23 research outputs found


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    U 16. stoljeću gradu Senju zaprijetila je velika opasnost od turske sile zbog čega će, na prijedlog senjskog kapetana I. Lenkovića, kralj Ferdinanda I. iz obrambenih razloga, a uz suglasnost crkvenih i vojno-političkih vlasti, donijeti odluku o ruÅ”enju svih građevina izvan gradskih zidina kako ih neprijatelj ne bi osvojio i ugrozio grad. Njegovu odluku u djelo provodi I. Lenković koji je između ostalih građevina 1540. sruÅ”io i franjevačku crkvu sa samostanom u predjelu Sv. Petar, ali uz obvezu da franjevcima sagradi novu crkvu i samostan unutar gradskih zidina. Ta nova crkva unutar gradskih zidina do temelja će biti sruÅ”ena u Drugom svjetskom ratu 1943. godine. Od samoga početka crkva sv. Franje je određena da bude posljednje počivaliÅ”te senjskih odličnika ā€“ znamenitih i proslavljenih uskočkih knezova, kapetana, vojvoda i nadvojvoda koji su u crkvi pokapani tijekom 16., 17. i 18. stoljeća. Ova crkva sa svojom arhitekturom i inventarom postala je dragocjen spomenik kulture grada Senja. Nažalost, crkva je sruÅ”ena 1943. kada je stradao i veliki dio njezina spomeničkog inventara, unutar kojeg i nadgrobne ploče senjskih uskoka koje su uglavnom razbijene i pretvorene u fragmente koji su pohranjeni na viÅ”e lokacija u gradu Senju. Grad Senj i Odbor za zaÅ”titu i obnovu povijesne jezgre grada Senja 1995. godine odlučili su, za moguću buduću namjenu, utvrditi lokacije smjeÅ”taja i sadržaj te stanje u kojem se nalazi sačuvana spomenička građa ā€“ inventar iz crkve sv. Franje. Također je odlučeno da se ta spomenička građa obradi i popiÅ”e, odnosno inventarizira. Taj zadatak povjeren je autorici ovog rada. Nakon inventarizacije obrađeni inventar crkve je spreman za daljnju stručnu obradu konzervatora, restauratora i arhitekata, poslije čega je moguće predložiti i rjeÅ”enja za revitalizaciju prostora nekadaÅ”nje crkve sv. Franje u koji bi bio ukomponiran i prezentiran sačuvan i stručno obrađeni inventar crkve. Inventarizacijom je utvrđeno da se unutar građe iz crkve sv. Franje nalazio i dio materijala koji ne pripada ovoj crkvi o čemu će također biti riječi u nastavku rada.In the 16th century the town of Senj was under the great threat of Turkish forces, and with the suggestion of Senjā€™s captain I. Lenković, King Ferdinand I would, for defensive reasons, along with the approval of the church and military-political authorities, adopt the decision about the destruction of all the buildings outside the townā€™s walls so that enemy could not occupy them and threaten the town. I. Lenković put his decision into action, during which amongst the remaining buildings he also destroyed in 1540 was the Franciscan church with the monastery in the area of St Peters, however with the obligation that he builds the Franciscans a new church and monastery within the townā€™s walls. This new church within the townā€™s walls would be razed to the ground in the Second World War in 1943. From the very beginning the Church of St Francis was specified to be the lasting resting place for Senjā€™s nobles ā€“ famous and renowned Uskok inheritors, captains, dukes and archdukes who were buried in the church during the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. This church with its architecture and inventory became a valuable cultural monument for the town of Senj. Unfortunately, the church was destroyed in 1943 when a great part of its monumental inventory was also damaged, inside which were also the tombstones of Senjā€™s Uskoks, which were largely broken and turned into fragments that are stored in many locations in the town of Senj. In 1995, the town of Senj and the committee for the protection and restoration of the historical heart of the town of Senj decided, for possible future use, to determine a site for its placement and contents plus the condition in which the preserved monumental material ā€“ the inventory of the Church of St Francis, would be situated. It was decided that the monumental material would be processed and catalogued, in other words an inventory would be made. That task was entrusted to the author of this paper. After the cataloguing the processed inventory of the church was prepared for the further scientific processing of conservators, restorers and architects, after which it would also be possible to propose the revitalisation of the area of the former Church of St Francis in which the preserved and scientifically processed inventory of the church could be placed. With the cataloguing it was established that within the material of the Church of St Francis there was also a part of the material which did not belong to this church, about which will also be discussed in the continuation of the paper


