38 research outputs found

    Special Issue Introduction: Making Sense of Institutional Changes in the Welfare Professions

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    Att leva med bakterier : Möjligheter till ett levbart immunitÀrt liv

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    Det uppskattas att Ă„r 2050 kommer tio miljoner mĂ€nniskor att dö av infektionersom inte kan behandlas pĂ„ grund av att bakterier blivit resistenta ochdĂ€rmed gjort antibiotika ineffektiv. Denna typ av dystopier Ă€r en form avresor bĂ„de bakĂ„t och framĂ„t i tiden, och dĂ€r samhĂ€llet beskrivs som nĂ„gotannat Ă€n vad vi Ă€r vana vid. Tanken om en framtid utan antibiotika – ensĂ„ kallad postantibiotisk era – gĂ„r tillbaka till början av 1990-talet och denökade kunskapen om resistens i kombination med frĂ„nvaron av nya antibiotika.Detta Ă€r en förĂ€ndring som skulle kunna omskapa den mĂ€nskligahistorien pĂ„ lĂ„ng sikt. Men Ă€r framtiden sĂ„ dystopisk? Och kan vi hittaalternativa vĂ€gar mot en sĂ„dan framtid som Ă€r mer levbar?Under 2019 och 2020 samlades elva forskare under Temat Postantibiotiskaframtider vid Pufendorfinstitutet, Lunds universitet, för att tvĂ€rvetenskapligtundersöka dessa problem. Antologin du hĂ„ller i handen – ellerlĂ€ser pĂ„ en skĂ€rm – Ă€r ett av vĂ„ra mĂ„nga resultat av dessa sammankomster

    The Risks of Becoming a Patient

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    FrÄn sjuka arbetare vid det löpande bandet till friska medarbetare pÄ löpbandet

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    Contradiction between management models and welfare principles in the provision of health care services - a Swedish genealogy

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    Health care currently constitute one of the largest parts of the Scandinavian welfare system, with private as well as public providers competing on a quasi-market. In order to ensure an egalitarian and safe provision of health care services this sector is governed by several policies, laws and regulations. Previous research demonstrates that these services are regulated by processes of decommodification and defamiliarization to ensure that delivery and level of welfare should not be dependent on family bonds or be determined by whims the market. But this body of research does not fully discuss the consequences of organizing health care on a quasi market.The research aim in this paper is to examine the construction of the health care system in a historical perspective. To this end, a genealogy was conducted of government reports (SOU), laws and dominating management models organizing health care in Sweden from the beginning of the 1990s to the present.The genealogy reveals that the implementation of management models in accordance with the terms of a quasi-market, turns the sector into a competing network of different actors with different policies and agendas. This network consists of both private and public actors competing with each other for the same resources and patients. In conclusion, the paper argues that the Swedish health care sector functions as a stratifying institution that polarizes patients, not based on their need for care, but on their position in the competing network. In the end, the competition challenges the egalitarian principles of the Scandinavian welfare system