2,190 research outputs found

    Effect of Gravitational Lensing on Measurements of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect

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    The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect of a cluster of galaxies is usually measured after background radio sources are removed from the cluster field. Gravitational lensing by the cluster potential leads to a systematic deficit in the residual intensity of unresolved sources behind the cluster core relative to a control field far from the cluster center. As a result, the measured decrement in the Rayleigh-Jeans temperature of the cosmic microwave background is overestimated. We calculate the associated systematic bias which is inevitably introduced into measurements of the Hubble constant using the SZ effect. For the cluster A2218, we find that observations at 15 GHz with a beam radius of 0'.4 and a source removal threshold of 100 microJy underestimate the Hubble constant by 6-10%. If the profile of the gas pressure declines more steeply with radius than that of the dark matter density, then the ratio of lensing to SZ decrements increases towards the outer part of the cluster.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, submitted to ApJ

    Distortion of Gravitational-Wave Packets Due to their Self-Gravity

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    When a source emits a gravity-wave (GW) pulse over a short period of time, the leading edge of the GW signal is redshifted more than the inner boundary of the pulse. The GW pulse is distorted by the gravitational effect of the self-energy residing in between these shells. We illustrate this distortion for GW pulses from the final plunge of black hole (BH) binaries, leading to the evolution of the GW profile as a function of the radial distance from the source. The distortion depends on the total GW energy released and the duration of the emission, scaled by the total binary mass, M. The effect should be relevant in finite box simulations where the waveforms are extracted within a radius of <~ 100M. For characteristic emission parameters at the final plunge between binary BHs of arbitrary spins, this effect could distort the simulated GW templates for LIGO and LISA by a fraction of 0.001. Accounting for the wave distortion would significantly decrease the waveform extraction errors in numerical simulations.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Effects of Dust on Gravitational Lensing by Spiral Galaxies

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    Gravitational lensing of an optical QSO by a spiral galaxy is often counteracted by dust obscuration, since the line-of-sight to the QSO passes close to the center of the galactic disk. The dust in the lens is likely to be correlated with neutral hydrogen, which in turn should leave a Lyman-alpha absorption signature on the QSO spectrum. We use the estimated dust-to-gas ratio of the Milky-Way galaxy as a mean and allow a spread in its values to calculate the effects of dust on lensing by low redshift spiral galaxies. Using a no-evolution model for spirals at z<1 we find (in Lambda=0 cosmologies) that the magnification bias due to lensing is stronger than dust obscuration for QSO samples with a magnitude limit B<16. The density parameter of neutral hydrogen, Omega_HI, is overestimated in such samples and is underestimated for fainter QSOs.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, ApJ, in pres

    Functions of several Cayley-Dickson variables and manifolds over them

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    Functions of several octonion variables are investigated and integral representation theorems for them are proved. With the help of them solutions of the ~{\tilde {\partial}}-equations are studied. More generally functions of several Cayley-Dickson variables are considered. Integral formulas of the Martinelli-Bochner, Leray, Koppelman type used in complex analysis here are proved in the new generalized form for functions of Cayley-Dickson variables instead of complex. Moreover, analogs of Stein manifolds over Cayley-Dickson graded algebras are defined and investigated

    Dynamical Mass Estimates of Large-Scale Filaments in Redshift Surveys

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    We propose a new method to measure the mass of large-scale filaments in galaxy redshift surveys. The method is based on the fact that the mass per unit length of isothermal filaments depends only on their transverse velocity dispersion. Filaments that lie perpendicular to the line of sight may therefore have their mass per unit length measured from their thickness in redshift space. We present preliminary tests of the method and find that it predicts the mass per unit length of filaments in an N-body simulation to an accuracy of ~35%. Applying the method to a select region of the Perseus-Pisces supercluster yields a mass-to-light ratio M/L_B around 460h in solar units to within a factor of two. The method measures the mass-to-light ratio on length scales of up to 50h^(-1) Mpc and could thereby yield new information on the behavior of the dark matter on mass scales well beyond that of clusters of galaxies.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX with 6 figures included. Submitted to Ap

    Is a Classical Language Adequate in Assessing the Detectability of the Redshifted 21cm Signal from the Early Universe?

