158 research outputs found

    Studies in Structure Formation in theories with a repulsive long range gravitational force

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    This article reports on emergence of structures in a class of alternative theories of gravity. These theories do not have any horizon, flatness, initial cosmological singularity and (possibly) quantization problems. The model is characterised by a dynamically induced gravitational constant with a ``wrong'' sign corresponding to repulsive gravitation on the large scale. A non - minimal coupling of a scalar field in the model can give rise to non - topological solitons in the theory. This results in domains (gravity - balls) inside which an effective, canonical, attractive gravitational constant is induced. We consider simulations of the formation and evolution of such solutions. Starting with a single gravity - ball, we consider its fragmentation into smaller (lower mass) balls - evolving by mutual repulsion. After several runs, we have been able to identify two parameters: the strength of the long range gravitational constant and the size of the gravity balls, which can be used to generate appropriate two point correlations of the distribution of these balls.Comment: Normal Tex, 7 pages, 5 figures available from the author

    Etiology of male infertility: a review

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    Infertility is one of the major health issues and a socially destabilizing condition for couples often causing marital disharmony. Infertility refers to the biological inability of an individual to contribute to conception over the course of one year of continuous unprotected intercourse. There are numerous factors such as anatomical, physiological, environmental, lifestyle and genetic factors that cause infertility. Male infertility can be diagnosed by different tools, for instance, physical examination, semen analysis, testicular biopsy, hormonal tests, urine test, immunobead test, sperm functional tests, sperm chromatin and abnormal deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) assays, chromosome and genetic studies. There are diverse treatment options available for male infertility inclusive of hormonal, pharmacological, non-pharmacological, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory therapy, surgical, assisted reproductive technologies (ART), combination and herbal supplement with lifestyle changes. The infertility of known etiology has ample treatment success rate that vary by age, accurate diagnosis and effective therapy along with shared decision-making which can facilitate achievement of fertility goals. Thus, the review summarizes classification, causes, and diagnosis with treatment modalities of male infertility

    MARBLER: An Open Platform for Standarized Evaluation of Multi-Robot Reinforcement Learning Algorithms

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    Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) has enjoyed significant recent progress, thanks to deep learning. This is naturally starting to benefit multi-robot systems (MRS) in the form of multi-robot RL (MRRL). However, existing infrastructure to train and evaluate policies predominantly focus on challenges in coordinating virtual agents, and ignore characteristics important to robotic systems. Few platforms support realistic robot dynamics, and fewer still can evaluate Sim2Real performance of learned behavior. To address these issues, we contribute MARBLER: Multi-Agent RL Benchmark and Learning Environment for the Robotarium. MARBLER offers a robust and comprehensive evaluation platform for MRRL by marrying Georgia Tech's Robotarium (which enables rapid prototyping on physical MRS) and OpenAI's Gym framework (which facilitates standardized use of modern learning algorithms). MARBLER offers a highly controllable environment with realistic dynamics, including barrier certificate-based obstacle avoidance. It allows anyone across the world to train and deploy MRRL algorithms on a physical testbed with reproducibility. Further, we introduce five novel scenarios inspired by common challenges in MRS and provide support for new custom scenarios. Finally, we use MARBLER to evaluate popular MARL algorithms and provide insights into their suitability for MRRL. In summary, MARBLER can be a valuable tool to the MRS research community by facilitating comprehensive and standardized evaluation of learning algorithms on realistic simulations and physical hardware. Links to our open-source framework and the videos of real-world experiments can be found at https://shubhlohiya.github.io/MARBLER/.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, submitted to MRS 2023, for the associated website, see https://shubhlohiya.github.io/MARBLER

    de Sitter spacetime: effects of metric perturbations on geodesic motion

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    Gravitational perturbations of the de Sitter spacetime are investigated using the Regge--Wheeler formalism. The set of perturbation equations is reduced to a single second order differential equation of the Heun-type for both electric and magnetic multipoles. The solution so obtained is used to study the deviation from an initially radial geodesic due to the perturbation. The spectral properties of the perturbed metric are also analyzed. Finally, gauge- and tetrad-invariant first-order massless perturbations of any spin are explored following the approach of Teukolsky. The existence of closed-form, i.e. Liouvillian, solutions to the radial part of the Teukolsky master equation is discussed.Comment: IOP macros, 10 figure

    A program for a problem free Cosmology within a framework of a rich class of scalar tensor theories

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    A search for a problem free cosmology within the framework of an effective non - minimally coupled scalar tensor theory is suggested. With appropriate choice of couplings in variants of a Lee - Wick model [as also in a model supporting Q - ball solutions], non topological solutions [NTS's], varying in size upto 10 kpc to 1 Mpc can exist. We explore the properties of a ``toy'' Milne model containing a distribution of NTS domains. The interior of these domains would be regions where effective gravitational effects would be indistinguishable from those expected in standard Einstein theory. For a large class of non - minimal coupling terms and the scalar effective potential, the effective cosmological constant identically vanishes. The model passes classical cosmological tests and we describe reasons to expect it to fare well as regards nucleosynthesis and structure formation.Comment: 20 pages, Plain Tex, references added and expanded the previous version of article, 2 figures available from [email protected]

    Hawking Radiation of a Quantum Black Hole in an Inflationary Universe

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    The quantum stress-energy tensor of a massless scalar field propagating in the two-dimensional Vaidya-de Sitter metric, which describes a classical model spacetime for a dynamical evaporating black hole in an inflationary universe, is analyzed. We present a possible way to obtain the Hawking radiation terms for the model with arbitrary functions of mass. It is used to see how the expansion of universe will affect the dynamical process of black hole evaporation. The results show that the cosmological inflation has an inclination to depress the black hole evaporation. However, if the cosmological constant is sufficiently large then the back-reaction effect has the inclination to increase the black hole evaporation. We also present a simple method to show that it will always produce a divergent flux of outgoing radiation along the Cauchy horizon where the curvature is a finite value. This means that the Hawking radiation will be very large in there and shall modify the classical spacetime drastically. Therefore the black hole evaporation cannot be discussed self-consistently on the classical Vaidya-type spacetime. Our method can also be applied to analyze the quantum stress-energy tensor in the more general Vaidya-type spacetimes.Comment: Proper boundary will lead to anti-evaporation of schwarzschild-de Sitter black holes, as corrected in Class. Quantum Grav. 11 (1994) 28
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