176 research outputs found
On adjunctions for Fourier-Mukai transforms
We show that the adjunction counits of a Fourier–Mukai transform Φ:D(X1)→D(X2) arise from maps of the kernels of the corresponding Fourier–Mukai transforms. In a very general setting of proper separable schemes of finite type over a field we write down these maps of kernels explicitly –facilitating the computation of the twist (the cone of an adjunction counit) of Φ. We also give another description of these maps, better suited to computing cones if the kernel of Φ is a pushforward from a closed subscheme Z⊂X1×X2. Moreover, we show that we can replace the condition of properness of the ambient spaces X1 and X2 by that of Z being proper over them and still have this description apply as is. This can be used, for instance, to compute spherical twists on non-proper varieties directly and in full generality
Meteoprotective properties of melaxen in old and middle aged patients with ischemic heart disease in combination with arterial hypertension
We studied 102 patients (mean age 60.1±3.3 years) with arterial hypertension (AH) II-III stage, grade 2-3 and ischemic heart disease (exertional angina functional class (FC) I-II, postinfarction cardiosclerosis). The control group of patients received traditional therapy (TT): beta -blockers, calcium channel blockers, ACE inhibitors, antiplatelet agents, diuretics and nitrate
Morphological characteristics of brain lesions in HIV infection.
Currently, diseases of the central nervous system are a common cause of death of patients with HIV infection. The article presents results of retrospective analysis of etiotropic structure of 186 lethal cases and typical pathological changes of brain tissue of patients aged 21 to 61 years who had confirmed diagnosis of HIV and died of diseases associated with CNS damage in the Municipal infectious hospital in the city ofDnepr(Ukraine) in the period from 2011 to 2016. The most common causes of death in patients with HIV infection and CNS infection were cerebral tuberculosis (75.0%) including co-infection (n = 35) and meningoencephalitis that developed as a result of yeast fungal (15.6%). In the study of neuropathological processes in the autopsy material of the brain tissue of patients with HIV, various multifocal and diffuse morphological changes have been identified that can be presented in this work in the form of 4 groups: 1) Multiple nonspecific changes associated with both direct action of HIV and co-factors : infection, inflammation, hypoxia, etc., 2) Viral-induced vasculitis with hemorrhages, 3) Subacute aseptic encephalitis, 4) HIV-associated opportunistic infections. General pathomorphological changes in brain tissue are revealed that can cause similarities of clinical manifestations, can complicate differential diagnosis of cerebral lesions of various etiologies, and lead to a divergence of pre and postmortal diagnoses
Knot homology via derived categories of coherent sheaves II, sl(m) case
Using derived categories of equivariant coherent sheaves we construct a knot
homology theory which categorifies the quantum sl(m) knot polynomial. Our knot
homology naturally satisfies the categorified MOY relations and is
conjecturally isomorphic to Khovanov-Rozansky homology. Our construction is
motivated by the geometric Satake correspondence and is related to Manolescu's
by homological mirror symmetry.Comment: 51 pages, 9 figure
The Role of Bilingual Language Experience in Executive Functioning
В работе описывается проект исследования по изучению феномена билингвального преимущества. Планируется изучение компонентов исполнительных функций (рабочей памяти, ингибиторного контроля, когнитивной гибкости) у выборки молодых взрослых, владеющих двумя языковыми парами (адыгейский-русский или татарский-русский). Согласно гипотезе исследования, билингвы, погруженные в разные культурно-языковые контексты, будут различаться по уровню билингвального языкового опыта и, следовательно, по показателям исполнительных функций.This is the research design of the project that aims at examining the bilingual advantage. The study will assess the following components of executive functions (working memory, inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility) in the sample of young adults native to two language pairs (Adyghe-Russian or Tatar-Russian). According to the research hypothesis, bilinguals immersed into different linguistic and cultural contexts will have various levels of bilingual language experience and, consequently, will differ in their executive functions
Immunologic Responses to Vibrio cholerae in Patients Co-Infected with Intestinal Parasites in Bangladesh
Vibrio cholerae causes cholera, a severe diarrhea that may lead to fatal dehydration if not treated. Cholera occurs mostly in impoverished areas where there is poor sanitation and intestinal parasites are also common. However, little is known about the relationship between intestinal parasites and cholera. To learn about how parasites affect the immune response to Vibrio cholerae, this article describes 361 patients with cholera, including 53 who had intestinal parasitic infection. We found that cholera patients with parasitic worms had decreased antibody response to cholera toxin. The decrease was greatest in IgA antibodies, which are secreted in the intestine. However, patients with worm infection did not have a difference in their immune response to lipopolysaccharide, a sugar-based molecule that is important for immunity. These different effects on the immune response to cholera toxin and lipopolysaccharide could be explained by the effect of parasitic infection on CD4+ T cells, a type of cell that influences the development of the antibody response to proteins such as cholera toxin but may not always influence the response to sugar-based molecules. The finding that worm infection is associated with decreased immune responses to cholera provides an additional reason for deworming in cholera-endemic areas
