162 research outputs found

    Genetics of Maturity and Photoperiod Sensitivity in Maize

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    Ninety tropical-adapted maize inbreds were evaluated for maturity and photoperiod sensitivity under short daylength (SD) environment in Hawaii, and under long daylength (LD) environments in Iowa, and Korea. Extensive genotypic variations were observed for the two traits among these inbreds. There was no single inbred classified as strictly day-neutral. Inbreds that exhibited early maturity and low photoperiod sensitivity were mostly temperate-derived, while those that exhibited late maturity and high photoperiod sensitivity were exclusively tropical-derived. Diallel analysis (Analysis III of Gardner and Eberhart, 1966) revealed that variations among general combining ability (GCA) estimates were much larger than variations among specific combining ability (SCA) estimates for days to anthesis, silking, blacklayer formation, and their respective delays. GCA and SCA variations contributed more or less equally to the expression of anthesis to silking interval, and grain filling period. High GCA/SCA ratios indicated large additive genetic variation for maturity and photoperiod sensitivity traits. Estimates of heterosis included in the model, however, were high in most cases which suggested that non-additive genetic variation was also important in the inheritance of these traits. Generation mean analyses showed that additive and dominance gene effects were highly significant in a majority of the crosses. Magnitude of estimates varied with types of crosses, but in general, dominance gene effects had greater magnitude than additive gene effects for maturity and photoperiod sensitivity. Significant amounts of epistatic gene effects were detected, but they seemed to cancel each other, thus leaving dominance gene effects as the main contributors to the inheritance of the two traits. Maturity appeared to be controlled by few genes (between two and four). Three cycles of divergent mass selection for silking dates of two tropical maize composites were evaluated under SD environments in Waimanalo and Kauai and under extended daylength in Waimanalo. Selection was effective in diverging silking dates in both populations. Selection for early and late silking resulted in decreased and increased photoperiod sensitivity, respectively. The strong correlated effects of selection on photoperiod sensitivity suggested that short-day maturity and photoperiod sensitivity were under common genetic control. Pleiotropic effects of genes were most likely behind this relationship

    Kinetics of the Scavenging Reactions of Hydrogen Sulfide with MEA-triazine

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    Boletin Oficial Revolucionario de la Provincia de Logrono: Número 125 _ 16/10/1868

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    Copia digital. España : Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 202

    Comparative Analysis of Colorfastness of Extracted Pigment from Kangkong (Ipomoea aquatica) with Varied Alcohol Solutions

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    Inorganic pigments are the most preferred pigments to be produced due to their greater resistance to fade, efficiency in the application, and how it is overall easier and faster to produce. However, natural water is polluted, and close vegetation is damaged because of the affected water channels that have been damaged due to improper disposal by the manufacturing industry. This paper reviews a comparative analysis of the colorfastness of extracted pigment from kangkong with varied alcohol solutions. A total of 7 varying ethyl alcohol solutions with concentrations ranging from 10% to 70% were obtained using the dilution equation. Kangkong leaves were then utilized for the extraction of chlorophyll due to its high leaf yield rate. The Brightness levels and Saturation levels had an inverse and direct correlation to the alcohol concentration, respectively. This suggests that a greater alcohol concentration is more effective and efficient in the extraction of chlorophyll because the samples had a better expression of colors. After observing the color value before and after administering the colorfastness test, the alcohol concentration in the extraction of chlorophyll has an inverse relationship with the colorfastness of the pigment on textile material

    Bile duct involvement by hepatocellular carcinoma: A rare occurrence and poor prognostic indicator in bile duct brushing samples

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153086/1/cncy22185_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153086/2/cncy22185.pd

    Diagnostic Accuracy of Fine Needle Biopsy for Metastatic Melanoma and Its Implications for Patient Management

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    The use of fine needle biopsy (FNB) for the diagnosis of metastatic melanoma can lead to the early removal and treatment of metastases, reduce the frequency of unnecessary surgery, and facilitate the staging of patients enrolled in clinical trials of adjuvant therapies. In this study, the accuracy of FNB for the diagnosis of metastatic melanoma was investigated. A retrospective cohort study was performed with 2204 consecutive FNBs performed on 1416 patients known or suspected to have metastatic melanoma. Almost three-quarters (1582) of these FNBs were verified by either histopathologic diagnosis following surgical resection or clinical follow-up. FNB for metastatic melanoma was found to have an overall sensitivity of 92.1% and a specificity of 99.2%, with 69 false-negative and 5 false-positive findings identified. The sensitivity of the procedure was found to be influenced by six factors. The use of immunostains, reporting of the specimen by a cytopathologist who had reported >500 cases, lesions located in the skin and subcutis, and patients with ulcerated primary melanomas were factors associated with a significant improvement in the sensitivity of the test. However, FNBs performed in masses located in lymph nodes of the axilla and FNBs that required more than one needle pass to obtain a sample were far more likely to result in false-negative results. FNB is a rapid, accurate, and clinically useful technique for the assessment of disease status in patients with suspected metastatic melanoma

    Genetic studies of extra-early provitamin-A maize inbred lines and their hybrids in multiple environments

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    Open Access Article; Published online: 25 Sept 2019Vitamin A deficiency, drought, low soil nitrogen (low N) and Striga hermonthica parasitism of maize (Zea mays L.) cause malnutrition and food insecurity in sub-Saharan Africa. The objectives of this study were to determine combining abilities of extra-early provitamin A (PVA) lines, classify them into heterotic groups (HGs), identify testers, and determine yield stability of hybrids under contrasting environments in two trials. In trial 1, 20 extra-early PVA lines were inter-mated in a diallel mating scheme to obtain 190 F1 hybrids. The 190 F1 hybrids plus six checks were tested under Striga infestation, drought, and stress-free environments in Nigeria from 2015 to 2017. In trial 2, 35 extra-early yellow hybrids were evaluated under low-N, Striga-infested and stress-free environments in 2018. Provitamin A concentrations of 23.98 and 22.56 μg g-1 were obtained for TZEEIOR 202 and TZEEIOR 205. TZEEIOR 197 × TZEEIOR 205 (20.1 μg g-1) and TZEEIOR 202 × TZEEIOR 205 (22.7 μg g-1) contained about double the PVA level of the commercial check, TZEEI 58 × TZEE-Y Pop STR C5 (11.4 μgg-1). Both general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining ability variances were statistically significant for most agronomic traits, although GCA was much larger than SCA effects, indicating that additive genetic effects primarily controlled the inheritance of those traits. TZEEIOR 97 and TZEEIOR 197 were identified as inbred testers. TZEEIOR 197 × TZEEIOR205 (20.1 μg g-1) was identified as a single-cross tester as well as the most stable and highest-yielding hybrid across environments. TZEEIOR 202 and TZEEIOR 205 should be invaluable resources for breeding for high PVA. PVA level was independent of hybrid yield potential, indicating that selection of superior hybrids with elevated PVA levels should be feasible