2,844 research outputs found

    CAP/ACMG proficiency testing for biochemical genetics laboratories: a summary of performance

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    Testing for inborn errors of metabolism is performed by clinical laboratories worldwide, each utilizing laboratory-developed procedures. We sought to summarize performance in the College of American Pathologists’ (CAP) proficiency testing (PT) program and identify opportunities for improving laboratory quality. When evaluating PT data, we focused on a subset of laboratories that have participated in at least one survey since 2010

    Vermont School Districts Meal Service Response to COVID-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has posed many challenges worldwide, including lack of food access and security. Food insecurity in Vermont has increased from 18% to 24% since the outbreak of the pandemic. Food insecurity among families with school-aged children puts children at risk for developmental delays, poor social functioning, and poor academic performance. The goal of this project is to identify the challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has posed for meal distribution services in school districts across Vermont, recognize the adaptations that were made by schools to address these challenges, and determine which adaptations had positive effects to encourage widespread implementation of these and other strategies to maximize food security for school-aged children nationwide.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/comphp_gallery/1312/thumbnail.jp

    Fine-tuning of Substrate Affinity Leads to Alternative Roles of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Fe2+-ATPases

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    Little is known about iron efflux transporters within bacterial systems. Recently, the participation of Bacillus subtilis PfeT, a P1B4-ATPase, in cytoplasmic Fe(2+) efflux has been proposed. We report here the distinct roles of mycobacterial P1B4-ATPases in the homeostasis of Co(2+) and Fe(2+) Mutation of Mycobacterium smegmatis ctpJ affects the homeostasis of both ions. Alternatively, an M. tuberculosis ctpJ mutant is more sensitive to Co(2+) than Fe(2+), whereas mutation of the homologous M. tuberculosis ctpD leads to Fe(2+) sensitivity but no alterations in Co(2+) homeostasis. In vitro, the three enzymes are activated by both Fe(2+) and Co(2+) and bind 1 eq of either ion at their transport site. However, equilibrium binding affinities and activity kinetics show that M. tuberculosis CtpD has higher affinity for Fe(2+) and twice the Fe(2+)-stimulated activity than the CtpJs. These parameters are paralleled by a lower activation and affinity for Co(2+) Analysis of Fe(2+) and Co(2+) binding to CtpD by x-ray absorption spectroscopy shows that both ions are five- to six-coordinate, constrained within oxygen/nitrogen environments with similar geometries. Mutagenesis studies suggest the involvement of invariant Ser, His, and Glu residues in metal coordination. Interestingly, replacement of the conserved Cys at the metal binding pocket leads to a large reduction in Fe(2+) but not Co(2+) binding affinity. We propose that CtpJ ATPases participate in the control of steady state Fe(2+) levels. CtpD, required for M. tuberculosis virulence, is a high affinity Fe(2+) transporter involved in the rapid response to iron dyshomeostasis generated upon redox stress

    Transdermal Blood Sampling for C-peptide Is a Minimally Invasive, Reliable Alternative to Venous Sampling in Children and Adults With Type 1 Diabetes

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    OBJECTIVE:C-peptide and islet autoantibodies are key type 1 diabetes biomarkers, typically requiring venous sampling, which limits their utility. We assessed transdermal capillary blood (TCB) collection as a practical alternative.RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS:Ninety-one individuals (71 with type 1 diabetes, 20 controls; individuals with type 1 diabetes: aged median 14.8 years [interquartile range (IQR) 9.1–17.1], diabetes duration 4.0 years [1.5–7.7]; controls: 42.2 years [38.0–52.1]) underwent contemporaneous venous and TCB sampling for measurement of plasma C-peptide. Participants with type 1 diabetes also provided venous serum and plasma, and TCB plasma for measurement of autoantibodies to glutamate decarboxylase, islet antigen-2, and zinc transporter 8. The ability of TCB plasma to detect significant endogenous insulin secretion (venous C-peptide ≥200 pmol/L) was compared along with agreement in levels, using Bland-Altman. Venous serum was compared with venous and TCB plasma for detection of autoantibodies, using established thresholds. Acceptability was assessed by age-appropriate questionnaire.RESULTS:Transdermal sampling took a mean of 2.35 min (SD 1.49). Median sample volume was 50 µL (IQR 40–50) with 3 of 91 (3.3%) failures, and 13 of 88 (14.7%) <35 µL. TCB C-peptide showed good agreement with venous plasma (mean venous ln[C-peptide] – TCB ln[C-peptide] = 0.008, 95% CI [−0.23, 0.29], with 100% [36 of 36] sensitivity/100% [50 of 50] specificity to detect venous C-peptide ≥200 pmol/L). Where venous serum in multiple autoantibody positive TCB plasma agreed in 22 of 32 (sensitivity 69%), comparative specificity was 35 of 36 (97%). TCB was preferred to venous sampling (type 1 diabetes: 63% vs. 7%; 30% undecided).CONCLUSIONS:Transdermal capillary testing for C-peptide is a sensitive, specific, and acceptable alternative to venous sampling; TCB sampling for islet autoantibodies needs further assessment

