4 research outputs found

    Impacto en la salud mental por el confinamiento del Covid 19 en los adultos mayores de Latinoamérica: una revisión de literatura.

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    Introducción: Se registra el Covid 19 como una emergencia en salud pública de importancia internacional, se han reportado setenta y seis millones quinientos de casos en Latinoamérica, la enfermedad causa una infección respiratoria Aguda (IRA), es decir una gripe, que puede ser leve, moderada o severa. Objetivos: Identificar, describir y caracterizar el impacto del confinamiento en la salud mental de los adultos mayores en el marco del covid-19. Metodología: Se consultaron cuatro bases de datos utilizando los términos de búsqueda “adultos mayores”, “salud mental” y “confinamiento. Resultados: Tras la selección de los 11 artículos, se evidenció una sintomatología repetitiva que llevo a la creación de 3 categorías: emocionales, conductuales y cognitivas. Conclusión: La investigación demostró que el confinamiento en los adultos mayores ocasiono la presencia de ansiedad y en insomnio, seguidos de depresión e irritabilidad.Introduction: Covid-19 is registered as a public health emergency of international importance, seventy-six million five hundred cases have been reported in Latin America, and the disease causes an acute respiratory infection (ARI), ie the flu, which can be mild, moderate, or severe. Objectives: To identify, describe and characterize the impact of confinement on the mental health of older adults within the framework of covid-19. Methodology: Four databases were consulted using the search terms "elderly", "mental health" and "confinement. Results: After the selection of the 11 articles, repetitive symptomatology was evident that led to the creation of 3 categories: emotional, behavioral, and cognitive. Conclusion: Research showed that confinement in older adults caused anxiety and insomnia, followed by depression and [email protected]@campusucc.edu .c

    First record of the polychaete Ficopomatus uschakovi (Pillai, 1960) (Annelida, Serpulidae) in the Colombian Caribbean, South America

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    The genus Ficopomatus (Serpulidae) consists of sessile, tubicolous polychaete annelid worms that may colonize a diversity of substrata, and tolerate considerable variations in salinity. Thus, members of this genus, including Ficopomatus uschakovi, in some cases are exotic and maybe invasive. The purpose of our research was to collect and identify marine organisms associated with the submerged roots of mangrove trees in the Gulf of Urabá, Colombian Caribbean, South America. Within the Gulf, there is a well-developed forest of the Red Mangrove, Rhizophora mangle, along the margins of El Uno Bay. We sampled the roots of R. mangle from five stations of the bay, and we identified specimens of F. uschakovi from each of those stations. Ficopomatus uschakovi was found to be more abundant in regions of the bay that exhibit the lowest salinity. Based on a morphological comparison of the present specimens with the original species description, revised descriptions, and other records from the Indo-West Pacific, Mexican Pacific, and Venezuelan and Brazilian Caribbean, we suggest that F. uschakovi has a broader geographical distribution. Furthermore, because of this broad distribution, and the observed tolerance for low salinity in our study, we also suggest that F. uschakovi is a euryhaline species. It is also likely that F. uschakovi will be found in other localities in the Gulf of Urabá, and in other regions of the Colombian Caribbean. Thus, this record extends the distribution of the species to the Colombian Caribbean, giving the species a continuous distribution across the northern coast of South America

    First record of the polychaete Ficopomatus uschakovi (Pillai, 1960) (Annelida, Serpulidae) in the Colombian Caribbean, South America

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    The genus Ficopomatus (Serpulidae) consists of sessile, tubicolous polychaete annelid worms that may colonize a diversity of substrata, and tolerate considerable variations in salinity. Thus, members of this genus, including Ficopomatus uschakovi, in some cases are exotic and maybe invasive. The purpose of our research was to collect and identify marine organisms associated with the submerged roots of mangrove trees in the Gulf of Urabá, Colombian Caribbean, South America. Within the Gulf, there is a well-developed forest of the Red Mangrove, Rhizophora mangle, along the margins of El Uno Bay. We sampled the roots of R. mangle from five stations of the bay, and we identified specimens of F. uschakovi from each of those stations. Ficopomatus uschakovi was found to be more abundant in regions of the bay that exhibit the lowest salinity. Based on a morphological comparison of the present specimens with the original species description, revised descriptions, and other records from the Indo-West Pacific, Mexican Pacific, and Venezuelan and Brazilian Caribbean, we suggest that F. uschakovi has a broader geographical distribution. Furthermore, because of this broad distribution, and the observed tolerance for low salinity in our study, we also suggest that F. uschakovi is a euryhaline species. It is also likely that F. uschakovi will be found in other localities in the Gulf of Urabá, and in other regions of the Colombian Caribbean. Thus, this record extends the distribution of the species to the Colombian Caribbean, giving the species a continuous distribution across the northern coast of South America