3 research outputs found

    Management of radial clubhand with gradual distraction followed by centralization

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    <b>Background:</b> Treatment of radial clubhand has progressed over the years from no treatment to aggressive surgical correction. Various surgical methods of correction have been described; Centralization of the carpus over the distal end of the ulna has become the method of choice. Corrective casting prior to centralization is an easy and effective method of obtaining soft tissue stretching before any definitive procedure is undertaken. Moreover, it helps put the limb in a correct position. The outcome of deformity correction by serial casting / Jess0 distractor followed by centralization is discussed. <b> Materials and Methods:</b> In a prospective study, of 17 cases with 18 radial clubhands of Heikel&#x2032;s Grade III and IV (with average age 11 months (range 20 days - 24 months) with M:F of 2.6:1, were treated by gradual soft tissue stretching using corrective cast (14 cases) and JESS distraction (4 cases), followed by centralization (16 cases) or radialization (2 cases) and tendon transfers. <b> Results:</b> The average correction attained during the study was 71&#x00B0; of radial deviation and 31&#x00B0; of volar flexion. The average third metacarpal to distal ulna angle in anteroposterior and lateral view at final follow-up was 7&#x00B0; in both views. Angle of movement at elbow showed a small increase from 99&#x00B0; to 101&#x00B0; during the follow-up period. However, the range of movement at fingers showed increase in stiffness during the follow-up. No injury occurred to the distal ulnar epiphysis during the operative intervention. The results at the final follow-up, at the end of 2 years were graded on the basis of the criteria of F.W. Bora, and of Bayne and Klug. Considering the criteria of F.W. Bora, satisfactory result was shown by nine of the 18 hands (50&#x0025;) while 16 out of 18 hands (89&#x0025;) showed good or satisfactory result based on deformity criteria of Bayne and Klug. <b>Conclusion:</b> The management of radial clubhand by gradual corrective cast or Jess0 distractor followed by centralization and tendon transfers in children is an acceptable method of treatment with consistently satisfactory results, both functional and cosmetic

    Management of Ureteric Calculi in Dhule City of North-western Maharashtra

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    Background: Urolithiasis, usually affecting people in the prime of life, causes significant morbidity and loss of productivity. Uretericstones account for 2/3rd of all urinary calculi brought to attention of doctors. The damaging effects of the calculi may result in obstruction with dilatation of the urinary tract, leading to stasis and severe infection. Aims and Objectives: To evaluate patients with urinary stones with regards to the incidence, age, sex,clinical presentation, site, size, side, management and their complications. Material and Methods:It was a prospective study carried out by Department of Surgery at Annasaheb Chudaman Patil Memorial Medical College, and Hospital Dhule for a period of two years. Patients were selected after they were diagnosed as having ureteric calculi. The patients were treated by conservative or surgical methods, and the outcome was monitored. Statistical analysis of the data was done for obtaining results.Result: The majority of the patients were males with peak age group in the second and third decade. Pain in abdomen or loin tenderness was the most common presenting symptom. Most of the patients were treated by conservative medical management. Endourological procedures were the most commonly performed surgical intervention. Conclusion: Most of the patients with ureteric calculi present with painin abdomen and majority can be treated by medical management. With the availability of better facilities the requirement for open surgery is decreasing and endourological procedures are becoming the means of surgical intervention.Complications are minimal with surgical expertise for endourological procedures

    In Vitro

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