6 research outputs found

    Prevalence and Progression of Ametropias in Medical Students

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    Background: Uncorrected refractive errors (Myopia, Hyperopia and Astigmatism) are one of the main causes of poor vision, attributing to 43% of vision deficiencies. Myopia is the most common visual disorder in the world and can progress up until the age of 20-25, when many people are in university. The etiological factors that cause myopia are still unclear and deserve to be studied. Our aim was to identify the prevalence of ametropias and self-perception of ophthalmic health in medical students at the Centro Universitário Saúde ABC/FMABC. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with data collected at Centro Universitário Saúde ABC/FMABC from medical students. A total of 232 students participated in the survey, from the 1st to the 4th year of study. Data was obtained through a questionnaire, which evaluates ophthalmologic health, ametropia, and self-perception. Results: It was observed that 74.57% of the students had some type of ametropia, myopia being the most recurrent (59.05%). The study shows significant data of an increase in the grade of students from 1st to 4th grade throughout college. It was observed that the average daily study time of the students was 9.68 hours and abuse in the use of electronic devices. Conclusion: This study presented a high prevalence of ametropias among medical students at the Centro Universitário ABC/FMABC, in addition to a high prevalence of multifactorial myopia and an increased need to update their diopters (degrees) during the course of university

    A influência do isolamento social na incidência de positividade nos testes de covid-19 em região metropolitana de São Paulo, Brasil

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    Introduction: With the arrival of the SARS-CoV-2 (Coronavirus 2 of severe acute respiratory syndrome) pandemic in Brazil, especially in the city of São Paulo, there was a need to apply social isolation policies associated with testing, covering all municipalities. The Clinical Analysis Laboratory of Centro Universitário FMABC was one of the first laboratories to receive certification and qualification to perform RT-PCR (reverse transcriptase reaction followed by polymerase chain reaction) tests in the metropolitan region of São Paulo. Objective: Aim to analyze the influence of adopting social isolation on the incidence of positivity in COVID-19 tests in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, Brazil. Methods: a descriptive study carried out from March to May 2020, epidemiological data were collected from each unit served and organized by the data controllership team of the Clinical Analysis Laboratory of FMABC. Epidemiological, demographic, and laboratory data were extracted from the Matrix® outpatient data management system. Clinically suspected cases and confirmed by laboratory tests (RT-PCR and serological tests) were entered. The tests were divided into serological tests using the RT-PCR molecular test, on samples of nasopharyngeal mucosal scrapings collected with sterile Swab. Results: It were evaluated PCR test and antibody presence (IgA, IgM and IgG) in blood samples of 16.297 patients. 22.718 tests were performed for the diagnosis of COVID-19, both RT-PCR (10.410 tests) and serological tests to detect anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, IgA, IgM and IgG, a total of 16.297 patients were assessed, 63% women and 37% men. It was observed that the social isolation policies adopted during this period contained the massive expansion of contamination, at least while the social isolation rates were above 55%. Conclusion: The data of this study demonstrated the effectiveness of social isolation in containing the positive contamination of SARS-CoV-2 in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, at least for the first three months.Introdução: com a chegada da pandemia de SARS-CoV-2 (Coronavirus 2 da síndrome respiratória aguda grave) ao Brasil, especialmente na cidade de São Paulo, houve a necessidade de aplicar medidas de distanciamento social associado a testagem, que abrangesse todos os municípios. A região metropolitana de São Paulo compreende 39 municípios e possui uma rede de laboratórios habilitados a realizar a testagem para a detecção do coronavírus, tanto testes sorológicos quanto moleculares. O Laboratório de Análises Clínicas do Centro Universitário ABC/FMABC foi um dos primeiros laboratórios a receber a certificação e habilitação para realizar os testes RT-PCR (reação da transcriptase reversa seguida pela reação em cadeia da polimerase) na região metropolitana de São Paulo. Objetivo: analisar a influência da adoção do isolamento social na incidência de positividade nos testes de COVID-19 em região metropolitana de São Paulo, Brasil. Método: estudo descritivo realizado no período de março a maio de 2020, os dados epidemiológicos foram coletados de cada unidade atendida e organizada pela equipe de controladoria de dados do Laboratório de Análises Clínicas da FMABC. Os dados epidemiológicos, demográficos e laboratoriais foram extraídos do sistema Matrix® de gerenciamento de dados ambulatoriais. Foram inseridos os casos clinicamente suspeitos e confirmados por testes de laboratório (RT-PCR e testes sorológicos). Os testes foram divididos em testes sorológicos no teste molecular RT-PCR, em amostras de raspado de mucosa nasofaríngea coletada com Swab estéril. Resultados: foram avaliados o teste de RT-PCR e a presença de anticorpos (IgA, IgM e IgG) em amostras de sangue de 16.297 pacientes. Foram realizados 22.718 testes para o diagnóstico de COVID-19, tanto RT-PCR (10.410 testes), quanto testes sorológicos para detecção de anticorpos anti-SARS-CoV-2, IgA, IgM e IgG, um total de 16.297 pacientes foram avaliados, 63% mulheres e 37% homens. Observou-se que as políticas de isolamento social adotadas nesse período continham a expansão massiva da contaminação, pelo menos enquanto as taxas de isolamento social eram superiores a 55%. Conclusão: nossos dados demonstraram a efetividade do isolamento social na retenção da positividade da contaminação do SARS-CoV-2 nas cidades contempladas pelo serviço de testagem do Centro Universitário Saúde ABC, pelo menos nos três primeiros meses

