4,233 research outputs found

    Projeto Escola de Tempo Integral como pol?tica p?blica em escolas de educa??o b?sica de Diamantina: mais tempo de uma outra educa??o?

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    Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal investigar a implanta??o do Projeto Escola de Tempo Integral (PROETI) como pol?tica p?blica em escolas de educa??o b?sica em Diamantina-MG, a sua trajet?ria, bem como analisar se o ?mais tempo? nestas escolas ressignifica mais tempo de uma outra educa??o, na percep??o dos profissionais envolvidos no Projeto. Este estudo teve como recorte temporal o per?odo de 2008 a 2016. Para conduzir esta investiga??o, a metodologia utilizada envolveu a pesquisa qualitativa, tendo como procedimentos o estudo de caso, a pesquisa bibliogr?fica e a documental, al?m do instrumento metodol?gico da entrevista semiestruturada com os envolvidos no Projeto. O aporte te?rico desta pesquisa foi norteado por autores que abordam a tem?tica da educa??o integral/tempo integral como pol?tica p?blica, dentre eles: ARROYO (1998, 2000, 2006, 2012), CAVALIERE (2002, 2007), GUAR? (2006), MOLL (2004, 2009, 2012), MORAES (2013) e TEIXEIRA (1969, 1976, 1999). A discuss?o e a interpreta??o dos dados coletados foram realizadas mediante a an?lise de conte?do na perspectiva de Bardin (2011). Como resultado, este estudo concluiu que os projetos e programas relacionados ? educa??o integral nas escolas pesquisadas est?o em processo de implementa??o, mas ainda n?o est?o consolidados conforme as diretrizes estabelecidas pela SEE/MG. O tempo a mais nestas escolas, do PROETI ao PEI, ainda n?o significa mais tempo de uma outra educa??o, mas uma importante experi?ncia da amplia??o da jornada de perman?ncia di?ria dos alunos, tendo em vista o car?ter assistencialista desempenhado por estes projetos. Estima-se que o resultado desta pesquisa possa contribuir para reflex?es acerca da implanta??o e funcionamento dos projetos e programas educacionais com amplia??o de jornada escolar di?ria, servindo de subs?dios para implanta??o em outras escolas, e principalmente, direcionando um olhar mais atento para as dificuldades apontadas, bem como para as possibilidades de desenvolvimento de atividades que realmente sejam traduzidas em mais educa??o, entendida como educa??o integral.Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2017.This research has as main objective to investigate the implantation of the School of Integral Time Project (PROETI) as a public policy in primary schools in Diamantina-MG, its trajectory, as well as to analyze if the "more time" in these schools re-signifies more time of another education, in the perception of the professionals involved in the Project. This study had as a temporary clipping the period from 2008 to 2016. In order to conduct this research, the methodology used involved qualitative research, having as procedures the case study, bibliographical and documentary research, besides the methodological instrument of the semi-structured interview with those involved in the Project. The theoretical contribution of this research was guided by authors who approach the theme of integral education / full time as public policy, among them: ARROYO (1998, 2000, 2006, 2012), CAVALIERE (2002, 2007), GUAR? (2006), MOLL (2004, 2009, 2012), MORAES (2013) and TEIXEIRA (1969, 1976, 1999). The discussion, as well as the interpretation of the data collected, were carried out through content analysis from the perspective of Bardin (2011). As a result, this study concluded that the projects and programs related to integral education in the schools surveyed are in the process of being implemented, but are not yet consolidated according to the guidelines established by the SEE / MG. The longer time in these schools, from PROETI to PEI, still does not mean more time for another education, but an important experience of extending the students' daily stay, in view of the assistentialist character played by these projects. It is estimated that the results of this research may contribute to reflections on the implementation and functioning of educational projects and programs with an increase in the daily school day, serving as subsidies for implantation in other schools, and especially, directing a closer look at the difficulties pointed out, as also for the possibilities of developing activities that really translate into more education, understood as integral education

    BPS dyons and Hesse flow

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    We revisit BPS solutions to classical N=2 low energy effective gauge theories. It is shown that the BPS equations can be solved in full generality by the introduction of a Hesse potential, a symplectic analog of the holomorphic prepotential. We explain how for non-spherically symmetric, non-mutually local solutions, the notion of attractor flow generalizes to gradient flow with respect to the Hesse potential. Furthermore we show that in general there is a non-trivial magnetic complement to this flow equation that is sourced by the momentum current in the solution.Comment: 25 pages, references adde

