24 research outputs found

    Diverse Human Motion Prediction via Gumbel-Softmax Sampling from an Auxiliary Space

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    Diverse human motion prediction aims at predicting multiple possible future pose sequences from a sequence of observed poses. Previous approaches usually employ deep generative networks to model the conditional distribution of data, and then randomly sample outcomes from the distribution. While different results can be obtained, they are usually the most likely ones which are not diverse enough. Recent work explicitly learns multiple modes of the conditional distribution via a deterministic network, which however can only cover a fixed number of modes within a limited range. In this paper, we propose a novel sampling strategy for sampling very diverse results from an imbalanced multimodal distribution learned by a deep generative model. Our method works by generating an auxiliary space and smartly making randomly sampling from the auxiliary space equivalent to the diverse sampling from the target distribution. We propose a simple yet effective network architecture that implements this novel sampling strategy, which incorporates a Gumbel-Softmax coefficient matrix sampling method and an aggressive diversity promoting hinge loss function. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method significantly improves both the diversity and accuracy of the samplings compared with previous state-of-the-art sampling approaches. Code and pre-trained models are available at https://github.com/Droliven/diverse_sampling.Comment: Paper and Supp of our work accepted by ACM MM 202

    Continuous Intermediate Token Learning with Implicit Motion Manifold for Keyframe Based Motion Interpolation

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    Deriving sophisticated 3D motions from sparse keyframes is a particularly challenging problem, due to continuity and exceptionally skeletal precision. The action features are often derivable accurately from the full series of keyframes, and thus, leveraging the global context with transformers has been a promising data-driven embedding approach. However, existing methods are often with inputs of interpolated intermediate frame for continuity using basic interpolation methods with keyframes, which result in a trivial local minimum during training. In this paper, we propose a novel framework to formulate latent motion manifolds with keyframe-based constraints, from which the continuous nature of intermediate token representations is considered. Particularly, our proposed framework consists of two stages for identifying a latent motion subspace, i.e., a keyframe encoding stage and an intermediate token generation stage, and a subsequent motion synthesis stage to extrapolate and compose motion data from manifolds. Through our extensive experiments conducted on both the LaFAN1 and CMU Mocap datasets, our proposed method demonstrates both superior interpolation accuracy and high visual similarity to ground truth motions.Comment: Accepted by CVPR 202

    Feature Representation Learning with Adaptive Displacement Generation and Transformer Fusion for Micro-Expression Recognition

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    Micro-expressions are spontaneous, rapid and subtle facial movements that can neither be forged nor suppressed. They are very important nonverbal communication clues, but are transient and of low intensity thus difficult to recognize. Recently deep learning based methods have been developed for micro-expression (ME) recognition using feature extraction and fusion techniques, however, targeted feature learning and efficient feature fusion still lack further study according to the ME characteristics. To address these issues, we propose a novel framework Feature Representation Learning with adaptive Displacement Generation and Transformer fusion (FRL-DGT), in which a convolutional Displacement Generation Module (DGM) with self-supervised learning is used to extract dynamic features from onset/apex frames targeted to the subsequent ME recognition task, and a well-designed Transformer Fusion mechanism composed of three Transformer-based fusion modules (local, global fusions based on AU regions and full-face fusion) is applied to extract the multi-level informative features after DGM for the final ME prediction. The extensive experiments with solid leave-one-subject-out (LOSO) evaluation results have demonstrated the superiority of our proposed FRL-DGT to state-of-the-art methods