5 research outputs found

    Biomarcadores inflamat?rios em indiv?duos adultos com sobrepeso e obesidade.

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    Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Sa?de e Nutri??o. Escola de Nutri??o, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.A obesidade ? um grave problema de sa?de publica cuja preval?ncia vem crescendo acentuadamente nas ultimas d?cadas, inclusive em pa?ses em desenvolvimento. Trata-se de um fen?meno de transi??o nutricional precursor de doen?as cr?nico-degenerativas n?o transmiss?veis. A obesidade como condi??o inflamat?ria basal tem aberto novos horizontes para a identifica??o demarcadores inflamat?rios com utiliza??o em diagnostico ou progn?stico para as doen?as cr?nico-degenerativas. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo objetiva a quantifica??o de marcadores inflamat?rios plasm?ticos (CCL2, CCL5, CXCL16, leptina, resistina e BMP-2) correlacionando-os com marcadores cl?nicos, bioqu?micos (glicose de jejum, hemograma completo, colesterol total e fra??es, horm?nios T3, T4 e TSH) e antropom?tricos (peso, altura, circunfer?ncias corporais, pregas cut?neas e porcentagem de gordura corporal) em adultos jovens (18 a 30 anos) com sobrepeso e obesidade. Nossos resultados demostraram aumento dos par?metros antropom?tricos em indiv?duos com sobrepeso/obesidade, bem como dos n?veis plasm?ticos dos marcadores, exceto o BMP-2. Ainda, observou-se correla??o da resistina, CCL2 e CCL5 com valores de ?ndice de massa corporal e porcentagem de gordura corporal nos indiv?duos avaliados. Dessa forma, o presente estudo indica um risco potencial para os indiv?duos com sobrepeso pela similaridade nos n?veis de marcadores inflamat?rios associados ?s comorbidades associadas ? obesidade. Sugere-se, ainda, que novas investiga??es sejam realizadas objetivando um estudo de amostragem populacional para confirma??o das quimiocinas CCL5, CCL2, CXCL16 como indicadores de progn?stico clinico para comorbidades associadas ? obesidade humana.Obesity is a serious and growing world healthy problem affecting developed and in developing countries. Considered a phenomenon of the nutritional transition, the obesity is a precursor of some non-transmitted chronic degenerative diseases. The new conception of obesity as a basal inflammatory condition opens a new window of possibilities to identify inflammatory biomarkers to be used in the diagnosis or prognosis of obesity-associated comorbidities. Following this conception, this present works aim the quantification and correlation of classic (Leptin and Resistin) and new soluble markers (CCL2, CCL5, CXCL16 and BMP-2) with clinical, biochemical (fasting glucose, hemogram, cholesterol, T3, T4 and TSH) and anthropometric (weight, height, body circumferences, skinfold thickness and percentage of body fat) parameters in young adults (18 to 30 years old) presenting obesity and overweight. Our data showed increasing in anthropometric parameters in those individuals with overweight and obesity as well as in the plasma levels of inflammatory markers except to BMP-2. There was also observed correlation among CCL2, CCL5 and values of body mass index and body fat percentage in the individuals from this study. In summary, this present work proposes the existence of a potential risk to individuals with overweight due the similarity of the circulating inflammatory mediators that is commonly associated with obesity comorbidities. In addition, more investigations should be proposed, in population scale, to reinforce and define the role of the chemokines CCL2, CCL5 and CXCL16 as prognostic indicators of human obesity comorbidities

    Caracteriza??o dos aspectos inflamat?rio e funcionais do ventr?culo esquerdo em c?es infectados com a cepa Berenice 78 do Trypanosoma cruzi ap?s terapia com doxiciclina e benznidazol.