    Artificial Neural Network Inference (ANNI): A Study on Gene-Gene Interaction for Biomarkers in Childhood Sarcomas

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    Objective: To model the potential interaction between previously identified biomarkers in children sarcomas using artificial neural network inference (ANNI). Method: To concisely demonstrate the biological interactions between correlated genes in an interaction network map, only 2 types of sarcomas in the children small round blue cell tumors (SRBCTs) dataset are discussed in this paper. A backpropagation neural network was used to model the potential interaction between genes. The prediction weights and signal directions were used to model the strengths of the interaction signals and the direction of the interaction link between genes. The ANN model was validated using Monte Carlo cross-validation to minimize the risk of over-fitting and to optimize generalization ability of the model. Results: Strong connection links on certain genes (TNNT1 and FNDC5 in rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS); FCGRT and OLFM1 in Ewing’s sarcoma (EWS)) suggested their potency as central hubs in the interconnection of genes with different functionalities. The results showed that the RMS patients in this dataset are likely to be congenital and at low risk of cardiomyopathy development. The EWS patients are likely to be complicated by EWS-FLI fusion and deficiency in various signaling pathways, including Wnt, Fas/Rho and intracellular oxygen. Conclusions: The ANN network inference approach and the examination of identified genes in the published literature within the context of the disease highlights the substantial influence of certain genes in sarcomas

    The use of fluoroproline in MUC1 antigen enables efficient detection of antibodies in patients with prostate cancer

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    A structure-based design of a new gene22ration tumor-associated glycopeptides with improved affinity against two anti-MUC1 antibodies is described. These unique antigens feature a fluorinated proline residue, such as a (4S)-4-fluoro-L-proline or 4,4-difluoroproline, at the most immunogenic domain. Binding assays using bio-layer interferometry reveal 3-fold to 10-fold affinity improvement with respect to the natural (glyco)peptides. According to X-ray crystallography and MD simulations, the fluorinated residues stabilize the antigen-antibody complex by enhancing key CH/ interactions. Interestingly, a notable improvement in detection of cancer-associated anti-MUC1 antibodies from serum of patients with prostate cancer is achieved with the non-natural antigens, which proves that these derivatives can be considered better diagnostic tools than the natural antigen for this type of cancer.We thank the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (projects CTQ2015-67727-R, UNLR13-4E-1931, CTQ2013-44367-C2-2-P, CTQ2015-64597-C2-1P, and BFU2016-75633-P). I. A. B. thanks the Asociación Española Contra el Cancer en La Rioja for a grant. I. S. A. and G. J. L. B. thank FCT Portugal (PhD studentship and FCT Investigator, respectively) and the EPSRC for funding. G. J. L. B. holds a Royal Society URF and an ERC StG (TagIt). F.C. and G. J. L. B thank the EU (Marie-Sklodowska Curie ITN, Protein Conjugates). R.H-G. thanks Agencia Aragonesa para la Investigación y Desarrollo (ARAID) and the Diputación General de Aragón (DGA, B89) for financial support. The research leading to these results has also received funding from the FP7 (2007-2013) under BioStruct-X (grant agreement N°283570 and BIOSTRUCTX_5186). We thank synchrotron radiation source DIAMOND (Oxford) and beamline I04 (number of experiment mx10121-19). Hokkaido University group acknowledges to JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 25220206 and JSPS Wakate B KAKENHI Grant Number 24710242. We also thank CESGA (Santiago de Compostela) for computer support

    Photosynthetic quantum efficiency in south‐eastern Amazonian trees may be already affected by climate change

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    Tropical forests are experiencing unprecedented high‐temperature conditions due to climate change that could limit their photosynthetic functions. We studied the high‐temperature sensitivity of photosynthesis in a rainforest site in southern Amazonia, where some of the highest temperatures and most rapid warming in the Tropics have been recorded. The quantum yield (F v /F m ) of photosystem II was measured in seven dominant tree species using leaf discs exposed to varying levels of heat stress. T 50 was calculated as the temperature at which F v /F m was half the maximum value. T 5 is defined as the breakpoint temperature, at which F v /F m decline was initiated. Leaf thermotolerance in the rapidly warming southern Amazonia was the highest recorded for forest tree species globally. T 50 and T 5 varied between species, with one mid‐storey species, Amaioua guianensis , exhibiting particularly high T 50 and T 5 values. While the T 50 values of the species sampled were several degrees above the maximum air temperatures experienced in southern Amazonia, the T 5 values of several species are now exceeded under present‐day maximum air temperatures