    Whole Genome Sequencing for Public Health Surveillance of Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli Other than Serogroup O157

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    Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) are considered to be a significant threat to public health due to the severity of gastrointestinal symptoms associated with human infection. In England STEC O157 is the most commonly detected STEC serogroup, however, the implementation of PCR at local hospital laboartories has resulted in an increase in the detection of STEC other than serogroup O157 (non-O157 STEC). The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of whole genome sequencing (WGS) for routine public health surveillance of non-O157 STEC by comparing this approach to phenotypic serotyping and PCR for subtyping the stx-encoding genes. Of the 102 isolates where phenotypic and genotypic serotyping could be compared, 98 gave fully concordant results. The most common non-O157 STEC serogroups detected were O146 (22) and O26 (18). All but one of the 38 isolates that could not be phenotypically serotyped (designated O unidentifiable or O rough) were serotyped using the WGS data. Of the 73 isolates where a flagella type was available by traditional phenotypic typing, all results matched the H-type derived from the WGS data. Of the 140 sequenced non-O157 isolates, 52 (37.1%) harboured stx1 only, 42 (30.0%) had stx2 only, 46 (32.9%) carried stx1 and stx2. Of these, stx subtyping PCR results were available for 131 isolates and 121 of these had concordant results with the stx subtype derived from the WGS data. Non-specific primer binding during PCR amplification, due to the similarity of the stx2 subtype gene sequences was the most likely cause. The results of this study showed WGS provided a reliable and robust one-step process for characterisation of STEC. Deriving the full serotype from WGS data in real time has enabled us to report a higher level of strain discrimination while stx subtyping provides data on the pathogenic potential of each isolate, enabling us to predict clinical outcome of each case and to monitor the emergence of hyper-virulent strains

    Transdermal blood sampling for C-peptide is a minimally invasive, reliable alternative to venous sampling in children and adults with type 1 diabetes

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    Objective: C-peptide and islet autoantibodies are key type 1 diabetes biomarkers, typically requiring venous sampling, which limit their utility. We assessed transdermal capillary blood (TCB) collection as a practical alternative. Research Design and methods: Ninety-one individuals (71 type 1 diabetes, 20 controls; type 1 diabetes: aged median 14.8 years[interquartile range 9.1-17.1]; diabetes duration 4.0 years[1.5-7.7]; controls 42.2 years[38.0-52.1]) underwent contemporaneous venous and TCB sampling for measurement of plasma C-peptide. Type 1 diabetes participants also provided venous serum and plasma, and TCB plasma for measurement of autoantibodies to glutamate decarboxylase, islet antigen-2, and zinc transporter 8. The ability of TCB plasma to detect significant endogenous insulin secretion (venous C-peptide ≥200pmol/L) was compared along with agreement in levels using Bland-Altman. Venous serum was compared with venous and TCB plasma for detection of autoantibodies using established thresholds. Acceptability was assessed by age-appropriate questionnaire.Results: Transdermal sampling took a mean of 2.35minutes (SD 1.49). Median sample volume was 50 µl(IQR 40-50) with 3/91(3.3%) failures, and 13/88(14.7%) <35 µL). TCB C-peptide showed good agreement to venous plasma (mean venous ln(C-peptide) – TCB ln(C-peptide) = 0.008, 95% CI(-0.23, 0.29), with 100%(36/36) sensitivity/100%(50/50) specificity to detect venous C-peptide ≥ 200pmol/L. Where venous serum in multiple autoantibody positive TCB plasma agreed in 22/32 (sensitivity 69%), comparative specificity was 35/36 (97%). TCB was preferred to venous sampling (type 1 diabetes: 63% vs 7%; 30% undecided). Conclusions: Transdermal capillary testing for C-peptide is a sensitive, specific, and acceptable alternative to venous sampling, TCB sampling for islet autoantibodies needs further assessment

    Synthesis and Characterization of Two Metallic Spin-Glass Phases of FeMo₄Ge₃

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    Polycrystalline samples of FeMo4Ge3 have been synthesized by the reduction of an oxide mixture at 1248 K and characterized by a combination of diffraction, muon spin relaxation (µ+SR), Mössbauer spectroscopy, magnetometry, transport, and heat-capacity measurements. The compound adopts a tetragonal W5Si3 structure (space group I4/mcm); the iron and molybdenum atoms are disordered over two crystallographic sites, 16k and either 4a or 4b. The synthesis conditions determine which fourfold site is selected; occupation of either leads to the presence of one-dimensional chains of transition metals in the structure. In both cases, the electrical resistivity below 200 K is ~175 µΩ cm. The dc magnetization rapidly rises below 35 K (Fe/Mo on 16k and 4b sites) or 16 K (16k and 4a sites), and a magnetization of 1µB or 0.8µB per Fe atom is observed in 4 T at 2 K. The ac susceptibility and the heat capacity both suggest that these are glasslike magnetic transitions, although the transition shows a more complex temperature dependence (with two maxima in χ ) when the 4b sites are partially occupied by iron. No long-range magnetic order is thought to be present at 5 K in either structural form; this has been proven by neutron diffraction and µ+SR for the case when Fe and Mo occupy the 16k and 4b sites
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