3 research outputs found

    Modelling, simulation and control of desalination plant with a liquid jet ejector

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    U radu je prikazan metod modelovanja, simulacije i upravljanja postrojenja za desalinizaciju vode. Postrojenje za desalinizaciju vode spada u klasu postrojenja koje uparavaju slanu vodu korićenjem vodeno-parnog ejektora. U cilju validacije rezultata simulacije dinamičkog modela, razvijenog u cilju upravljanja, rezultati stacionarne simulacije postrojenja su korišćeni. Dodatno razvijen je PI kontroler koji dovodi sistem do željenih stanja pri uticaju poremećaja. Linearizovani model postrojenja je verfikovan pomoću nelinearnog dinamičkog modela. Pokazano je da navedeni pristup daje zadovoljavajuće rezultate.In this paper, modelling, simulation and control of water desalination plant is presented. The desalination plant is based on vapour compression method acquired utilizing a liquid jet ejector. Nonlinear steady-state model is developed in order to verify simplified dynamic model for control purposes. Furthermore, to design PI controller capable of guiding the system through desired states under the influence of disturbances, the linearized model of the plant has been developed and verified applying the nonlinear dynamical model. It is shown that presented approach can deliver satisfying model and tracking results

    Modeling, simulation and PI gain-scheduling controller optimization of water desalination plant with liquid jet vacuum ejector

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    This paper gives a novel approach to modeling, simulation and control of a water desalination plant. The process in desalination plant is based on a vapour compression acquired by a liquid jet vacuum ejector. Optimal plant design for a nominal operating point is obtained using the combination of the multi-objective optimization with the multi-criteria decision making. Furthermore, the dynamic steady-state model which includes a liquid jet vacuum ejector, pump, valve and pressure vessel is developed. Moreover, for the different values of inlet temperature and water mass flow rate (disturbances) the optimal regimes of system actuators are found by the antlion algorithm, with respect to the profit maximization. Also, the control-oriented model of the system has been developed and linearized around different operating points to design a gain-scheduling nonlinear proportional integral controller. Additionally, it is demonstrated that the proposed controller is capable of guiding the system through the optimal states under the influence of disturbances. A map of the controller gains is determined by extensive simulation minimizing the appropriate cost functions. High-fidelity model has been numerically simulated in order to demonstrate that the developed method provides the desired design specifications while minimizing operational costs

    Thermoeconomic and environmental optimization of geothermal water desalination plant with ejector refrigeration system

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    In this paper, a multi-objective optimization of geothermal water desalination plant with ejector refrigeration system is proposed. The multi-objective antlion optimization algorithm is used. Six different optimization scenarios were performed with economic (total investment cost and profit) and thermodynamic (exergy destruction) objectives for refrigerants R11, R114 and R717. Multi-criteria decision making with integrated AHP and PROMETHEE II approach is executed for evaluating the most suitable design project and refrigerant. Besides economic and thermodynamic criteria, three additional environmental criteria were used: ozone depletion potential, global warming potential and toxicity. The sensitivity analysis showed that water desalination plant with R114 refrigerant and coefficient of performance 0.507 is optimal for a wide range of criteria weights. A similar result of the optimal design point is obtained in scenarios where only economic objective functions were considered during the optimization procedure. Furthermore, it is proved that R114 Pareto front is more optimal in comparison with other refrigerants