5 research outputs found

    Questionnaire survey on point‐of‐care ultrasound utilization during cardiac arrest among emergency physicians in Hong Kong

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    Introduction: Although point‐of‐care ultrasound (POCUS) is recognized as a useful diagnostic and prognostic tool during the management of out‐of‐hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA), opposing viewpoints exist. The objectives of this study are to investigate the knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) in POCUS utilization during OHCA among emergency medicine (EM) physicians in Hong Kong and to identify their barriers. Methods: A cross‐sectional questionnaire was conducted among EM physicians in 9 accident and emergency departments in Hong Kong. The questionnaire assessed participants' demographics, knowledge, attitude, practices, and barriers on this issue. Composite scores for KAP were calculated. Subgroup analysis and multiple regression analysis were used to explore the correlation between KAP and participants' demographics. Participants' barriers were evaluated by binary and open‐ended questions. Results: A total of 224 questionnaires were distributed and 150 questionnaires were returned (response rate: 67.0%). Statistically significant associations of knowledge and attitude with practice were demonstrated (both p < 0.001). Independent predictors of more frequent POCUS use in OHCA included EM fellowship status (p = 0.005), receiving training on this issue (p < 0.001), and working in large hospitals (p = 0.007). The top‐ranked barriers were chaotic environment (74%), no structural education on this practice (63%), and the lack of staff (61%). Conclusions: The knowledge and attitude of performing POCUS during OHCA were demonstrated to enhance EM physicians' practice. By improving physicians' knowledge and removing the possible barriers they are facing, POCUS can be optimally utilized during OHCA to improve patient care

    Expanded Newborn Screening for Inborn Errors of Metabolism in Hong Kong: Results and Outcome of a 7 Year Journey

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    Newborn screening (NBS) is an important public health program that aims to identify pre-symptomatic healthy babies that will develop significant disease if left undiagnosed and untreated. The number of conditions being screened globally is expanding rapidly in parallel with advances in technology, diagnosis, and treatment availability for these conditions. In Hong Kong, NBS for inborn errors of metabolism (NBSIEM) began as a pilot program in October 2015 and was implemented to all birthing hospitals within the public healthcare system in phases, with completion in October 2020. The number of conditions screened for increased from 21 to 24 in April 2016 and then to 26 in October 2019. The overall recruitment rate of the NBS program was 99.5%. In the period between October 2015 and December 2022, 125,688 newborns were screened and 295 were referred back for abnormal results. The recall rate was reduced from 0.26% to 0.12% after the implementation of second-tier testing. An inherited metabolic disorder (IMD) was eventually confirmed in 47 infants, making the prevalence of IMD in Hong Kong 1 in 2674. At the time of the NBS result, 78.7% of the newborns with IMD were asymptomatic. There were two deaths reported: one newborn with methylmalonic acidemia cobalamin B type (MMACblB) died after the initial crisis and another case of carnitine palmitoyltransferase II deficiency (CPTII) died at 18 months of age after metabolic decompensation. The most common IMD noted were disorders of fatty acid oxidation metabolism (40%, 19 cases), closely followed by disorders of amino acid metabolism (38%, 18 cases), with carnitine uptake defect (19.1%, 9 cases) and citrullinemia type II (17%, 8 cases) being the two most common IMD picked up by the NBSIEM in Hong Kong. Out of the all the IMDs identified, 19.1% belonged to diverse ethnic groups. False negative cases were reported for citrullinemia type II and congenital adrenal hyperplasia during this period