13 research outputs found

    The Politics of State and Local Government

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    ix.566 hal.;23 c

    The Government and Administration of Wyoming: American Commonwealths Series. By Herman H. Trachsel and Ralph M. Wade. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. 1955. Pp. xiv, 381. 4.95.)−TheGovernmentandAdministrationofNewYork:AmericanCommonwealthsSeries.ByLyntonK.Caldwell.(NewYork:ThomasY.CrowellCompany.1954.Pp.xviii,506.4.95.) - The Government and Administration of New York: American Commonwealths Series. By Lynton K. Caldwell. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. 1954. Pp. xviii, 506. 5.95.) - The Government and Administration of Mississippi: American Commonwealths Series. By Robert B. Highsaw and Charles N. Fortenberry. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. 1954. Pp. xiv, 414. 4.95.)−TheGovernmentandAdministrationofFlorida:AmericanCommonwealthsSeries.ByWilsonK.Doyle,AngusMckenzieLairdandS.ShermanWeiss.(NewYork:ThomasY.CrowellCompany.1954.Pp.xv,444.4.95.) - The Government and Administration of Florida: American Commonwealths Series. By Wilson K. Doyle, Angus Mckenzie Laird and S. Sherman Weiss. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. 1954. Pp. xv, 444. 4.95.) - The Government and Administration of North Carolina: American Commonwealths Series. By Robert S. Rankin. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. 1955. Pp. xiv, 429. 4.95)−TheGovernmentandAdministrationofGeorgia:AmericanCommonwealthsSeries.ByCullenB.GosnellandC.DavidAnderson.(NewYork:ThomasY.CrowellCompany.1956.Pp.xix,403.4.95) - The Government and Administration of Georgia: American Commonwealths Series. By Cullen B. Gosnell and C. David Anderson. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. 1956. Pp. xix, 403. 4.95)

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    Legislative Politics in Connecticut

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    American superstructures

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