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    Za provođenje arheoloÅ”kog nadzora određen je Gradski muzej Senj i stručni voditelj Blaženka Ljubović, mag. educ. hist. i mag. archeol., uz konzervatorski nadzor Vinka Madirace, dipl. arheologa iz Konzervatorskog odjela u Gospiću. Građevinski radovi i arheoloÅ”ki nadzor uređenja uŔća Kolana, desne obale vodotoka od utoka u more uzvodno u dužini oko 80 m, provedeni su od siječnja do svibnja 2022. godine. Predmetni lokalitet, uŔće senjskog potoka Kolan, nalazi se u sklopu zaÅ”tićene kulturno-povijesne cjeline grada Senja, k. č. br. 740/1. k. o. Senj, koja ima status kulturnog dobra upisanog u Registar nepokretnih kulturnih dobara Republike Hrvatske pod brojem Z-4186. Zbog regulacija gorske bujice koja je često činila veliku Å”tetu gradu Senju i senjskoj luci, prokopan je Kolan (18./19. st.), duboko korito duž južne periferije grada Senja. Nakon prokopa korita, vodene bujice su se zajedno s nanosom Å”ljunka, pijeska i mulja izlijevale kod Arta, na uŔću Kolana u more, izvan gradske luke. Predmet ovoga rada arheoloÅ”ki je nadzor na zaÅ”titi lokaliteta tijekom građevinskih radova uređenja desne obale uŔća Kolana, u svrhu prikupljanja svih bitnih informacija o kulturnim slojevima i arheoloÅ”kim nalazima na lokalitetu. Tijekom radova otkriveni su arhitektonski ostaci solidno građenoga zida, dužine 40 metara, koji se pruža cijelom linijom desne obale uŔća Kolana do Vukasovićevog mosta. Zid je složen u horizontalnom slogu od 4 reda različitih dimenzija kamenih blokova povezanih vapnenim mortom, čineći cjelinu sa zidom lukobrana. U sklopu ovih radova uredio se dio terena na platou ispred Vukasovićevog mosta. Uz zid mosta otkriven je dio pločnika od pravilno složenih komada kamena. ArheoloÅ”kim nadzorom nad građevinskim radovima uređenja uŔća potoka Kolan u more doÅ”lo se do bitnih informacija o lokalitetu i kulturnim slojevima te arheoloÅ”kim nalazima na lokalitetu. Također, otkriveno je joÅ” jedno svjedočanstvo bogate senjske povijesti.The Senj Town Museum and specialist leader Blaženka Ljubović, MSc. Education (History) and MSc. Archaeology, along with the conservation supervision of Vinko Madiraca, BSc. an archaeologist from the Conservation Department in Gospić was appointed to carry out the archaeological supervision. The construction works and archaeological supervision of the landscaping of the mouth of the Kolan, the right bank of the watercourse from the inlet to the sea upstream to a length of about 80 m, were carried out from January to May 2022. The locality in question, the mouth of the Senj stream Kolan, is located within the protected cultural-historical complex of the town of Senj, cadastral parcel no. 740/1. cadastral municipality Senj, which has the status of a cultural asset registered in the Register of Immovable Cultural Assets of the Republic of Croatia under the number Z-4186. Due to the regulation of the mountain torrent, which often caused great damage to the town of Senj and the harbour of Senj, the Kolan (18th to 19th century), a deep trough along the southern outskirts of the town of Senj, was excavated. After the digging of the riverbed, torrents of water, along with gravel, sand and silt, poured out near the Art, at the mouth of the Kolan into the sea, outside the townā€™s harbour. The subject of this paper is the archaeological supervision of the protection of the site during the construction works of the right bank of the mouth of the Kolan, for the purpose of collecting all the important information about the cultural layers and archaeological finds at the site. During the works, the architectural remains were discovered of a solidly built wall, 40 metres long, which stretches along the entire length of the right bank of the mouth of the Kolan to the Vukasović bridge. The wall is composed in a horizontal style of four rows of stone blocks of various sizes joined with lime mortar, forming a whole with the wall of the breakwater. As part of these works, part of the terrain on the plateau in front of the Vukasović bridge was cleaned up. Next to the wall of the bridge, part of a pavement made of orderly arranged pieces of stone was discovered. The archaeological supervision of the construction works of the landscaping of the mouth of the Kolan stream into the sea provided important information about the site and cultural layers, as well as archaeological finds at the site. Similarly, another testimony of the rich history of Senj was uncovered


