5,290 research outputs found

    Recrystallized parylene as a mask for silicon chemical etching

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    This paper presents the first use of recrystallized parylene as masking material for silicon chemical etch. Recrystallized parylene was obtained by melting parylene C at 350°C for 2 hours. The masking ability of recrystallized parylene was tested in HNA (hydrofluoric acid, nitric acid and acetic acid) solution of various ratios, KOH (potassium hydroxide) solution and TMAH (tetramethylammonium hydroxide) at different temperatures and concentrations. It is found that interface between parylene and the substrate can be attacked, which results in undercuts. Otherwise, recrystallized parylene exhibited good adhesion to silicon, complete protection of unexposed silicon and silicon etching rates comparable to literature data


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    The purpose of this study was to explore the two different serving pattems---flat serve and spin serve, using a motion analysis system to discover the 3-D kinematic changes of the ankle, knee, hip, pelvis and trunk in the overall serving motion, in conjunction with force plates that helped to measure the ground reaction force (GRF) and worked out the center of pressure (COP). The moment formed by COP with the whole body center of mass would then be analyzed to explore the kinematic characteristics of the body. A further understanding of the role of joints in the lower extremity during a serve will provide a reference to motions and techniques on training and teaching, with a view to improve serving efficiency and avoid sports injury


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    This study is to analyze the differences in kinematics, electromyography (EMG) and ultrasonography between two types of pitchers. We intend to observe and simulate the muscles around glenohumeral and elbow joints in different pitching motions and hope to discover the connections and differences in between. 12 pitchers from the top level were recruited. Larger elbow flexion was found in sidearm pitchers during the acceleration phase. Decrease of the distance of nerve to medial epicondyle was also found as the elbow moved to a more flexed position. More anterior translation of the ulnar nerve might occur during acceleration phase. Slightly lower flexor carpi radialis (FCR) activity was displayed in sidearm pitchers, showing that FCR might play a less crucial role in protecting medial elbow by providing less varus torque


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in shoulder internal rotation strength between winner and loser during armwrestling. Prior to the armwrestling experiment, subjects would be tested for strength of shoulder internal rotation with 45 °/sec and 60 °/sec by isokinetic dynamometer. The results showed that the strength of shoulder internal rotation at angular velocity of 45°/sec and 60°/sec had significant difference between winner and loser (


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate how Tai Chi Chuan (TCC) skills affect the whole body center of mass (COM) during Tai Chi Chuan fixed-stance push hands movement. Four TCC experts with push hands movement experience for 10.3±1.7 years and four TCC beginners with 2.5±1.3-year experience were recruited in this study. Three-dimensional kinematics data of the TCC fixed-stance push hands movements were collected and COM displacement and velocity during the movements were analyzed. The patterns of the COM between two groups during the push hands movement cycle were similar, but the COM displacement and velocity were different. Our investigation reveals that the experience-related differences in whole body COM transfers are reflected in the push hands movement cycle


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    INTRODUCTION: Now the tennis players could explore more racket capabilities through the change of racket materials and design. The open stance comes out in modern tennis relative to the traditional square stance. This study was conducted to analyze the upper extremity joint forces and moments between the different stances in advanced and intermediate athletes, who separated from ITN rating system, during two-handed stroke

    Mrk 1419 - a new distance determination

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    Water vapor megamasers from the center of active galaxies provide a powerful tool to trace accretion disks at sub-parsec resolution and, through an entirely geometrical method, measure direct distances to galaxies up to 200 Mpc. The Megamaser Cosmology Project (MCP) is formed by a team of astronomers with the aim of identifying new maser systems, and mapping their emission at high angular resolution to determine their distance. Two types of observations are necessary to measure a distance: single-dish monitoring to measure the acceleration of gas in the disk, and sensitive VLBI imaging to measure the angular size of the disk, measure the rotation curve, and model radial displacement of the maser feature. The ultimate goal of the MCP is to make a precise measurement of H0 by measuring such distances to at least 10 maser galaxies in the Hubble flow. We present here the preliminary results from a new maser system, Mrk 1419. Through a model of the rotation from the systemic masers assuming a narrow ring, and combining these results with the acceleration measurement from the Green Bank Telescope, we determine a distance to Mrk 1419 of 81\pm10 Mpc. Given that the disk shows a significant warp that may not be entirely traced by our current observations, more sensitive observations and more sophisticated disk modeling will be essential to improve our distance estimation to this galaxy.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the proceedings of IAU Symposium 287 "Cosmic Masers- from OH to Ho", in Stellenbosch, S


