588 research outputs found

    When a precedent of donation favors defection in the Prisoner's dilemma

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    In this paper we examine the question of wether a collective activity can influence cooperation in a subsequent repeated one shot prisoner's dilemma (PD) game. We conduct two series of experiments. The first consists of control experiments in which 30 periods of a PD game are played, with a random re-matching of the pairs in every period. In a second series of experiments, subjects first play a donation game and then the PD game. In the donation game they collectively discuss the amount of a donation to a given charity, before putting the question to an individual and anonymous vote. Cooperation levels in the PD games preceded by the donation game are signficantly lower than those observed in the control experiment.DONATION;COOPERATION;DEFECTION;REPEATED ONE SHOT PRISONER'S DILEMMA;EXPERIMENT

    Choice of an ordering strategy taking into account of risks about customer service levels and on-hands inventories

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    This paper investigates the foundations of cooperative identity and how it is constructed by the organisation. More specifically, our research focuses on a financial cooperative in the simultaneously emerging and consolidating cultural sector. The originality of this paper lies in the methodology used—textual analysis. We use the Economies of Worth model developed by Boltanski & Thévenot (2006), which accounts for a plurality of legitimate forms of evaluation used in the processes of critique and justification.GAME THEORY;SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT;DEICSION ANALYSIS;RISK ANALYSIS;SIMULATION

    Topological structures of the resistive pressure gradient turbulence with averaged poloidal flow

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    When a significant averaged poloidal flow is generated by the resistive pressure-gradient-driven turbulence the topological properties of the flow structures can change in some radial regions where the shear flow is large. We have applied the topological analysis approach that we have developed (2013 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 46 375501) to this situation and found that in addition to the filamentary vortex structures there are deformed toroidal structures that seem to act as transport barriers. Analysis of all these structures is presented here.This research was sponsored by DGICYT (Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica) of Spain under Project No. ENE2012-38620-C02-02. One of us (B.A.C) also gratefully acknowledges the support from a 'Cátedra de Excelencia' from Universidad Carlos III and Banco de Santander

    Topological characterization of flow structures in resistive pressure-gradient-driven turbulence

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    9 pages, 13 figures.-- PACS nrs.: 52.35.Ra, 52.65.Kj, 47.27.−i.-- ArXiv pre-print available at: http://arxiv.org/abs/0811.3548Visualization of turbulent flows is a powerful tool to help understand the turbulence dynamics and induced transport. However, it does not provide a quantitative description of the observed structures. In this paper, an approach to characterize quantitatively the topology of the flows is given. The technique, which can be applied to any type of turbulence dynamics, is illustrated through the example of resistive ballooning instabilities.One of us (B.A.C.) is grateful to the Asociación EURATOM-CIEMAT for providing travel expenses. Part of this work is supported by the DGI (Dirección General de Investigación) of Spain under Project No. ENE2006-15244-C03-01 and by Grant No. CM-UC3M (Comunidad de Madrid—Universidad Carlos III) Project No. CCG07-UC3M/ESP-3407.Publicad

    Theoretical design proposal for simulated hot asphalt mixture at a temperature below zero degrees Celsius

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    In the world there are adverse climates, climates that hinder the good construction and paving of roads, generating insecurity among the locals and visitors. This over time affects the economy of a country, as a road boosts tourism, transport and commerce. Therefore, a mixture was designed to mitigate a problem in the placement of hot asphalt mixture at temperatures below zero degrees Celsius. That is, a conventional mix design was proposed, but with different types of filler (lime, Portland cement type I and silica) tested with the Marshall and Lottman method which are governed according to the EG-2013 standards [1] and parameters established in the Asphalt Institute [2]. To find the optimum, it was tested with 5.0%, 5.5% 6.0% and 6.5% asphalt cement. Then with the results obtained a comparative analysis was performed. Finally, specimens without any additives were made, the specimens once prepared at 140°C were subjected to freezing, resulting in the three types of filler, that the hot asphalt mixture with incorporation of Portland cement type I to a 5, 90% of asphalt cement is the optimum since, subject to extreme temperatures below 0°C they comply with the parameters required in the standards

    Topological characterization of the transition from laminar regime to fully developed turbulence in the resistive pressure-gradient-driven turbulence model

