10 research outputs found

    COVER STORYSomaesthetic design

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    High prevalence of dermal parasites among coral reef fishes of Curaçao

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    During expeditions to Curaçao in August and October of 2013, a large number of fish infected with dermal parasites was observed. Infected individuals presented black spots and white blemishes on their skin and fins that were easily observed by divers, and which have been associated with infections by trematodes, turbellarians, and protozoans (Cryptocaryon). In order to compare rates of infection across localities in the Caribbean, we conducted visual censuses of reef fish communities along 40 m2 belt transects in Belize (n = 35), Curaçao (n = 82), and Mexico (n = 80) over a 4-week period. Three affected individuals were recorded in Belize, 75 in Curaçao, and none in Mexico. Approximately 68 % of the infected individuals in Curaçao were surgeonfishes (Acanthuridae). There was no correlation between incidence of infection and species abundance (r 2  = 0.03), or with functional traits (diet, mobility, schooling behavior, or position in the water column). The causes of the strikingly high incidence of dermal parasites in Curaçao and its consequences remain unknown. However, considering that parasites with complex life cycles have several hosts throughout their lives, and that past disease outbreaks have had severe consequences on communities of the Caribbean, we caution that coral reef ecosystems of Curaçao should be closely monitored

    Il futuro della citta. Informazione e progetto per la qualit\ue0 della vita urbana

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    Il libro esamina l'impatto delle recnologie informatiche sulla realt\ue0 sociale e sullo spazio della citt. L'approccio al problema viene sviluppato lungo tre direzioni. La prima \ue8 strettamente tecnologica: banche dati, sistemi esperti e modelli simulazione. La seconda direzione cerca di dare forma ai possibili che la citt\ue0 pu\uf2 assumere. Infine la terza direzione \ue8 orientata alla transizione progettuale della citt\ue0. Il volume si chiude con lo scenario di una citt\ue0 per un futuro estremo

    Changes in the Tissue and Plasma Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) Levels in a Burned Rat Model.

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