18 research outputs found

    Don Kalb, Massimiliano Mollona, eds, Worldwide mobilizations: Class struggles and urban commoning, New York and Oxford, Berghahn, 2018, pp. 256

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    Book review of Don Kalb, Massimiliano Mollona, eds, Worldwide mobilizations: Class struggles and urban commoning, New York and Oxford, Berghahn, 2018, pp. 256.Recensione di Don Kalb, Massimiliano Mollona, eds, Worldwide mobilizations: Class struggles and urban commoning, New York and Oxford, Berghahn, 2018, pp. 256

    What Remains in Social Science Instruction During the Changing Times in a State-funded School in Southern Philippines: Moving Forward and What Can Be Done

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    The study primarily aimed at determining and utilizing extent of the Social Science instructors on instructional materials, and framing a capacity development framework to secure the quality of instructional delivery in the changing times. It employed the descriptive design undertaking the purposive sampling which resulted in obtaining 26 respondents from the total population, thus descriptive statistics had been used in analyzing and interpreting the collected data. The results reflected how social sciences are being taught by the 26 purposively sampled respondents and showed that the underlying instructional materials or the non-technological ones remained as top materials that are often and occasionally being utilized, collectively implying that regardless that these are categorized as traditional and commonly used, are still being perceived as efficient and effective, such that optimizing and redesigning them to adapt to the changing landscape of instruction is elucidated in this paper through a capacity development program paradigm, in which the implementation is urgently recommended

    Anthropology, financial expansion and its relationalities from “marginal sites”: An introduction

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    In this introduction we map the tradition of thoughts and state of the art on the study of finance and financialization in relation to the anthropological Italian debate. We suggest a particular attention towards ethnographic approaches “from the margins” of finance that can help build a non unilinear and west-centric agenda for studying financial expansion also in the Italian context. Then we discuss conceptual trends on financial expansion that emerged in the international anthropological debate after the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), underlining a shift from the “double movement” analysis to the rediscovery and the reframing of relational approach. Thinking of financialization beyond the dualistic interpretative prism that sets finance against society, movement against counter movement, center against periphery we invite to conceptualize financial expansion as the result of a variety of independent but related processes which must be apprehended holistically. We consider ethnography as an opportunity to unravel the multiple spatial and temporal axes and kinds of processes that constitute financial expansion. When analyzed ethnographically, financialization seems to proceed by simultaneous movements and countermovement resulting from the confrontation among increasingly financialized subjects. This interactive practice produces attempts that, despite the power asymmetries, might result in unplanned transformative outcomes

    Debito e dono

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    The analysis of the concept of the gift implies the analysis of the concept of debt. In the context of our post-global age, an age in which the grands rĂ©cits which Jean François Lyotard spoke about in the ‘70’s are anything but extinct and now simply hidden or inscribed in the language and order of our society, they work intensely to reify social relations, and it is debt that has taken on a primary role in the construction of the world

    Student Knowledge of Data Analytics: Preparing for the Real World

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    Un approccio analitico basato sui grafi per lo studio funzionale di prodotti industriali

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    Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria Meccanica, XXII Ciclo, a.a. 2008-2009UniversitĂ  della Calabri

    Balcanismo e costruzione sociale delle migrazioni forzate in Italia: esplorazioni antropologiche

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    l contributo indaga il nesso poco esplorato tra Balcanismo e costruzione sociale della migrazione forzata in Italia, a partire dalle pratiche discorsive di operatori sociali e amministratori locali che si trovano coinvolti in fenomeni migratori diversi, quali l’onda lunga delle migrazioni dei primi anni Novanta e la crisi dei migranti del 2015 lungo la cosiddetta rotta balcanica. Pur nella diversità dei loro ruoli istituzionali e dei contesti di intervento (Friuli Venezia Giulia ed Emilia-Ro- magna), i nostri interlocutori hanno riprodotto discorsivamente lo spazio balcanico come luogo connotato da una spiazzante ambiguità, incarnata anche da chi vi proviene o lo attraversa. L’articolo interroga l’intersezione del discorso balcanista con il sistema europeo e italiano di governance delle migrazioni, per esplorare i modi con cui le trasformazioni che marcano precisi regimi di mobilità si articolano con la quotidiana costruzione di confini simbolici e gerarchie morali nella società italiana

    School Frontliners: Experiences of College Teachers in the New Normal Educational Setting

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    It employed a phenomenological qualitative study to described the experiences of college teachers in the new normal educational setting. There were 12 participants from four Higher Education Institutions in Panabo City, Davao Del Norte and were identified through purposive sampling. The study revealed the challenges, coping strategies, and gained experiences of the participants. Hence, to be more holistically equipped in the new normal educational setting a continuous exposure in trainings, seminars, and workshops should be the top priorities of the stakeholders. They should also craft an educational emergency plan and preparedness.THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV

    Senso condiviso: sapere antropologico e altre expertise professionali

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    Sollecitando il confronto fra etnografi, antropologi applicati e professionisti dei servizi, il numero intende mettere a confronto le ricerche ed esperienze che si sviluppano nei campi liminali dell\u2019applicazione, caratterizzati dall\u2019interazione fra molteplici saperi \u201cesperti\u201d, linguaggi disciplinari e prospettive professionali. Nello specifico, si esplorano in senso riflessivo i modi con cui, pur non senza dilemmi e criticit\ue0, gli antropologi rinegoziano i propri dispositivi e facilitano \u201caccomodamenti\u201d sul campo per costruire un senso condiviso tra i diversi attori che compongono i contesti di intervento (in particolare, scuola, sanit\ue0 pubbliche, inclusione sociale