatadoras en dispositivos por separado y en un único dispositivo.
Los primeros ensayos de doble terapia en dispositivos separados se realizaron como una prueba de con-
cepto sobre la función pulmonar con escaso tiempo de seguimiento o un número de pacientes reducido.
Estos estudios mostraban mejorías no consistentes en función pulmonar, con escasa repercusión en sín-
tomas u otros resultados clínicos. Los estudios que han comparado de forma directa la combinación de
dos broncodilatadores de acción prolongada a dosis fijas en un único dispositivo han explorado principal-
mente las diferencias entre umeclidinio-vilanterol y diversas asociaciones. Estos trabajos muestran una
mayor capacidad broncodilatadora de umeclidinio-vilanterol, con una reducción del uso de medicación
de rescate. Por otro lado, no se observan diferencias aparentes en el control sintomático que ofrecen estas
combinaciones entre sí y existen dudas sobre su impacto en la prevención de agudizaciones moderadas
o graves. En el futuro sería interesante poder disponer de estudios que indiquen el efecto a largo plazo
de estas combinaciones en el curso de la enfermedad, así como estudios encaminados a investigar los
determinantes de las respuestas a estos fármacos tanto en función pulmonar como en síntomas, calidad
de vida y exacerbacionesDespite the publication of numerous systematic reviews and meta-analyses on the use of dual bronchodi-
lator therapy in the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, the comparative efficacy of the
different combinations has not been explored in depth. In this narrative review, we revisit the initial dual
bronchodilator therapy studies and evaluate studies that compare dual bronchodilator therapies admi-
nistered in separate devices and in a single device. The first trials on dual therapy delivered in separate
devices were conducted as proof of concept studies, exploring lung function in limited patient numbers
with short follow-up periods. These studies showed inconsistent improvements in lung function with
little impact on symptoms or other clinical outcomes. Studies that directly compared fixed doses of long-
acting bronchodilators in a single device investigated differences between umeclidinium/vilanterol and
other combinations. These studies show increased bronchodilator capacity of umeclidinium/vilanterol
with reduced use of rescue medication. However, no apparent differences were observed in the sympto-
matic control achieved by these different combinations, raising doubts about their impact on preventi
Telephone Support for Copd Patients During COVID-19
La imposición del estado de alarma por el Gobierno Español como principal medida para evitar el contagio ha supuesto un cambio en la aproximación clínica al paciente crónico. Aunque las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación nos ofrecen numerosas formas de establecer un contacto directo, pero en la distancia, las peculiaridades del paciente con EPOC hacen que con frecuencia esta atención sanitaria se vea reducida al teléfono. El reto de atender a los pacientes con EPOC por teléfono supone una complejidad añadida a la atención sanitaria. La entrevista se realizará sin la exploración del paciente, sin nuevas pruebas complementarias y sin poder verificar la técnica inhalatoria. Por tanto, los sanitarios que realicen estas entrevistas deben estar entrenados para conseguir realizarla adecuadamente para permitir la toma de decisiones. Este documento va dirigido a profesionales sanitarios que tengan que realizar algún tipo de atención telefónica a pacientes con EPOC durante la pandemia de SARS-CoV-2 y se basa en la experiencia de sus autores en entrevistas telefónicas mantenidas durante esta pandemia. En él se resumen aspectos esenciales sobre cómo debe afrontar esta entrevista, cómo llevarla a cabo, qué aspectos se deben tener presentes, cómo organizarla y cómo informar a los pacientes. Es muy probable que a partir de ahora este tipo de entrevista tenga que generalizarse para la atención de nuestros pacientes, por lo que necesitamos aprender a estructurar muchas de las visitas clínicas que hasta ahora se hacían presenciales en un nuevo modelo de atención sanitaria.The state of alarm declared by the Spanish government as the main measure for preventing contagion has involved a change in the clinical management of chronic patients. Although new communication technologies offer us many ways to establish direct but remote contact, the peculiarities of the COPD patient often mean that their healthcare is reduced to telephone calls. The challenge of caring for COPD patients is made even more complex when it has to be delivered over the phone. The interview must be conducted without examining the patient, without performing additional tests, and without checking their inhalation technique. Therefore, healthcare providers who conduct these interviews must be trained to perform them properly in order to make the right decisions. This document is aimed at healthcare professionals who need to provide some form of telephone care to COPD patients during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and is based on the authors’ experience in telephone interviews conducted during this period. It summarizes essential aspects of how this interview should be approached, how to conduct it, what factors should be kept in mind, how to organize the interview, and how to keep patients informed. It is very likely that from now on this type of interview will be common practice in the care of our patients, so we need to learn how to structure a new model of healthcare for many of the clinical visits that have until now been conducted face-to-face