Regulatory framework and methodological approaches to evaluation of immunological effects of vaccination against brucellosis are not established, and the degree of immunological post-vaccinal rearrangement is not yet developed. Due to leading role of cellular immunity in formation of immune protection against brucellosis, evaluation the cellular response in response to antigenic stimulation may be considered the most informative and objective approach to analysis of immune changes in the body during vaccination. In order to develop the most diagnostically informative methods for design of antigen-stimulation cell tests in vitro, a careful selection of a stimulating agent (antigen) is required, which should have a sufficient activating potential, thus providing specificity of reaction under in vitro conditions. The aim of the present study is to study the in vitro specific activity of a protein-polysaccharide antigenic complex from the Brucella abortus 19 BA strain (BrAg), and an opportunity of its application in order to assess the formation of post-vaccinal cellular immunity against brucellosis.The study was performed with white laboratory mice (n = 50) immunized with the Brucella abortus 19 BA strain. The control group (n = 50) consisted of laboratory mice that received a sterile saline solution in a volume of 0.5 ml. Blood samples were taken from immunized and control animals before vaccination, and 7, 14, 21, and 30 days after immunization. By means of flow cytometry, the activation molecules CD25, CD69, MHC II and CD95, expressed on T lymphocytes (CD3+CD69+, CD3+CD25+, CD3+CD95+, CD3+MHC+) were determined. To observe the development of immunity, the intensity of expression of T lymphocyte activation markers was calculated using the stimulation quotient. BrAg was used for specific in vitro stimulation of T lymphocytes. The liquid brucellosis allergen (brucellin) was used as an antigen for comparison, when studying opportunity of BrAg usage for assessing the postvaccinal immunity development.The following results were obtained: BrAg has pronounced specific activity, it did not cause non-specific in vitro reactions (activation) of T lymphocytes, thus enabling its application as a test antigen when evaluating development of adaptive vaccine immunity against brucella.Experimental testing of brucellosis antigen for carrying out the in vitro antigen-stimulated cellular reactions, aiming for evaluation of post-vaccinal immunity development against brucellosis, showed that the usage of BrAg promotes increase in diagnostic sensitivity of cellular reactions under in vitro experimental conditions. The applied experimental antigen is a quite promising tool for development of laboratory algorithms for brucellosis diagnostics, and assessment of actual vaccination efficiency in cohorts previously vaccinated against brucellosis
Современные подходы к использованию глюкокортикоидных и цитотоксических препаратов при болезни Шегрена
Tsel' issledovaniya. Otsenit' effektivnost' dlitel'noy terapii bolezni Shegrena (BSh) malymi dozami glyukokortikoidnykh (GK) i alkiliruyushchikh tsitotoksicheskikh (ATs) preparatov
Materialy i metody. V issledovanie vklyucheno 412 patsientov (406 zhenshchin i 6 muzhchin) s BSh, nablyudavshikhsya v Institute revmatologii v 1975 - 2007 gg. Mediana nablyudeniya - 9 (5-15) let. Sredniy vozrast bol'nykh na nachalo nablyudeniya - 44,8 goda. Mediana dlitel'nosti BSh do pervogo postupleniya - 9 let, mediana vozrasta debyuta BSh - 33 goda. Effektivnost' dlitel'noy terapii malymi dozami GKu 151 bol'nogo (mediana - 10 let), malymi dozami ATsu 147 bol'nykh (mediana - 5 let) otsenena v sravnenii s rezul'tatami lecheniya 94 bol'nykh, poluchavshikh tol'ko «oftal'mologicheskie» i «stomatologicheskie» metody terapii. Rezul'taty issledovaniya. Pokazano, chto terapiya malymi dozami GK i ATs polozhitel'no vliyala na nekotorye zhelezistye i vnezhelezistye proyavleniya zabolevaniya, odnako k snizheniyu veroyatnosti razvitiya limfoproliferativnykh zabolevaniy (r=0,036) i povysheniyu vyzhivaemosti bol'nykh s BSh privodila tol'ko terapiya ATs (r=0,037). Razrabotany i predstavleny metodiki lokal'nogo ispol'zovaniya GK pri tyazhelykh oftal'mologicheskikh i stomatologicheskikh proyavleniyakh BSh. U 150 bol'nykh s BSh s tyazhelymi sistemnymi proyavleniyami predstavleny pokazaniya i protivopokazaniya dlya provedeniya pul's-terapii (PT), kombinirovannoy PT, plazmafereza, krioafereza i dvoynoy fil'tratsii plazmy v sochetanii s kombinirovannoy PT. Pokazano, chto naznachenie malykh doz GK i PT u zhenshchin s BSh s sokhranennym menstrual'nym tsiklom privodit k bolee rannemu nastupleniyu menopauzy i sposobstvuet razvitiyu glyukokortikoidnogo i postmenopauzal'nogo osteoporoza v otdalennye sroki. Otseneny naibolee znachimye pobochnye proyavleniya terapii GK i ATs pri razlichnykh variantakh terapii BSh.Цель исследования. Оценить эффективность длительной терапии болезни Шегрена (БШ) малыми дозами глюкокортикоидных (ГК) и алкилирующих цитотоксических (АЦ) препаратов