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    The classical radiometer equation is commonly used to calculate the detectability of the 21cm emission by diffuse cosmic hydrogen at high redshifts. However, the classical description is only valid in the regime where the occupation number of the photons in phase space is much larger than unity and they collectively behave as a classical electromagnetic field. At redshifts z<20, the spin temperature of the intergalactic gas is dictated by the radiation from galaxies and the brightness temperature of the emitting gas is in the range of mK, independently from the existence of the cosmic microwave background. In regions where the observed brightness temperature of the 21cm signal is smaller than the observed photon energy, of 68/(1+z) mK, the occupation number of the signal photons is smaller than unity. Neverethless, the radiometer equation can still be used in this regime because the weak signal is accompanied by a flood of foreground photons with a high occupation number (involving the synchrotron Galactic emission and the cosmic microwave background). As the signal photons are not individually distinguishable, the combined signal+foreground population of photons has a high occupation number, thus justifying the use of the radiometer equation.Comment: 4 pages, Accepted for publication in JCA

    A Size of ~10 Mpc for the Ionized Bubbles at the End of Cosmic Reionization

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    The first galaxies to appear in the universe at redshifts z>20 created ionized bubbles in the intergalactic medium of neutral hydrogen left over from the Big-Bang. It is thought that the ionized bubbles grew with time, surrounded clusters of dwarf galaxies and eventually overlapped quickly throughout the universe over a narrow redshift interval near z~6. This event signaled the end of the reionization epoch when the universe was a billion years old. Measuring the hitherto unknown size distribution of the bubbles at their final overlap phase is a focus of forthcoming observational programs aimed at highly redshifted 21cm emission from atomic hydrogen. Here we show that the combined constraints of cosmic variance and causality imply an observed bubble size at the end of the overlap epoch of ~10 physical Mpc, and a scatter in the observed redshift of overlap along different lines-of-sight of ~0.15. This scatter is consistent with observational constraints from recent spectroscopic data on the farthest known quasars. Our novel result implies that future radio experiments should be tuned to a characteristic angular scale of ~0.5 degrees and have a minimum frequency band-width of ~8 MHz for an optimal detection of 21cm flux fluctuations near the end of reionization.Comment: Accepted for publication in Nature. Press embargo until publishe

    Gravitational Microlensing of Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows by Single and Binary Stars

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    We calculate the magnification light curves due to stellar microlensing of gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglows. A GRB source appears on the sky as a thin ring which expands faster than the speed of light and is maximally magnified as it crosses the lens caustics. While a single star lens produces a single peak in the magnification light curve, binary star lenses may produce multiple peaks. The shape of the magnification light curve provides invaluable information on the surface brightness distribution of the afterglow photosphere on sub micro-arcsecond scales. We find that all afterglows are likely to show variability at the level of a few percent about a year following the explosion, due to stars which are separated by tens of Einstein radii from their line-of-sight.Comment: slightly modified version, 14 pages, 4 figures, ApJL, in pres

    Constraining Parity Violation in Gravity with Measurements of Neutron-Star Moments of Inertia

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    Neutron stars are sensitive laboratories for testing general relativity, especially when considering deviations where velocities are relativistic and gravitational fields are strong. One such deviation is described by dynamical, Chern-Simons modified gravity, where the Einstein-Hilbert action is modified through the addition of the gravitational parity-violating Pontryagin density coupled to a field. This four-dimensional effective theory arises naturally both in perturbative and non-perturbative string theory, loop quantum gravity, and generic effective field theory expansions. We calculate here Chern-Simons modifications to the properties and gravitational fields of slowly spinning neutron stars. We find that the Chern-Simons correction affects only the gravitomagnetic sector of the metric to leading order, thus introducing modifications to the moment of inertia but not to the mass-radius relation. We show that an observational determination of the moment of inertia to an accuracy of 10%, as is expected from near-future observations of the double pulsar, will place a constraint on the Chern-Simons coupling constant of \xi^{1/4} < 5 km, which is at least three-orders of magnitude stronger than the previous strongest bound.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, replaced with version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The Formation of the First Low-Mass Stars From Gas With Low Carbon and Oxygen Abundances

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    The first stars in the Universe are predicted to have been much more massive than the Sun. Gravitational condensation accompanied by cooling of the primordial gas due to molecular hydrogen, yields a minimum fragmentation scale of a few hundred solar masses. Numerical simulations indicate that once a gas clump acquires this mass, it undergoes a slow, quasi-hydrostatic contraction without further fragmentation. Here we show that as soon as the primordial gas - left over from the Big Bang - is enriched by supernovae to a carbon or oxygen abundance as small as ~0.01-0.1% of that found in the Sun, cooling by singly-ionized carbon or neutral oxygen can lead to the formation of low-mass stars. This mechanism naturally accommodates the discovery of solar mass stars with unusually low (10^{-5.3} of the solar value) iron abundance but with a high (10^{-1.3} solar) carbon abundance. The minimum stellar mass at early epochs is partially regulated by the temperature of the cosmic microwave background. The derived critical abundances can be used to identify those metal-poor stars in our Milky Way galaxy with elemental patterns imprinted by the first supernovae.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures (appeared today in Nature