13 research outputs found

    Strategi Pengembangan Usahatani Cabai Rawit Di Desa Tambelang Kecamatan Maesaan Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan

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    This study aims to determine and analyze the Development Strategy of cayenne pepper farming in Tambelang Village, Maesaan District, South Minahasa Regency. The research was carried out for 2 months, from January to February 2022. The research site was in Tambelang Village, Maesaan District, South Minahasa Regency. The study used primary data obtained from direct observation and interviews with respondents based on a list of questions. Secondary data were obtained from agencies related to this research. The sampling method used purposive sampling method, as many as 15 samples from the total population. The sample taken is cayenne pepper farmers who produce in 2020. The data analysis is descriptive and uses Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis. The results showed that the results of the analysis on the SWOT matrix obtained coordinates from 1.05 to 0.48 which indicates this coordinate is in quadrant 1, which supports growth strategy. All indicators of strength in the development of cayenne pepper in Tambelang Village have the power to be developed. So that an alternative SO strategy was found, namely establishing good relations between farmers and agricultural institutions, in order to support the success of agricultural and farming development. With the development of increasingly modern technology, as well as the use of facilities and infrastructure that allow to obtain optimal results

    Strategi Pengembangan Bisnis Tanaman Porang Oleh PT.Kawanua Konjac Nusantara Di Kawangkoan Utara Kabupaten Minahasa

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    This study aims to identify internal and external factors and analyze the business development strategy of Porang plant at PT.Kawanua Konjac Nusantara. The research was conducted from March to May 2023. The technique of determining informants in this study was purposive with data collection techniques through interviews, observations, questionnaires and literature studies. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Primary data were collected through interviews, based on questionnaires, to the director and company manager of PT.Kawanua Konjac Nusantara, North Sulawesi Provincial Agriculture Office, North Sulawesi Provincial Industry and Trade Office, Plant Cultivation Research Institute, and Food Processing Engineering Research Institute. Secondary data was obtained through books obtained from local bookstores and the internet through google scholar in the form of books, journal articles and theses related to the topic of this research, namely the Porang Plant Business Development Strategy. The results showed that from the environmental analysis and identification of the company's internal and external factors, as well as the quadrant that shows the company's position is in quadrant I, which supports an aggressive strategy (growth). The strategy that can be used by the company PT.Kawanua Konjac Nusantara is the SO strategy by increasing the supply of raw materials to optimize the performance of processing machines and collaborating and cooperating between competitors to reach the top


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    This study aimed to analyze the level of raw material inventory coconut optimal in order to minimize the total cost of inventory during 2015 on coconut flour mill PT. Dimembe Nyiur Agripro (DNA). This research was conducted in April 2016 to June 2016, from preparation to preparation of the report. The data used is data Primary and Secondary Data. This research was conducted by interview directly to the staf of production department of PT. Dimembe Nyiur Agripro (DNA) and also use the written data in the form of documents obtained from the company. Data analysis was performed using Economic Order Quantity (EOQ). These results indicate that the optimal raw material inventory for each purchase / reservation for 2015 should be carried out by PT. Dimembe Nyiur Agripro (DNA) is 61.307 kg with 203 times the purchase frequency and interval of purchase / reordering is 2 days. Thus, companies can minimize the total cost of inventory


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    This objective is to determine internal and external factors related to the productivity of chili farming and to find out the role of farmer groups in chili productivity in Raanan Baru village. This research was conducted from December 2019 to February 2020. Data collection methods were carried out by means of observation and questionnaires to farmer groups in Raanan Baru village which consisted of 30 members. In this study of chili farming, and to determine the factors related to the productivity of chili farming, seen from the crosstabulation test using SPSS v25 between each member characteristic (internal factors) and external factors with chili productivity, the descriptive method is used to determine the role of farmer groups on the productivity. Based on the results of research, internal and external factors related to the productivity of chili farming and the role of farmer groups on chili productivity. Factors related to farm productivity of members of the Cita Imbaya farmer group are age, level of education, farming status, intensity of exposure to counseling, and land tenure status. External factors for farmers in the form of business climate and business plan are also related to the productivity of members of the Cita Imbaya farmer group. The role of farmer groups that most members perceive is the role of farmer groups as a vehicle for cooperation and the role of farmer groups as farm production units