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    11 pages, 20 figures.-- PACS nrs.: 52.35.Ra, 52.65.Kj, 47.27.−i.For the resistive pressure-gradient-driven turbulence model, the transition from laminar regime to fully developed turbulence is not simple and goes through several phases. For low values of the plasma parameter β, a single quasicoherent structure forms. As β increases, several of these structures may emerge and in turn take the dominant role. Finally, at high β, fully developed turbulence with a broad spectrum is established. A suitable characterization of this transition can be given in terms of topological properties of the flow. Here, we analyze these properties that provide an understanding of the turbulence-induced transport and give a measure of the breaking of the homogeneity of the turbulence. To this end, an approach is developed that allows discriminating between topological properties of plasma turbulence flows that are relevant to the transport dynamics and the ones that are not. This is done using computational homology tools and leads to a faster convergence of numerical results for a fixed level of resolution than previously presented in Phys. Rev. E 78, 066402 (2008).Part of this research was sponsored by the Dirección General de Investigación of Spain under Project No. ENE2006-15244-C03-01. One of us (BAC) is grateful for the "Cátedra de Excelencia" from Universidad Carlos III and Banco Santander. The authors thankfully acknowledge the computer resources, technical expertise and assistance provided by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center—Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (http:// www.bsc.es).Publicad

    Delitos en materia hacendaria: responsabilidad civil, administrativa y penal; sistemas punitivos

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    El estudio y la prevención de los delitos en materia hacendaria, es de alto interés en el cuadro general de las aspiraciones que tiene nuestro país, para alcanzar en el ámbito de su desarrollo económico, una estructura de sus sistemas administrativos más adecuada a los apremiantes reclamos de la época. La cuestión del control en el manejo de los recursos o fondos públicos por organismos suficientemente calificados dentro del diseño administrativo estatal, más que un procedimiento complementario viene a resultar absolutamente esencial para logara la plena validez y legalidad de la gestión pública. El sistema establecido en nuestra legislación, es fundamentalmente de carácter formal y se encuentra orientado particularmente a la prevención de los delitos en materia hacendaria. En efecto, a pesar de que dentro de los objetivos de la legislación, tiene como meta positiva el de mejorar la gestión administrativa, no se puede excluir la posibilidad de que la administración pública incurra no solo en errores, sino en irregularidades e incluso en graves violaciones de la Ley. A conocer y solucionar esta posible realidad esta enderezada la determinación de responsabilidades, tomando a su cargo la adopción de medidas punitivo-correctivas, las mismas que tienen su origen en los organismos de control, en las mismas entidades del sector público y/o en el campo jurisdiccional, conforme se ha de dar la explicación en el presente trabajo


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    La cultura Jambelí que habitó a lo largo de las costas de El Oro, provincia de la República del Ecuador, se distinguió por el uso de las conchas marinas para la confección de delicadas piezas de cerámica. Hasta hoy su legado a la cultura del pueblo orense, espera ser reconocido por el valor artístico e histórico que posee. La memoria artística de los pueblos constituye una forma de conservar su historia y darle continuidad en el tiempo, por ello necesita preservar lo mejor de sus creaciones. En este artículo se describen los resultados de una investigación realizada por docentes de la carrera de Artes, bajo un diseño cualitativo, etnográfico antropológico que cuestionó cómo contribuir al rescate del legado artístico de la cultura prehispánica Jambelí. Como resultado del trabajo de campo realizado fue creada una pieza escultórica que tuvo en cuenta elementos propios de esta cultura, cuyo nombre tomó. La estatuilla confeccionada resume en sí misma la diversidad histórica y cultural del pueblo orense, por lo que se constituye en un símbolo de este territori

    System of virtual courses for the formation of professional competence develop web systems in the Systems career of the Autonomous Regional University of the Andes UNIANDES

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    El artículo responde a la necesidad de formar la competencia desarrollar sistemas web desde un espacio virtual de enseñanza – aprendizaje (EvEA) en los ingenieros en sistemas. para ello se introduce el concepto de sistema de cursos virtuales como una posible solución a la interrogante sobre la formación de la competencia desde el EvEA y se analiza la necesidad de transformarlo para la introducción de posibilidades para la modelación y la codificación desde el espacio virtual. su objetivo general es diseñar una metodología para la implementación de un sistema de cursos virtuales para el desarrollo de la competencia profesional desarrollar sistemas web. para el logro de este propósito se sistematizaron los referentes teóricos y metodológicos asociados a la temática, diagnosticó el estado actual de la variable dependiente en la institución a partir de su operacionalización y la elaboración de la metodología para su implementación. se determinaron las dimensiones y los componentes que debían conformar la metodología, se procedió a su diseño y se introdujo en la práctica para conocer su validezThe article responds to the need to train the competition to develop web systems from a virtual teaching - learning space (EvEA) in systems engineers. for this, the concept of virtual courses system is introduced as a possible solution to the question about the formation of competence from the EvEA and the need to transform it for the introduction of possibilities for modeling and coding from the virtual space is analyzed. Its general objective is to design a methodology for the implementation of a system of virtual courses for the development of professional competence to develop web systems. To achieve this purpose, the theoretical and methodological references associated with the theme were systematized, the current state of the dependent variable in the institution was diagnosed as of its operationalization and the elaboration of the methodology for its implementation. The dimensions and components that had to conform the methodology were determined, its design was proceeded and it was introduced in practice to know its validit