5 research outputs found

    Návrh materiálu a jeho tepelné zpracování pro výrobu ozubených kol

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaFakulta strojní a elektrotechnická VŠB (Ostrava). Katedra mechanické technologie (345

    Additional file 2: of GWASeq: targeted re-sequencing follow up to GWAS

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    Regional plots of associations for each targeted region. rs numbers and purple circles indicate the focal GWAS SNP that the region was selected around. Colored circles indicate degree of LD among SNPs. Grey circles indicate novel SNPs that lack LD information based on the 2012 release of the 1000 Genomes data. The rs number at figure top is centered around the location of the focal SNP. (ZIP 1921 kb