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    This study aims to study social capital in the survival strategies of poor farmers. The research was conducted for 6 months, from April to October 2020, with the research location in Minahasa Regency. This research was designed descriptively, with a survey method. Sampling was selected purposively on farmers in Minahasa district with 100 farmers as respondents. The data collected in this study are primary and secondary data. Primary data were collected directly through in-depth interviews with farmers. The results showed that the stronger the farmer's social capital, the better his survival strategy. On the other hand, the weaker the social capital, the poor farmer's survival strategy was getting worse

    Preferensi Konsumen Dalam Membeli Gula Aren Di Pasar Bersehati Kota Manado

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    This study aims to determine consumer preferences in buying palm sugar at Bersehati Market, Manado City, which is very important for palm sugar sellers in order to have the opportunity to earn more income or profit. This research was conducted for 2 months from February to March 2023. The research took place at Bersehati Market, Manado City. Data collection used observation and interview methods. Sampling in this study was non-probability, namely convenience sampling to consumers of palm sugar at Bersehati Market which was taken as many as 30 respondents. Data on consumer preferences in buying palm sugar in Bersehati Market were analyzed descriptively with the help of tables. The results showed that the palm sugar that became consumer preferences in making purchasing decisions was palm sugar that had a blackish brown color, retail cut size, plastic packaging with a price that was not too expensive, namely IDR 8.000 to IDR 20.000

    Kelayakan Usaha Produk Agroindustri Kentang Dari Aspek Pemasaran Di Desa Pinasungkulan Kecamatan Modoinding Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan

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    The purpose of the study was to analyze and determine the amount of production costs, revenue, profit and business feasibility of potato agro-industry in Pinasungkulan Village, Modoinding District, South Minahasa Regency. The research lasted for 2 months from September to October 2023. The data collected was obtained through primary data by conducting direct interviews at the research location to the leader (owner) of the Tanding Agroindustry company in Pinasungkulan Village, Modoinding District, and secondary data obtained from business bookkeeping records, literature/internet and journals related to the research. The method used in this research is the case study method. The results showed that the profit from the sparring potato product business in Pinasungkulan Village, Modoinding Subdistrict, South Minahasa Regency was IDR1.810.833 per week, in a month amounting to IDR7.243.332. The non-financial feasibility of tanding agro-industry business in market and marketing aspects and technical aspects is feasible. The financial feasibility of this agro-industry business is feasible with an R/C Ratio of 1,55 > 1


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    This study aims to analyze the form of marketing channels and marketing margins of nutmeg in Belengang Village, Manganitu District, Sangihe Islands Regency. The data used in this study are primary and secondary data. Sampling of farmers is done by simple random sampling method and for traders as marketing institutions using the snowball sampling method. The number of farmer samples obtained were 30 farmers. The data is presented in tabular form and analyzed descriptively. The results show that there are 3 forms of marketing channels which are divided into 5 marketing channels: (1) marketing channel level 1: farmers - traders in Tanjung Lelepu district - exporters, (2) marketing channels at 2 levels: farmers - traders in the central district of Tahuna City – traders in the province of Manado City – exporters (b) farmers – traders in Pasar Tamako sub-district – traders in Tanjung Lelepu district – exporters, (3) 3 level marketing channels: (a) farmers – traders in Belengang village – collectors traders in the city center district Tahuna – traders in the province of Manado City – exporters (b) farmers – traders in Pasar Lebo sub-district – traders in the central district of Tahuna City – traders in the province of Manado City – exporters. The highest marketing margin is in marketing channel I with a total margin of Rp 40.800/Kg

    Analisis Pendapatan Usahatani Bunga Anthurium (Anthurium andraeanum sp) Di Kelurahan Kakaskasen Kota Tomohon

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    This research aims to determine and analyze the income of Anthurium andraeanum flower farming in Kakaskasen Village, North Tomohon District, Tomohon City. The research took place from May to August 2023. The data collected was primary data obtained directly from Anthurium andraeanum flower farmers and secondary data obtained from research results and journals. Sampling used a purposive sampling method, namely farmers who cultivated Anthurium andraeanum ornamental flower plants were selected. In this research, the population of farmers cultivating Anthurium andraeanum flower plants was 2 farmers. The results of the research show that Anthurium andraeanum flower farming in Kakaskasen Village, Tomohon City with an average land area of 450 m2 = 0.045 ha, this farming incurs total costs in one planting season of Rp851,500 with receipts of Rp1,800,000 per 2 weeks (15 days) and get a total income of Rp948,500 per farm for one harvest every 2 weeks. The average R/C ratio is 2.11, which is greater than 1, meaning that flower farming is profitable and worthy of cultivation and development