    Opacificação tipo "snowflake" em lente intra-ocular de polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA)

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    As lentes intraoculares têm sido utilizadas na reabilitação de pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de catarata desde 1959 com grande sucesso. Entretanto, alterações no biomaterial dessas lentes vêm sendo descritas nos últimos anos, diminuindo a acuidade visual dos pacientes anos depois da cirurgia. Este relato apresenta um caso de opacificação tipo "snowflake" em lente de polimetilmetacrilato, seguida de discussão sobre as principais características dessa alteração e indicação de retirada e troca da lente intraocular

    Biometria ultrassônica no cálculo do poder dióptrico de lentes intraoculares: estudo comparativo dos métodos de contato e de imersão Ultrasound biometry and intraocular lens power calculation: comparative study of the contact and immersion techniques

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    Objetivo: Comparar as medidas ecobiométricas pelos métodos de imersão e de contato. Métodos: A biometria ultrassônica foi realizada em 60 olhos, pelo mesmo examinador e com o mesmo aparelho, usando os métodos de contato e de imersão em cada olho. Resultados: A menor média do comprimento axial (23,16 mm) foi obtida através do método de contato, e a maior (23,29 mm) sob imersão, usando a mesma sonda ultrassônica. A média do desvio padrão entre as repetidas medidas no mesmo olho foi menor (0,02) com a técnica de imersão, e a maior (0,07) com o método de contato, diferença estatisticamente significante (p<0,001). Os coeficientes de Pearson demonstraram alta correlação entre os dois métodos nas medidas do comprimento axial e profundidade da câmara anterior. Conclusão: O método de imersão mostrou maior precisão e reprodutibilidade, podendo evitar erros no cálculo do poder dióptrico da LIO e corresponder às expectativas visuais do paciente no pós-operatório.<br>Purpose: To compare the ultrasound biometry measurements between immersion and contact techniques. Methods: The biometry was made in 60 eyes by the same examiner, using the contact and immersion techniques in each eye. Results: The lower mean axial length (23,16 mm) was found in the contact technique, and the greater (23,29) was found in the immersion technique, using the same probe. The lower mean standard deviation between recurrent measures in the same eye was found in the immersion technique, and the greater in the contact procedure, and was found statistically significant (p<0,001). The Pearson's coefficients demonstrated high correlation between the two techniques, in measuring the axial length and anterior chamber depth. Conclusion: The immersion technique have shown more accuracy and reproducibility, avoiding errors in intraocular lens power calculation, and encountering the visual expectations of the patient

    Eye clinic attendance at the olympic and paralympic games Rio 2016 and its correlation to the WHO indicators on eye health.

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate athletes' frequency of attendance at the eye clinic during the Olympic and Paralympic Games Rio 2016 and to correlate it to WHO core indicators on progress in ophthalmology care in a country. METHODS: Frequencies of athletes' attendance at the eye clinic were calculated for each country. Countries were classified according to the World Bank income levels in high, upper-middle, low-middle or low-income country. Data on ophthalmology care for each country were derived from the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness atlas. Data were analysed in view of WHO indicators for each country: visual impairment prevalence considering presenting visual acuity <6/18 to ≥3/60 in the better vision eye; number of ophthalmologists per million people and the cataract surgical rate per year, per million population. RESULTS: The athletes' overall frequency of attendance in the eye clinic was 6.47%. Frequencies of attendance for high, upper-middle, low-middle or low-income country were 1.97%, 9.66%, 16.54% and 22.43%, respectively. A positive correlation was observed between the athletes' attendance frequency of a country and its visual impairment prevalence (r=0.2290, p=0.0017). A negative correlation was observed between the athletes' attendance frequency of a country and its eye health workforce (r=-0.2152, p=0.0026). CONCLUSION: Countries with highest athletes' frequencies of attendance were those that face barriers to eye care provision. These results reinforce the importance of the eye clinic service during the Olympic and Paralympic Games proving access to specialised care to athletes and members of delegation