818 research outputs found

    The Cluster Experience In China

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    industrial clusters, China, local development

    (Un)naturally low? Sequential Monte Carlo tracking of the US natural interest rate

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    Following the 2000 stockmarket crash, have US interest rates been held "too low" in relation to their natural level? Most likely, yes. Using a structural neo-Keynesian model, this paper attempts a real-time evaluation of the US monetary policy stance while ensuring consistency between the specification of price adjustments and the evolution of the econ- omy under flexible prices. To do this, the model's likelihood function is evaluated using a Sequential Monte Carlo algorithm providing inference about the time-varying distribution of structural parameters and unobservable, nonstationary state variables. Tracking down the evolution of underlying stochastic processes in real time is found crucial (i) to explain postwar Fed's policy and (ii) to replicate salient features of the data. JEL Classification: E43, C11, C15Bayesian Analysis, DSGE Models, Natural Interest Rate, Particle Filters

    Chinese entrepreneurship in context: specialization, localization and their impact on Italian industrial districts

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    Chinese migration flows represent a relatively new phenomenon in Italy. Its entrepreneurial nature is reflected in massive flows Chinese businessman employed both in manufacturing and commercial activities, with a dense concentration in correspondence of some industrial districts. The aim of the paper is to shed some light on current Chinese specialization of economic activities and localization across Italian regions and industrial districts, to test interpretative research hypothesis on Chinese entrepreneurship models and identify agglomeration forces underlying the emergence of so-called Chinese ethnic businesses. Some reflections on the manufacturing and commercial attitude of Chinese entrepreneurship will also be considered. The utilization of native-Chinese entrepreneurs as unit of observation represents an innovative methodological contribution based on ASIA-ISTAT archives. The exercise of explorative analysis based on data processing and spatial analysis will finally highlight business migration patterns, which represent new socio-economic challenges for Italian industrial districts

    Early warning system for the prevention and control of unauthorized accesses to air navigation services infrastructures

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    Early warning systems are fundamental instruments for the management of critical situations since they are able to signal in advance any anomaly with respect to ordinary situations. The purpose of this paper is to present an early warning system, based on artificial neural networks, for the prevention and control of unauthorized accesses to the air navigation services infrastructure in Italy

    Bernard Ganne et Yveline Lecler (Ă©d.), Asian industrial clusters, global competitiveness and new policy initiatives

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    Le dĂ©veloppement rĂ©cent et mondialement rĂ©pandu des clusters industriels et leur impact sur les Ă©conomies locales semblent ĂȘtre une caractĂ©ristique commune aux pays dĂ©veloppĂ©s et aux Ă©conomies Ă©mergentes. Les avantages que le regroupement d’entreprises spĂ©cialisĂ©es apporte en termes de partage de l’information, de marchĂ© de l’emploi et de spĂ©cialisation confĂšrent en effet Ă  cette forme d’organisation systĂ©mique une portĂ©e importante. Partant de ce constat, cet ouvrage prĂ©sente et met en persp..

    Risk-based tunnel design for consequences of road accidents. The role of tunnel lenght

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    Tunnel extension is an under-analysed variable in road tunnel accidents despite being a dimensioning parameter for the purposes of users’ safety according to Directive 2004/54/EC. Recent studies have shown a correlation between the tunnel length and consequences of accidents. The analysis of fire events which occurred in tunnels indicates that in many cases fires are triggered by road accidents. By analysing the road accidents in Italy, the study aims to assess the relative risk of accidents with serious consequences for different classes of road tunnels. The second objective was to assess, using a vehicle type (or size) approach, the corresponding probability of accidents involving vehicles or trucks and special vehicles resulting in serious consequences (domino effect). We analysed the Italian National Institute of Statistics (Istat) dataset on tunnel accidents which occurred between 2018 and 2020 on Italian public roads, involving at least one vehicle. Of these, we extracted tunnel accidents, classified by tunnel length and estimated the corresponding probability of serious consequences. The analysis identified 1,885 case studies of tunnel accidents that occurred in approximately 265 long tunnels and 450 short tunnels and underpasses. Compared with “controls”, “size” was found to be more than double in long tunnels where the related probability of serious accident consequences exceeded 50% more than those of short tunnels. We found that the related probability associated with serious accident consequences in tunnels over 500 m in length was higher than in short tunnels, except for trucks and special vehicles. Road accidents and research on risk evaluation of the effects associated with long and short tunnels are rare. The study aims to fill these gaps

    Bernard Ganne et Yveline Lecler (eds.), Asian industrial clusters, global competitiveness and new policy initiatives

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    The clustering phenomenon shapes local economies worldwide. The concentration of specialised firms benefiting from advantages of co-location in terms of information sharing, labour market, and specialisation processes is indeed a systemic organisation form of economic development in both industrialised and emerging countries. This book joins in such an outlook and provides fieldwork results on multiple forms of cluster-based industrialisation patterns experienced by Asian countries positioned..
