13 research outputs found

    complex event routing in pub/sub systems using traffic analysis model

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    Bringing in complex events in distributed Pub/Sub systems enables users to observe complicated event correlations over time and space. However, the routing of complex events in Pub/Sub systems is still largely unexplored, especially lacking q

    reuse strategies in distributed complex event detection

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    Software Engineering Society of Korean; Institute for Information Scientists and Engineers; IEEE Reliability Society; KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology); Korea Information Promotion Agency; Samsung SDSIn a Pub/Sub system, the procedure of distributed event detection can be divided into two interacting phases: the subscription matching and the subscription/ event routing. Also, the performance of the system is greatly influenced by these two parts. Adopting a reuse strategy in matching and routing can reduce matching workload and network traffic. However, few of the existing researches provide a reuse solution comprehensively in distributed environments. This paper focuses on exploiting reuse to improve distributed complex event detection. The Pub/Sub system OGENS is introduced, in which the reuses are exploited in the channel-based subscription/event routing and the complex event matching. © 2009 IEEE

    an efficient primitive subscription matching algorithm for rfid applications

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    China Computer FederationPub/Sub systems can facilitate monitoring and managing objects for RFID applications. To fully support RFID applications, Pub/Sub systems should provide the means of subscribing RFID tags and the corresponding efficient matching algorithm. Th

    language-theoretic abstraction refinement

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    We give a language-theoretic counterexample-guided abstraction refinement (CEGAR) algorithm for the safety verification of recursive multi-threaded programs. First, we reduce safety verification to the (undecidable) language emptiness problem for the intersection of context-free languages. Initially, our CEGAR procedure overapproximates the intersection by a context-free language. If the overapproximation is empty, we declare the system safe. Otherwise, we compute a bounded language from the overapproximation and check emptiness for the intersection of the context free languages and the bounded language (which is decidable). If the intersection is non-empty, we report a bug. If empty, we refine the overapproximation by removing the bounded language and try again. The key idea of the CEGAR loop is the language-theoretic view: different strategies to get regular overapproximations and bounded approximations of the intersection give different implementations. We give concrete algorithms to approximate context-free languages using regular languages and to generate bounded languages representing a family of counterexamples. We have implemented our algorithms and provide an experimental comparison on various choices for the regular overapproximation and the bounded underapproximation. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.Institute of Cybernetics at TUT; "Tallinn University of Technology(TUT)"; EXCS Eur. Reg. Dev. Fund (ERDF); Estonian Convention Bureau; Microsoft ResearchWe give a language-theoretic counterexample-guided abstraction refinement (CEGAR) algorithm for the safety verification of recursive multi-threaded programs. First, we reduce safety verification to the (undecidable) language emptiness problem for the intersection of context-free languages. Initially, our CEGAR procedure overapproximates the intersection by a context-free language. If the overapproximation is empty, we declare the system safe. Otherwise, we compute a bounded language from the overapproximation and check emptiness for the intersection of the context free languages and the bounded language (which is decidable). If the intersection is non-empty, we report a bug. If empty, we refine the overapproximation by removing the bounded language and try again. The key idea of the CEGAR loop is the language-theoretic view: different strategies to get regular overapproximations and bounded approximations of the intersection give different implementations. We give concrete algorithms to approximate context-free languages using regular languages and to generate bounded languages representing a family of counterexamples. We have implemented our algorithms and provide an experimental comparison on various choices for the regular overapproximation and the bounded underapproximation. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    composite subscription and matching algorithm for rfid applications

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    IEEE Computer SocietyRFID technology facilitates monitoring and managing products. In most RFID applications, users pay much attention to temporal and logical event patterns, which is further strengthened by highly temporal RFID data. If RFID events or other kinds of events

    subscribing and matching rfid-related events

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    IEEE Comp Soc TCEC, Univ Hong Kong, Hong Kong Univ Sci & TechnolPublish/subscribe service can deliver customized events and increase product visibility for users in RFID applications such as logistics supporting systems. This paper herein presents a composite subscription specification for RFID-related ap

    Calculation and Performance Evaluation of Text Similarity Based on Strong Classification Features

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    Based on the strong classification feature recognition algorithm, the calculation algorithm of a text semantic similarity is studied with the performance evaluation in this paper. In order to achieve a general algorithm for this function, the semantic function library based on a semantic recognition code as a comparison object is designed. It drives the algorithm modules of two fuzzy neuron deep convolution machine learning, and between these two processes of machine learning, a rigid algorithm based on Fourier transform frequency domain feature is extracted. Finally, a more complex machine learning general algorithm is realized by the use of external data fuzzy algorithm and de-fuzzy algorithm before and after the algorithm module. It is also a technical innovation in this paper. Through the performance evaluation based on the subjective evaluation of volunteers, it is found that the system focuses on the text semantic similarity evaluation of the Chinese language, and achieves a comparison result of 81.78% of the artificial judgment accuracy rate, and only 5.52% of the volunteers believe that the system judgment result is completely different from that of manual judgment