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    Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Ci?ncias Biol?gicas. N?cleo de Pesquisas em Ci?ncias Biol?gicas, Pr?-Reitoria de Pesquisa de P?s Gradua??o, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.A cardiopatia chag?sica (CC) induzida pelo Trypanosoma cruzi ? uma manifesta??o cl?nica dependente da resposta inflamat?ria gerada pelo hospedeiro, ocasionando destrui??o celular/tecidual e, consequente, remodelamento na matriz extracelular card?aca. Citocinas, quimiocinas e outras prote?nas sol?veis ou de membrana participam desta resposta imune e, por isso, estrat?gias farmacol?gicas para regular estes mediadores e desacelerar o remodelamento card?aco na CC tornam-se importantes focos de investiga??o. Na presente proposta, 30 c?es sem ra?a definida foram infectados (ou n?o) pela cepa Berenice-78 (Be-78) do T. cruzi e submetidos ao tratamento di?rio com doses sub-antimicrobial do antibi?tico doxiciclina/Dox durante 12 meses de infec??o (sendo 50mg/Kg manh? e 50mg/kg noite), em associa??o (ou n?o) com o tratamento por 60 dias com o Benznidazol/Bz (7mg/kg ? administrado ? partir do 8? m?s de infec??o), f?rmaco com a??o anti-T. cruzi. Antes e durante os 12 meses de infec??o, estes animais foram avaliados trimestralmente quanto ? fun??o card?aca (ecocardiografia/ECO) e, ap?s a eutan?sia, o tecido card?aco (?trios e ventr?culos) dos animais foram conservados para avalia??o: (i) dos aspectos histopatol?gicos (ii) da cin?tica da CCL2 plasm?tica e ventricular esquerda e da express?o dos receptores de quimiocinas (CCR3 a 6, CCR8 e CXCR3), ambos no ventr?culo esquerdo (VE). Estes par?metros foram avaliados, em paralelo ? an?lise ecocardiogr?fica. Observamos que os tratamentos reduziram a massa card?aca nos animais. A avalia??o histol?gica mostrou aumento do infiltrado inflamat?rio no VE dos animais infectados, mas Dox conseguiu reduzi-lo. A produ??o de CCL2, TNF e IFN-gama no VE foi semelhante em todos os animais infectados, mas no plasma aumentaram no 14? m?s de tratamento em rela??o ao grupo n?o infectado. Juntos, esses dados apontam para o potencial papel das doses sub-antimicrobianas de Dox, em associa??o com o Bz, como estrat?gia farmacol?gica de melhora morfofuncional card?aca associada ? infec??o pelo T. cruzi. Entretanto, novos estudos com diferentes popula??es gen?ticas do parasita e com o estudo da farmacocin?tica de Dox merecem aten??o para consolidar essa proposta.Chagasic cardiopathy (CC) induced by Trypanosoma cruzi is a clinical manifestation dependent on the inflammatory response generated by the host, causing cellular / tissue destruction and, consequently, remodeling in the cardiac extracellular matrix. Cytokines, chemokines and other soluble or membrane proteins participate in this immune response and therefore, pharmacological strategies to regulate these mediators and to reduce the advance of the cardiac remodeling in CC become important foci of investigation. In the present proposal, 30 mongrel dogs were infected (or not) with the T. cruzi, Berenice-78 (Be-78) strain, and submitted to daily treatment with sub-antimicrobial doses of the antibiotic doxycycline/Dox during 12 months of infection (50 mg/kg in morning and 50 mg/kg night), in combination (or not) with the 60 days of treatment with benznidazole / Bz (7 mg/kg administered in the 8th month of infection). Before and during the 12 months of infection, these animals were evaluated quarterly for cardiac function (echocardiography) and, after euthanasia, the blood and/or left ventricle preserved for evaluation of: (i) histopathology (ii) kinetics of plasma CCL2, (as citocinas do Alex Reis) and expression of chemokine receptors (CCR3 to 6, CCR8 and CXCR3) and (iii) MMP activities . These parameters were evaluated in parallel to the echocardiographic analysis. We observed that the treatments reduced the cardiac mass in the animals. The histological evaluation showed an increase in the inflammatory infiltration in the LV of the infected animals, but Dox was able to reduce it. The production of CCL2, TNF e IFN-gama in the LV was similar in all infected animals, but in the plasma, they increased in the 14th month of treatment in relation to the uninfected group. Together, these data point out to the potencial role of the sub-antimicrobial doses of Dox, in association with Bz, as a pharmacological strategy for cardiac morphofunctional improvement associated to the T. cruzi infection. However, new studies with different genetic populations of the parasite and with the study of pharmacokinetics of Dox deserve attention to consolidate this proposal

    CXCL-16, IL-17, and bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2) are associated with overweight and obesity conditions in middle-aged and elderly women.

