20 research outputs found

    Network Sensitivity of Systemic Risk

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    A growing body of studies on systemic risk in financial markets has emphasized the key importance of taking into consideration the complex interconnections among financial institutions. Much effort has been put in modeling the contagion dynamics of financial shocks, and to assess the resilience of specific financial markets - either using real network data, reconstruction techniques or simple toy networks. Here we address the more general problem of how shock propagation dynamics depends on the topological details of the underlying network. To this end we consider different realistic network topologies, all consistent with balance sheets information obtained from real data on financial institutions. In particular, we consider networks of varying density and with different block structures, and diversify as well in the details of the shock propagation dynamics. We confirm that the systemic risk properties of a financial network are extremely sensitive to its network features. Our results can aid in the design of regulatory policies to improve the robustness of financial markets

    Rotavirus Quantification in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis

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    Introduction: Most intractable diarrheas are treated with antibiotics, irrespective of the causative agent. This study aimed to quantify rotavirus (RV) with TaqMan real-time PCR in fecal samples of children with acute gastroenteritis (AGE) in accordance with the program of reduction of drug resistance and use of antibiotics. Methods: A total of 190 fecal specimens were collected from under-5-year-old children with AGE in pediatric Hospital Regina Margherita of Turin in Italy in 2017. A total of 38 out of 67 (56.7%) episodes of AGE were associated with RV genomic detection with a multiplex commercial kit. Results: All fecal specimens were tested for the presence of RV and other GE viruses. The most commonly detected virus was norovirus (41%), astrovirus (15.8%), human bocavirus (8.9%), sapovirus (7.9%), human parechovirus (5.8%), rhinovirus (4.2%), and adenovirus (1%). In 66 out of 190 (34.7%), RV was detectable with the median viral load 7.2E + 11 ± 60E + 11 genomes/mg fecal specimens. Discussion/Conclusions: Our results showed that RV was present in around 34.7% of children hospitalized for AGE, a rate similar to those reported in previous studies conducted elsewhere which were in the range of 33–75%. Our protocols are able to quantify the absolute number of viral particle/mg of feces. The clinical utility of quantitative molecular assays, such as RV viral load, will be markedly improved

    High shear stress enhances endothelial permeability in the presence of the risk haplotype at 9p21.3

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    Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are exceedingly common in non-coding loci, and while they are significantly associated with a myriad of diseases, their specific impact on cellular dysfunction remains unclear. Here, we show that when exposed to external stressors, the presence of risk SNPs in the 9p21.3 coronary artery disease (CAD) risk locus increases endothelial monolayer and microvessel dysfunction. Endothelial cells (ECs) derived from induced pluripotent stem cells of patients carrying the risk haplotype (R/R WT) differentiated similarly to their non-risk and isogenic knockout (R/R KO) counterparts. Monolayers exhibited greater permeability and reactive oxygen species signaling when the risk haplotype was present. Addition of the inflammatory cytokine TNF alpha further enhanced EC monolayer permeability but independent of risk haplotype; TNF alpha also did not substantially alter haplotype transcriptomes. Conversely, when wall shear stress was applied to ECs in a microfluidic vessel, R/R WT vessels were more permeable at lower shear stresses than R/R KO vessels. Transcriptomes of sheared cells clustered more by risk haplotype than by patient or clone, resulting in significant differential regulation of EC adhesion and extracellular matrix genes vs static conditions. A subset of previously identified CAD risk genes invert expression patterns in the presence of high shear concomitant with altered cell adhesion genes, vessel permeability, and endothelial erosion in the presence of the risk haplotype, suggesting that shear stress could be a regulator of non-coding loci with a key impact on CAD

    Metabolic dysregulation of the lysophospholipid/autotaxin axis in the chromosome 9p21 gene SNP rs10757274

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    Background - Common chromosome 9p21 SNPs increase coronary heart disease (CHD) risk, independent of 'traditional lipid risk factors'. However, lipids comprise large numbers of structurally related molecules not measured in traditional risk measurements, and many have inflammatory bioactivities. Here we applied lipidomic and genomic approaches to three model systems, to characterize lipid metabolic changes in common Chr9p21 SNPs which confer ~30% elevated CHD risk associated with altered expression of ANRIL, a long ncRNA. Methods - Untargeted and targeted lipidomics was applied to plasma from Northwick Park Heart Study II (NPHSII) homozygotes for AA or GG in rs10757274, followed by correlation and network analysis. To identify candidate genes, transcriptomic data from shRNA downregulation of ANRIL in HEK293 cells was mined. Transcriptional data from vascular smooth muscle cells differentiated from iPSCs of individuals with/without Chr9p21 risk, non-risk alleles, and corresponding knockout isogenic lines were next examined. Last, an in-silico analysis of miRNAs was conducted to identify how ANRIL might control lysoPL/lysoPA genes. Results - Elevated risk GG correlated with reduced lysophosphospholipids (lysoPLs), lysophosphatidic acids (lysoPA) and autotaxin (ATX). Five other risk SNPs did not show this phenotype. LysoPL-lysoPA interconversion was uncoupled from ATX in GG plasma, suggesting metabolic dysregulation. Significantly altered expression of several lysoPL/lysoPA metabolising enzymes was found in HEK cells lacking ANRIL. In the VSMC dataset, the presence of risk alleles associated with altered expression of several lysoPL/lysoPA enzymes. Deletion of the risk locus reversed expression of several lysoPL/lysoPA genes to non-risk haplotype levels. Genes that were altered across both cell datasets were DGKA, MBOAT2, PLPP1 and LPL. The in-silico analysis identified four ANRIL-regulated miRNAs that control lysoPL genes as miR-186-3p, miR-34a-3p, miR-122-5p, miR-34a-5p. Conclusions - A Chr9p21 risk SNP associates with complex alterations in immune-bioactive phospholipids and their metabolism. Lipid metabolites and genomic pathways associated with CHD pathogenesis in Chr9p21 and ANRIL-associated disease are demonstrated

    Activated MKK3/MYC crosstalk impairs dabrafenib response in BRAFV600E colorectal cancer leading to resistance

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) patients with BRAF mutations develop resistance to BRAF inhibitors at a very early stage. Understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in BRAF inhibitor resistance is critical for the development of novel therapeutic opportunities for this subtype of CRC patients. CRC cells bearing BRAF mutations are mostly sensitive to the abrogation of Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinase 3 (MKK3), a specific activator of p38MAPKs signaling, suggesting that BRAF alterations might addict CRC cells to the MKK3/p38MAPK signaling. Interestingly, publicly available gene expression profiling data show significantly higher MKK3 transcript levels in CRC lines with acquired resistance to BRAF inhibitors. Herein, we investigated the roles of MKK3 in the response to BRAF targeting (dabrafenib) with COLO205 and HT29 BRAFV600E CRC lines and derived dabrafenib-resistant (DABR) sublines. Dabrafenib treatments reduce MKK3 activation by inducing autophagy in parental but not DABR cells. The MKK3 knockdown induces cell death in DABR cells, whereas ectopic MKK3 expression reduces dabrafenib sensitivity in parental cells. Mechanistically, activated MKK3 interacts and co-localizes with c-Myc oncoprotein (MYC), sustaining MYC protein stability and thus preventing the dabrafenib induced effects in CRC DABR cells both in vitro and in vivo. Overall, we identify a novel molecular mechanism beyond the dabrafenib resistance, shedding light on an uncovered vulnerability for the development of novel therapeutic opportunities in BRAFV600E CRC