Материалы и методы. В исследование включено 412 пациентов (406 женщин и 6 мужчин) с БШ, наблюдавшихся в Институте ревматологии в 1975 - 2007 гг. Медиана наблюдения - 9 (5-15) лет. Средний возраст больных на начало наблюдения - 44,8 года. Медиана длительности БШ до первого поступления - 9 лет, медиана возраста дебюта БШ - 33 года. Эффективность длительной терапии малыми дозами ГКу 151 больного (медиана - 10 лет), малыми дозами АЦу 147 больных (медиана - 5 лет) оценена в сравнении с результатами лечения 94 больных, получавших только «офтальмологические» и «стоматологические» методы терапии. Результаты исследования. Показано, что терапия малыми дозами ГК и АЦ положительно влияла на некоторые железистые и внежелезистые проявления заболевания, однако к снижению вероятности развития лимфопролиферативных заболеваний (р=0,036) и повышению выживаемости больных с БШ приводила только терапия АЦ (р=0,037). Разработаны и представлены методики локального использования ГК при тяжелых офтальмологических и стоматологических проявлениях БШ. У 150 больных с БШ с тяжелыми системными проявлениями представлены показания и противопоказания для проведения пульс-терапии (ПТ), комбинированной ПТ, плазмафереза, криоафереза и двойной фильтрации плазмы в сочетании с комбинированной ПТ. Показано, что назначение малых доз ГК и ПТ у женщин с БШ с сохраненным менструальным циклом приводит к более раннему наступлению менопаузы и способствует развитию глюкокортикоидного и постменопаузального остеопороза в отдаленные сроки. Оценены наиболее значимые побочные проявления терапии ГК и АЦ при различных вариантах терапии БШ
Rhythmic Structure of Reading and Cross-Modal Priming Effect of Rhythm on Grammatical Judgements
Ритм является фундаментальным элементом как музыки, так и речи, однако влияние аудиально представленных ритмических паттернов на процессы чтения игнорируется в исследованиях. Здесь мы представляем исследование связанных с событиями потенциалов, проведенное с использованием кросс-модального дизайна. Мы обнаружили увеличение эффекта P600 после регулярной ритмической стимуляции, который был наиболее выражен в правом полушарии. Также мы обнаружили значимое взаимодействие фактора полушария и прайминга. Результаты нашего исследования показывают тесное межмодальное взаимодействие в процессе чтения, а также наличие внутренней ритмической структуры, которая участвует в процессе чтения и может быть синхронизирована с внешней ритмической стимуляцией.Rhythm is a fundamental element of both music and speech, however, the effect of auditorily presented rhythm patterns on reading processes is neglected in the research. Here we present an event-related potentials study conducted using such cross-modal design. We found an increased P600 effect after regular rhythmic stimulation, this effect was the most pronounced in the right hemisphere.We also found a significant interaction between hemispheric factor and priming. These results suggest tight intermodal connections in the reading process as well as the existence of an internal rhythmic structure which is both involved in the reading process and might be synchronized with external rhythmic stimulation
Effect of Pictorial Depth Cues, Binocular Disparity Cues and Motion Parallax Depth Cues on Lightness Perception in Three-Dimensional Virtual Scenes
Surface lightness perception is affected by scene interpretation. There is some experimental evidence that perceived lightness under bi-ocular viewing conditions is different from perceived lightness in actual scenes but there are also reports that viewing conditions have little or no effect on perceived color. We investigated how mixes of depth cues affect perception of lightness in three-dimensional rendered scenes containing strong gradients of illumination in depth.Observers viewed a virtual room (4 m width x 5 m height x 17.5 m depth) with checkerboard walls and floor. In four conditions, the room was presented with or without binocular disparity (BD) depth cues and with or without motion parallax (MP) depth cues. In all conditions, observers were asked to adjust the luminance of a comparison surface to match the lightness of test surfaces placed at seven different depths (8.5-17.5 m) in the scene. We estimated lightness versus depth profiles in all four depth cue conditions. Even when observers had only pictorial depth cues (no MP, no BD), they partially but significantly discounted the illumination gradient in judging lightness. Adding either MP or BD led to significantly greater discounting and both cues together produced the greatest discounting. The effects of MP and BD were approximately additive. BD had greater influence at near distances than far.These results suggest the surface lightness perception is modulated by three-dimensional perception/interpretation using pictorial, binocular-disparity, and motion-parallax cues additively. We propose a two-stage (2D and 3D) processing model for lightness perception
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