3 research outputs found

    Análise Sinótica e Caracterização Física de uma Tempestade Intensa Ocorrida na Região de Bauru-SP

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    No dia 21 de maio de 2017 a cidade de Bauru, localizada no interior do Estado de São Paulo, foi afetada por uma tempestade que causou diversos alagamentos e enchentes. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo tem como objetivo apresentar o ambiente sinótico e as propriedades físicas das nuvens que estiveram associadas com a ocorrência da tempestade que atingiu Bauru. Para a realização do estudo foram utilizados dados da European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast Reanalysis (ERA5 e ERA-Interim), da estação meteorológica do Centro de Meteorologia de Bauru, imagens de radar e satélite e dados de relâmpagos. A tempestade apresentou características multicelular com formato linear possuindo diversos núcleos convectivos embebidos em seu interior e formou-se a oeste do Estado de São Paulo num ambiente de alta Convective Available Potential Energy (2500 J kg-1). O ambiente sinótico foi favorecido pelo deslocamento para leste do Anticiclone Subtropical do Atlântico Sul em relação a sua posição climatológica e de um cavado pouco amplificado com eixo entre o Mato Grosso do Sul e Rio Grande do Sul, fatores que permitiram a formação de uma região de menor pressão entre o sudeste do Brasil e o oceano Atlântico. A tempestade ainda apresentou modesto valor de Vertically Integrated Liquid Water Content (2 kg m-2), porém moderada refletividade (44 dBZ); sendo a sua longa duração (1 h e 29 min) na área de abrangência do radar, a provável responsável pelo grande acumulado de precipitação. O pico de relâmpagos (0,08 relâmpagos por km2 num intervalo de 7,5 min) ocorreu 23 min antes do evento em superfície, mostrando-se como um importante parâmetro preditor de eventos severos. Além disso, a tempestade multicelular apresentou núcleos convectivos e um vórtice ciclônico convectivo de mesoescala, formado devido à ocorrência de uma assinatura em formato de vírgula (do inglês, Comma Echo); assinatura característica de tempestade intensa. Esses resultados demonstraram a importância da combinação das informações sinóticas, físicas e elétricas das tempestades para auxiliar na previsão imediata de tempo

    Performance of the Coupling RegCM4.3 and CLM3.5: An Analysis Over Southeastern Brazil

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    This work analyzed the 3.5 land surface scheme coupled in the Regional Climate Model RegCM4 (RegCLM), seeking to identify the impact of this coupling in the climatology and in the interannual variability, mainly in the Southeast of Brazil. The climatology analysis showed that the RegCLM, for DJF, is more humid than the set of observations used, overestimating the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) due to the RegCLM simulate more intense the northeast trade winds, and with this, there is a transportation of moisture from the Tropical Atlantic Ocean to the continent trhought the Low Level Jet (LLJ), intensifying the SACZ. For air temperature, RegCLM is colder than observations in the SDE region. This result also occurs in the analysis of the annual cycle and, especially in winter, reaching the difference of 1.8o C. During summer, lowest simulation errors were found for this variable. For the interannual variability for the SDE, the simulated precipitation presents an intensify pattern of the signal and reverse the phase of the observed anomaly. For air temperature, the simulation agrees with the observations, intensifying in some years the anomalies

    Evaluation of RegCM4 over the CORDEX South America Domain:\ud sensitivity analysis to the Land Surface Scheme for the Amazon Basin

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    We compare the performance of the RegCM4 (ICTP Regional Climate Model) coupled to the land surface schemes\ud CLM 3.5 (Community Land Model) and BATS (Biosphere Atmosphere Transfer Scheme) in a 30-year simulation\ud (1979-2009) over CORDEX South America Domain. In general, the coupling of RegCM4 with the CLM substantially\ud improves the simulated climatology over tropical South America relative to the default version of RegCM4\ud (coupled with BATS). One of the main features is that the RegCLM improves the precipitation climatology and\ud annual cycle, reducing the summer wet bias, over the AMZ basin. With respect to the surface energy balance,\ud RegBATS scheme prescribes lower monthly albedos over the AMZ, resulting in higher solar radiation absorption\ud by the surface. Moreover, RegBATS tends to simulate a higher sensible heat flux and lower latent heat fluxes over\ud the AMZ during the dry season, diverging from observations. The surface water balance also changes considerably\ud between the two simulations. Compared with RegBATS, RegCLM simulates lower precipitation and runoff, as\ud well as less water into the total soil column. RegCLM improves the water balance along the year, reducing the\ud ET (Evapotranspiration) overestimation during the wet season, even though still overestimating it, and simulating\ud closer ET values during the dry season. RegBATS simulates higher sensible heat fluxes and lower ET during the\ud dry season. The Bowen Ratio based on fluxes tower observations, in the AMZ basin, suggests a practically constant\ud value along the year, pattern better simulated by CLM (albeit still poorly represented such a pattern), suggesting\ud a better representation of the net surface energy partitioning. This better representation improves, consequently,\ud the simulated precipitation and air surface temperature, when compared with the observations. Even though the\ud RegCLM improves the precipitation and air temperature.Resumo publicado no periódico: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Strasbourg, v. 16, p. EGU 2014-4404-1, 201