558 research outputs found

    Of combined electric arc coatings

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    The paper considers possibilities to increase the wear resistance for parts machines and mechanisms using combined electric arc coatings thanks to nitriding the coatings deposited. The possibility of controlling the properties of surfaces owing to choice with required characteristics electric arc coatings is shown. The influence of spray factors such as the flow rate and pressure of working gases, composition of combustion mixture, spraying distance, dispersion of the spray, properties of wire material, etc. on the properties of the coatings obtained has been investigated. The paper considers the use of pulse ion nitriding of arc-spray EAS (eelectric arc spraying) coatings from wire materials as one of the efficient ways to increase their performance characteristics.=В работе предложено повышать износостойкость деталей машин и механизмоа комбинированными ЭДН-покрытиями за счет азотирования напыленных покрытий. В работе исследование влияния факторов процесса элпектродугового напыления: расхода и давления рабочих газов, состава горючей смеси, дистанции напыления, дисперсности распыления, свойств материала проволоки и др. на свойства ЭДН-покрытий. В работе рассмотрен один из способов повышения эксплуатационных характеристик ЭДН-покрытий из проволочных материалов посредством использования импульсного ионного азотирования. В работе предложено повышать износостойкостьь и срок службы деталей машин и механизмоа при их упрочнении и реновации комбинированными ЭДН-покрытиями с высокой плотностью, прочностью сцепления и микротвердостью за счет управления параметрами электродугового напыления и процесса азотирования напыленных покрытий. В работе рассмотрена возможность обеспечивать необходимые свойства поверхностей с целью повышения ресурса деталей машин путем регулирования факторами ЭДН. В частности, регулируя скорость и температуру струи транспортирующего газа и частиц можно уменьшить диаметр капель, повысить плотность и снизить окисляемость покрытий. В работе исследование влияния факторов процесса напыления: расхода и давления рабочих газов, состава горючей смеси, дистанции напыления, дисперсности распыления, свойств материала проволоки и др. на свойства ЭДН-покрытий. В работе рассмотрен один из способов повышения эксплуатационных характеристик ЭДН-покрытий из проволочных материалов посредством использования ионного азотирования

    “Цвітіння” води на водозаборі Дніпровської водопровідної станції

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    It was shown the main peculiarities of water bloom on Dnipro water processing station. It was identified the jump of bloom during summer 2015 and 2016 caused by a small water runoff of the Dnipro river and simultaneously by high air and water temperature. Висвітлено основні закономірності “цвітіння” води на водозаборі Дніпровської водопровідної станції. Виявлено спалах “цвітіння” в літній період 2015 і 2016 рр., спричинений невеликою водністю Дніпра і водночас високою температурою повітря і води

    Fidelity of Quantum Interferometers

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    For a generic interferometer, the conditional probability density distribution, p(ϕm)p(\phi|m), for the phase ϕ\phi given measurement outcome mm, will generally have multiple peaks. Therefore, the phase sensitivity of an interferometer cannot be adequately characterized by the standard deviation, such as Δϕ1/N\Delta\phi\sim 1/\sqrt{N} (the standard limit), or Δϕ1/N\Delta\phi\sim 1/N (the Heisenberg limit). We propose an alternative measure of phase sensitivity--the fidelity of an interferometer--defined as the Shannon mutual information between the phase shift ϕ\phi\ and the measurement outcomes mm. As an example application of interferometer fidelity, we consider a generic optical Mach-Zehnder interferometer, used as a sensor of a classical field. We find the surprising result that an entangled {\it N00N} state input leads to a lower fidelity than a Fock state input, for the same photon number.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Characterization of Seafood Proteins Causing Allergic Diseases

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    [Extract] Food allergy is increasing at a faster rate than any other allergic disorder (Gupta et al., 2007). In the last few decades, a large movement toward healthier eating makes seafood one of the major foods consumed worldwide (Wild & Lehrer, 2005). Consequently, the international trade of seafood has been growing rapidly, which reflects the popularity and frequency of consumption worldwide. The United States has become the third largest consumer of seafood in the world, with 1.86 billion kg of crustaceans in 2007 (6.04 kg/capita/year)(Food and Agriculture Organisation, 2007). Since seafood ingestion can cause severe acute hypersensitivity reactions and is recognized as one of the most common food allergies, the increased production and consumption of seafood has resulted in more frequent health problems (Lopata & Lehrer, 2009; Lopata et al., 2010). Exposure to seafood can cause a variety of health problems, including gastrointestinal disorders, urticaria, immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated asthma and anaphylaxis (Bang et al., 2005; Lopata & Lehrer, 2009; Malo & Cartier, 1993; Sicherer et al., 2004; Wild & Lehrer, 2005)

    Relationship between serum omega-3 fatty acid and asthma endpoints

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    Recent studies have highlighted the potential protective role of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) in asthma. This study aimed at determining the association between seafood intake, serum PUFA composition and clinical endpoints of asthma in adults. A cross-sectional study of 642 subjects used the European Committee Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS) questionnaire, skin prick tests, spirometry and methacholine challenge tests following ATS guidelines. Sera was analysed for n-3 and n-6 PUFA composition. Subjects had a mean age of 34 years, were largely female (65%) and 51% were current smokers. While 99% reported fish consumption, rock lobster, mussels, squid and abalone were also consumed less frequently. The prevalence of asthma symptoms was 11%, current asthma (ECRHS definition) was 8% and non-specific bronchial hyperresponsiveness (NSBH) was much higher (26%) In adjusted models the n-3 PUFAs 20:5 (EPA) and 22:5 (DPA) were significantly associated with a decreased risk of having NSBH. Total n-3 PUFA composition was associated with decreased NSBH risk (OR = 0.92), while high n-6 PUFA composition was associated with an increased risk (OR = 1.14)

