2 research outputs found

    Design and evaluation of a conversational agent to support focused knowledge work

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    The rise of social networks and the increase of notifications we receive on our phones has had a negative impact on the way people work. Distractions have become a more serious problem on such times when productivity is the center of attention of many project managers. This project has analyzed this issue, and proposed a modern and flexible solution based on a conversational agent. It has implemented and evaluated a mobile application designed to support focused work, obtaining results that suggest the validation and effectiveness of a work assistant to increase productivity and well-being

    Desenvolupament d'una nova xarxa social de ciència.

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    The project will consist on the creation of a new social network for science. The idea came up with the intention to help society progress faster. When people share their knowledge and put it in common it usually results in an improvement, so this network would help scientist all around the world put their knowledge in common so they can advance faster in their investigations.The Development of a new social network for science project, is the work produced by the student Miquel Llaneras, from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in coordination with the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. It has been supervised by professors Anna Umbert from Barcelona and Gregor Rozinaj from Bratislava. The initial idea was to develop a new general social network for scientists, where the scientific community could interact and grow together by sharing their projects. Finally, the project made a turn into the creation of a more specific social network that would offer a platform where the annual Redzur International Workshop could take place. The result is a new website platform written in PHP, MySQL, JS, HTML and CSS, with the usage of open-source software such as Drupal and RocketChat. The platform offers a place where participants of Redzur can share their projects and interact with each other.El proyecto Development of a new social network for science es el trabajo realizado por el alumno Miquel Llaneras, de la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, en coordinación con la Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. El proyecto ha sido supervisado por los profesores Anna Umbert de Barcelona y Gregor Rozinaj de Bratislava. La idea inicial consistía en la creación de una nueva red social para la comunidad científica en general, donde los usuarios podrían interactuar y mejorar juntos compartiendo los proyectos. Finalmente, el objetivo giró hacia el desarrollo de una red social más específica, con la intención de ofrecer una plataforma donde realizar el Redzur International Workshop. El resultado es una nueva plataforma web escrita en PHP, MySQL, JS, HTML y CSS con la utilización de software de código libre como Drupal y RocketChat. La plataforma ofrece a los participantes de Redzur un espacio dónde compartir sus proyectos e interactuar mutuamente.El projecte Development of a new social network for science és el treball realitzat per l'alumne Miquel Llaneras, de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, en coordinació amb la Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. El projecte ha estat supervisat pels professors Anna Umbert de Barcelona i Gregor Rozinaj de Bratislava. La idea inicial consistia en la creació d'una nova xarxa social per a la comunitat científica en general, on els usuaris podrien interactuar i millorar junts compartint els seus projectes. Finalment, l'objectiu va girar cap al desenvolupament d'una xarxa social més específica, que voldria oferir una plataforma on realitzar el Redzur Interational Workshop. El resultat és una nova plataforma web escrita amb PHP, MySQL, JS, HTML i CSS amb la utilització de software de codi lliure com Drupal i RocketChat. La plataforma ofereix als participants de Redzur un espai on compartir els seus projectes i interactuar entre ells