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    During the tennis forehand stroke, the displacement of body center of mass (COM) changes with the body movement. The COM movement influences the recovery from one stroke to the next. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the differences of COM movement and joint kinematics between high and low-impact positions on different skilled players. This study adopted a 3-D motion analysis system for recording and tracing the advanced (n = 5; level 3-4) and intermediate (n = 7; level 5-6) athletes’ motion of whole body during high and low-impact positions in tennis forehand stroke. The results showed that significant difference was not found between both impact positions and level groups in ball velocity. Advanced group showed greater anterior/posterior displacement than the intermediate group in low-impact position that increased the kinetic energy

    Cell-based analysis of Chikungunya virus E1 protein in membrane fusion

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chikungunya fever is a pandemic disease caused by the mosquito-borne Chikungunya virus (CHIKV). E1 glycoprotein mediation of viral membrane fusion during CHIKV infection is a crucial step in the release of viral genome into the host cytoplasm for replication. How the E1 structure determines membrane fusion and whether other CHIKV structural proteins participate in E1 fusion activity remain largely unexplored.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A bicistronic baculovirus expression system to produce recombinant baculoviruses for cell-based assay was used. Sf21 insect cells infected by recombinant baculoviruses bearing wild type or single-amino-acid substitution of CHIKV E1 and EGFP (enhanced green fluorescence protein) were employed to investigate the roles of four E1 amino acid residues (G91, V178, A226, and H230) in membrane fusion activity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Western blot analysis revealed that the E1 expression level and surface features in wild type and mutant substituted cells were similar. However, cell fusion assay found that those cells infected by CHIKV E1-H230A mutant baculovirus showed little fusion activity, and those bearing CHIKV E1-G91D mutant completely lost the ability to induce cell-cell fusion. Cells infected by recombinant baculoviruses of CHIKV E1-A226V and E1-V178A mutants exhibited the same membrane fusion capability as wild type. Although the E1 expression level of cells bearing monomeric-E1-based constructs (expressing E1 only) was greater than that of cells bearing 26S-based constructs (expressing all structural proteins), the sizes of syncytial cells induced by infection of baculoviruses containing 26S-based constructs were larger than those from infections having monomeric-E1 constructs, suggesting that other viral structure proteins participate or regulate E1 fusion activity. Furthermore, membrane fusion in cells infected by baculovirus bearing the A226V mutation constructs exhibited increased cholesterol-dependences and lower pH thresholds. Cells bearing the V178A mutation exhibited a slight decrease in cholesterol-dependence and a higher-pH threshold for fusion.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Cells expressing amino acid substitutions of conserved protein E1 residues of E1-G91 and E1-H230 lost most of the CHIKV E1-mediated membrane fusion activity. Cells expressing mutations of less-conserved amino acids, E1-V178A and E1-A226V, retained membrane fusion activity to levels similar to those expressing wild type E1, but their fusion properties of pH threshold and cholesterol dependence were slightly altered.</p

    Using Megamaser Disks to Probe Black Hole Accretion

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    We examine the alignment between H_2O megamaser disks on sub-pc scales with circumnuclear disks and bars on <500 pc scales observed with HST/WFC3. The HST imaging reveals young stars, indicating the presence of gas. The megamaser disks are not well aligned with the circumnuclear bars or disks as traced by stars in the HST images. We speculate on the implications of the observed misalignments for fueling supermassive black holes in gas-rich spiral galaxies. In contrast, we find a strong preference for the rotation axes of the megamaser disks to align with radio continuum jets observed on >50 pc scales, in those galaxies for which radio continuum detections are available. Sub-arcsecond observations of molecular gas with ALMA will enable a more complete understanding of the interplay between circumnuclear structures.Comment: Error in Figure 4 corrected, references added. 7 pages, 4 figures, to be published in the Astrophysical Journa