    Biocompatibility and biodegradation studies of a commercial zinc alloy for temporary mini-implant applications

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    In this study, the biocompatibility and in vitro degradation behaviour of a commercial zinc-based alloy (Zn-5 Al-4 Mg) were evaluated and compared with that of pure zinc for temporary orthopaedic implant applications. Biocompatibility tests were conducted using human alveolar lung epithelial cells (A549), which showed that the zinc alloy exhibits similar biocompatibility as compared to pure zinc. In vitro degradation evaluation was performed using weight loss and electrochemical methods in simulated body fluid (SBF) at 37 degrees C. Weight loss measurements revealed that the degradation of the zinc alloy was slightly lower during the initial immersion period (1-3 days), but marginally increased after 5 and 7 days immersion as compared to pure zinc. Potentiodynamic polarisation experiments showed that the zinc alloy exhibits higher degradation rate than pure zinc. However, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy analysis suggests that pure zinc is susceptible to localized degradation, whereas the zinc alloy exhibited passivation behaviour. Post-degradation analysis revealed localized degradation in both pure zinc and the zinc alloy

    Similar IgE binding patterns in Gulf of Mexico and Southeast Asian shrimp species in US shrimp allergic patients

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    [Extract] Shellfish allergy (SA) is a leading cause of food-induced anaphylaxis1 and one of the most common causes of adult-onset food allergy worldwide, with 1%–3% of the United States (US) population affected.2-4 Nearly half (45%) of US adults with SA report utilizing emergency services for SA symptoms over their lifetime,2 remaining at-risk for lethal allergic reactions. Several allergenic proteins have been identified across shellfish species, including tropomyosin (TM), arginine kinase (AK), myosin light chain (MLC), sarcoplasmic calcium-binding protein (SCP), hemocyanin, troponin C, and triosephosphate isomerase.5 (Table 1.) However, there are a large number of shrimp allergens that have been detected, but not yet characterized.6 The allergens of major importance in SA are the muscle proteins TM and AK. TM, the major allergen with specific-IgE antibodies in ≤90% of SA patients, is associated with severe clinical reactivity. AK is a pan-allergen with cross-reactivity with crustaceans and cephalopods.

    Effects of extraction buffer on the solubility and immunoreactivity of the pacific oyster allergens

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    Despite recent technological advances, novel allergenic protein discovery is limited by their low abundance, often due to specific physical characteristics restricting their recovery during the extraction process from various allergen sources. In this study, eight different extraction buffers were compared for their ability to recover proteins from Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas). The protein composition was investigated using high resolution mass spectrometry. The antibody IgE-reactivity of each extract was determined using a pool of serum from five shellfish-allergic patients. Most of the investigated buffers showed good capacity to extract proteins from the Pacific oyster. In general, a higher concentration of proteins was recovered using high salt buffers or high pH buffers, subsequently revealing more IgE-reactive bands on immunoblotting. In contrast, low pH buffers resulted in a poor protein recovery and reduced IgE-reactivity. Discovery of additional IgE-reactive proteins in high salt buffers or high pH buffers was associated with an increase in allergen abundance in the extracts. In conclusion, increasing the ionic strength and pH of the buffer improves the solubility of allergenic proteins during the extraction process for oyster tissue. This strategy could also be applied for other difficult-to-extract allergen sources, thereby yielding an improved allergen panel for increased diagnostic efficiency

    Identification of novel oyster allergens using a combined transcriptomic and proteomic approach for improved component resolved diagnosis

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    Background: Increasing production and consumption of mollusc is associated with the rise in prevalence of mollusc allergy worldwide, currently ranging from 0.15% to 1.3% of the general population. However, the elucidation of mollusc allergens for better diagnostics still lags behind other seafood groups such as fish and crustacean. Genomic data have been utilized previously for improved identification of non-food allergens by performing similarity searching using the BLAST program. Based on the published genome of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) we aimed to identify the complete potential oyster allergen repertoire using ioinformatics analysis, and to investigate identified protein allergenicity using a combination of immuno-chemical methods and proteomic analysis. Results: Ninety-five potential allergenic proteins of the Pacific oyster were discovered using in silico analyses. These proteins were of same protein family and had more than 50% amino acid identity with their homologous allergens. The allergenicity of these proteins was characterized using a combination of immunoassay and transcriptome-derived proteomics analyses. However The 2D-immunoblotting results showed only twenty two IgE-reactive spots in the raw extract of the Pacific oyster, and six spots in the heated extract. The identity of these IgE-reactive proteins was investigated by mass spectrometry. Sixteen allergens were identified, some with two or more isoforms. Conclusions: The combination of genomics coupled to proteomics and IgE-reactivity profiling is a powerful method for the identification of novel allergens from food sources. Using this combination approach we were able to expand the current knowledge on IgE-reactivity to various proteins of the Pacific oyster. These newly identified allergens and knowledge of their gene sequences will facilitate the development of improved component resolved diagnosis and future immunotherapy approach for oyster allergy