804 research outputs found

    On Higgs Bundles on Nodal Curves

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    This is a review article on some applications of generalised parabolic structures to the study of torsion free sheaves and LL-twisted Hitchin pairs on nodal curves. In particular, we survey on the relation between representations of the fundamental group of a nodal curve and the moduli spaces of generalised parabolic bundles and generalised parabolic LL-twisted Hitchin pairs on its normalisation as well as on an analogue of the Hitchin map for generalised parabolic LL-twisted Hitchin pairs

    Moduli spaces of parabolic U(p,q)U(p,q)-Higgs bundles

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    Using the L2L^2-norm of the Higgs field as a Morse function, we count the number of connected components of the moduli space of parabolic U(p,q)U(p,q)-Higgs bundles over a Riemann surface with a finite number of marked points, under certain genericity conditions on the parabolic structure. This space is homeomorphic to the moduli space of representations of the fundamental group of the punctured surface in U(p,q)U(p,q), with fixed compact holonomy classes around the marked points. We apply our results to the study of representations of the fundamental group of elliptic surfaces of general type.Comment: 46 pages, no figures. Corrected typos, added remarks. To appear in "Quarterly Journal of Mathematics

    Hodge polynomials of the SL(2, C)-character variety of an elliptic curve with two marked points

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    We compute the Hodge polynomials for the moduli space of representations of an elliptic curve with two marked points into SL(2, C). When we fix the conjugacy classes of the representations around the marked points to be diagonal and of modulus one, the character variety is diffeomorphic to the moduli space of strongly parabolic Higgs bundles, whose Betti numbers are known. In that case we can recover some of the Hodge numbers of the character variety. We extend this result to the moduli space of doubly periodic instantons

    On character varieties of singular manifolds

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    In this paper, we construct a lax monoidal Topological Quantum Field Theory that computes virtual classes, in the Grothendieck ring of algebraic varieties, of GG-representation varieties over manifolds with conic singularities, which we will call nodefolds. This construction is valid for any algebraic group GG, in any dimension and also in the parabolic setting. In particular, this TQFT allow us to compute the virtual classes of representation varieties over complex singular planar curves. In addition, in the case G=SL2(k)G = \mathrm{SL}_{2}(k), the virtual class of the associated character variety over a nodal closed orientable surface is computed both in the non-parabolic and in the parabolic scenarios.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figure

    Agua, salud y análisis costo/beneficio social

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    In this paper, it is shown the relationship between coverage in water and sanitation, and hydric disease’s incidence. There are synthesized the situations of the more affected regions and there are presented the Millennium Development Goals on the subject. Briefly, there are summarized the social cost/benefit analysis applicable to public projects, and it is studied the particular case of its application to the Millennium Development Goals in water and sanitation