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    The current concept of overweight/obesity is most likely related to a combination of increased caloric intake and decreased energy expenditure. Widespread inflammation, associated with both conditions, appears to contribute to the development of some obesity-related comorbidities. Interventions that directly or indirectly target individuals at high risk of developing obesity have been largely proposed because of the increasing number of overweight/obese cases worldwide. The aim of the present study was to assess CXCL16, IL-17, and BMP-2 plasma factors in middle-aged and elderly women and relate them to an overweight or obese status. In total, 117 women were selected and grouped as eutrophic, overweight, and obese, according to anthropometric parameters. Analyses of anthropometric and circulating biochemical parameters were followed by plasma immunoassays for CXCL-16, IL- 17, and BMP-2

    High fat diet modulates inflammatory parameters in the heart and liver during acute Trypanosoma cruzi infection.

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    The high fat diet (HFD) can trigger metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. Trypanosoma cruzi infection induces progressive inflammatory manifestations capable to affect the structure and the function of important organs such as the heart and liver. Here we aimed to investigate the effects of a HFD on the immune response and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activities during acute infection with the T. cruzi strain VL-10. The VL-10 strain has cardiac tropism and causes myocarditis in mice. Male C57BL/6 mice were treated with either: (i) regular diet (Reg) or (ii) HFD for 8?weeks, after which mice in each group were infected with T. cruzi. Mice were euthanized on day 30 after infection, and the liver and heart were subjected to histology and zymography to determine MMP-2 activities and plasma levels of IL-10, TNF, CCL2, and CCL5. T. cruzi-infected HFD animals had higher parasitemia, LDL and total cholesterol levels. Regardless of diet, plasma levels of all inflammatory mediators and cardiac MMP-2 activity were elevated in infected mice in contrast with the low plasma levels of leptin. HFD animals presented micro- and macrovesicular hepatic steatosis, while cardiac leukocyte infiltration was mainly detected in T. cruzi-infected mice. Our findings suggested that a HFD promotes higher circulating T. cruzi load and cardiac and liver immunopathogenesis in an experimental model using the VL-10 strain of the T. cruzi

    The overweight increases circulating inflammatory mediators commonly associated with obesity in young individuals.

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    Obesity is a serious and growing world healthy problem affecting developed and developing countries. The new conception of obesity as a basal inflammatory condition has opened a new window of possibilities to identify inflammatory biomarkers to be used in the diagnosis or prognosis of obesity-associated comorbidities. This present work aims the identification of the adipokines (leptin and resistin), chemokines (CCL2, CCL5, CXCL16) and the BMP-2 and their association with the clinical, biochemical (fasting glucose, hemogram, cholesterol, T3, T4 and TSH) and anthropometric (weight, height, body circumferences, skinfold thickness and percentage of body fat) parameters in young adults (18?30?years old) presenting obesity and overweight. Our data showed increasing in anthropometric parameters and in the plasma inflammatory levels in those individuals presenting overweight and obesity. We observed a higher plasma levels of CCL2, CCL5, CXCL16, leptin and resistin in those overweigh and obese individuals. In addition, the CCL2, CCL5 presented a positive correlation with the body mass index and the body fat percentage. Assuming the obesity as a systemic inflammatory process, in this current study, the overweight individuals possess a close similar pattern of circulating inflammatory mediators which might be a potential risk of the development of obesity comorbidities. Further studies are still needed to precise the role of the biomarkers CCL2, CCL5, CXCL16 and BMP-2 in the clinical prognosis related to the overweight or obese individuals