8,073 research outputs found


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    We synthesize recent case studies on rural poverty in six Latin American countries, plus two thematic studies. We find that the return to education in farming is surprisingly small; land redistribution increases total farm output, but has mixed effects on income; and urban economic growth significantly reduces rural poverty.Community/Rural/Urban Development, Food Security and Poverty,

    Stable approximation schemes for optimal filters

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    A stable filter has the property that it asymptotically `forgets' initial perturbations. As a result of this property, it is possible to construct approximations of such filters whose errors remain small in time, in other words approximations that are uniformly convergent in the time variable. As uniform approximations are ideal from a practical perspective, finding criteria for filter stability has been the subject of many papers. In this paper we seek to construct approximate filters that stay close to a given (possibly) unstable filter. Such filters are obtained through a general truncation scheme and, under certain constraints, are stable. The construction enables us to give a characterisation of the topological properties of the set of optimal filters. In particular, we introduce a natural topology on this set, under which the subset of stable filters is dense

    A feeble window on leptophilic dark matter

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    In this paper we study a leptophilic dark matter scenario involving feeble dark matter coupling to the Standard Model (SM) and compressed dark matter-mediator mass spectrum. We consider a simplified model where the SM is extended with one Majorana fermion, the dark matter, and one charged scalar, the mediator, coupling to the SM leptons through a Yukawa interaction. We first discuss the dependence of the dark matter relic abundance on the Yukawa coupling going continuously from freeze-in to freeze-out with an intermediate stage of conversion driven freeze-out. Focusing on the latter, we then exploit the macroscopic decay length of the charged scalar to study the resulting long-lived-particle signatures at collider and to explore the experimental reach on the viable portion of the parameter space.Comment: 32 pages, 10 figure

    La privatización y la reestructuración de la fuerza laboral en todo el mundo

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    (Disponible en idioma inglés únicamente) Los críticos de la privatización sostienen que una reestructuración insuficiente de la fuerza laboral es una inquietud clave y que los gobiernos deberían crear mejores programas de reducción. Ponemos a prueba, empleando datos nuevos de una muestra aleatoria de 400 compañías de todo el mundo, las teorías en pugna acerca del acierto de los programas de reducción y sus repercusiones sobre los precios que pagan los compradores y las políticas de reenganche de los propietarios privados a continuación de una privatización. Nuestros resultados demuestran que los programas de reducción que llevan a cabo los gobiernos antes de una privatización están plagados de problemas de selección adversa. Al controlar la naturaleza endógena, varias políticas de reducción laboral tienen efectos negativos sobre los precios netos de la privatización. A modo de confirmación del argumento a favor de la selección adversa, varios tipos de redimensionamiento voluntario conducen a una mayor frecuencia de reenganche de los mismos trabajadores por parte de los nuevos dueños de la empresa privatizada. Los programas obligatorios basados en la capacitación son el único tipo de programas que guardan algún tipo de relación con precios más elevados y niveles más bajos de reenganche tras la privatización, pero los costos políticos y económicos de esta política pueden hacerla poco práctica. Lo más adecuado con respecto a la reducción laboral antes de una privatización parece ser una decisión moderada de no intervenir.

    Pension funds and national saving

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    The authors conduct an empirical study on the effect of the accumulation of pension fund financial assets, on national saving, using a panel of 43 industrial, and developing countries. The authors find evidence suggesting that the accumulation of pension fund financial assets might increase national saving, when these funds are the result of a mandatory pension program. By contrast, national saving might be unaffected, when pension funds are the result of a public program, implemented to foster voluntary pension saving.Environmental Economics&Policies,Banks&Banking Reform,Payment Systems&Infrastructure,Economic Theory&Research,Contractual Savings,Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Investment&Savings,Banks&Banking Reform,Economic Theory&Research,Contractual Savings

    The Truth About Privatization in Latin America

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    Privatization is under attack. Criticisms run from corrupt deals to abuse of market power and social welfare losses. We evaluate the empirical record on privatization relying on recent comprehensive studies from Latin America. There are four main results. First, the increased profitability of privatized firms is not explained by sample selection biases. Second, in the quest to identify the sources of increased profitability after privatization, we find little evidence that validates concerns of generalized market power abuses, exploitation of workers and lack of fiscal benefits. Third, the manner in which privatization is carried out matters. Transparency and homogeneity in procedures, speed, and limited restructuring prior to privatization lead to better outcomes and less room for corruption and discretion. Finally, privatization’s success is enhanced by two complementary policies: re-regulation or deregulation of industries previously shielded from competitive forces; and an effective corporate governance framework that facilitates privatized firms’ access to capital at lower costs. Overall, the empirical record shows that privatization leads to increased profitability and productivity, firm restructuring, fiscal benefits, output growth and even quality improvements. Most cases of privatization failure can be linked to poor contract design, opaque processes with heavy state involvement, lack of re-regulation and a poor corporate governance framework.

    Privatization and labor force restructuring around the world

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    Some critics of privatization argue that poor labor force restructuring is a key concern and that governments should establish better retrenchment programs. Using new data from a sample of 400 companies in the world, Chong and Lopez-de-Silanes test competing theories about the wisdom of retrenchment programs and theireffect on prices paid by buyers, and rehiring policies by private owners after privatization. The results show that adverse selection plagues retrenchment programs carried out by governments before privatization. Controlling for endogeneity, several labor retrenchment policies yield a negative impact on net privatization prices. In confirmation of the adverse selection argument, various types of voluntary downsizing lead to a higher frequency of rehiring of the same workers by the new private owners. Compulsory skill-based programs are the only type of program that is marginally associated with higher prices and lower rehiring rates after privatization, but the political and economic costs of this policy may make it somewhat impractical. While a qualified non-intervention policy appears to be the safest bet in labor retrenchment before privatization, another one might be to set up a social safety net or labor reallocation program before privatization, and then let the new private owners decide who is redundant and who is not. Setting up the program before privatization may help with the political viability of the process and letting the new owners manage the retrenchment may help avoid adverse selection.Environmental Economics&Policies,Banks&Banking Reform,Labor Policies,Municipal Financial Management,Financial Crisis Management&Restructuring,Banks&Banking Reform,Municipal Financial Management,Environmental Economics&Policies,Financial Crisis Management&Restructuring,Health Economics&Finance

    Corporate Governance and Firm Value in Mexico

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    The objective of this paper is twofold. On one hand, we undertake an analysis of the recent evolution of capital markets and their effect on the availability of external financing in Mexico in the last two decades. On the other hand, based on a newly assembled firm-level data set on corporate governance and firm performance, we show that better firm-level corporate governance practices are linked to higher valuations, better performance and more dividends disbursed to investors. These results hold after controlling for endogeneity. Overall, the evidence shows that the Mexican legal environment poses serious problems for access to capital.