4 research outputs found

    ZFEL: A Compact, Soft X-ray FEL in the Netherlands

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    We outline our plans to construct a soft X-ray Free Electron Laser (FEL) located at KVI, University of Groningen, The Netherlands. This new facility will be based on a 2.1 GeV normal-conducting electron linac followed by an undulator and will produce X-ray laser light with wavelengths down to 0.8 nm. The electron linac will be driven by a RF photo-injector and X-band acceleration structures with an acceleration gradient of 100 MV/m. Longitudinal coherence of the laser beam will be established by using appropriate seeding techniques. The entire length of the FEL will be on the order of 100 meters. The facility will primarily be of interest for fundamental research in atomic, molecular and optical physics, material science and (bio)chemistry, but will also be open for other users e.g. from industry.