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    L\u27autore in questo contributo presenta il catalogo dei vetri e delle sculture litiche di etĆ  romana che si custodiscono nel Muso civico di Segna. Con il supporto analogico e bibliografico l\u27autore data gli esemplari catalogati, fra l\u27 altro scoperti per lo piĆ¹ isolatamente e per caso, fra ili secolo a. C. ed il IV secolo d. C.U ovom prilogu autorica daje prikaz predmeta od stakla i kamenih skulptura rimskog doba koji se cuvaju u Gradskom muzeju Senja. Medu katalogiziranim predmetima izradenim u staklu nalazimo balzamarije, bocice, posudice, tanjure, staklenke, male ampule i case. Kameni predmeti obuhvaĆ©aju nekoliko fragmenata kapitela, kipova (Magna Mater Cibele, Serapis, Libero, Fortuna ?), kamene urne sa poklopcem, kapitele stupova, stupiĆ©e hipokausta, reljefe na kamenim plocama, bazu stupa i jedan ljekarnicki avan. PomoĆ©u analogija i bibliografskih podataka autorica navedene primjerke, koji su uglavnom izolirani i slucajni pronalasci, datira izmedu l. stoljeĆ©a prije Krista i 4. stoljeĆ©a poslije Krista


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    Autorica u ovom članku predstavlja dugogodiÅ”nju uspjeÅ”nu suradnju između Gradskog muzeja Senj i mons. dr. Mile Bogovića na polju muzejsko-galerijske djelatnosti s ciljem predstavljanja uloge i značaja nove Gospićko-senjske biskupije i djelovanja njezinog prvog biskupa. U svemu je prikazano osam izložbenih cjelina, ali suradnja se proteže na joÅ” nekoliko manjih projekata koji ovdje nisu prikazani.In the article the author represents the successful longstanding collaboration between the Senj Town Museum and Mons. Prof. Mile Bogović in the field of museum-gallery activities with the aim of presenting the role and significance of the new Gospić-Senj bishopric and the work of its first bishop. Eight exhibition units have been displayed in total, although the collaboration extends to several smaller projects which have not been shown here


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    U Programu Ministarstva kulture Republike Hrvatske za 2017. godinu župi Uznesenja Blažene Djevice Marije u Senju dodijeljena su financijska sredstva za zaÅ”titu lokaliteta nekadaÅ”nje crkve sv. Franje u Senju. Na temelju prethodnoga odobrenja Ministarstva kulture, Konzervatorskoga odjela u Gospiću, Gradski muzej Senj proveo je arheoloÅ”ki nadzor i zaÅ”titna arheoloÅ”ka istraživanja nad početnim radovima zaÅ”tite ā€“ čiŔćenja lokaliteta nekadaÅ”nje crkve sv. Franje u Senju (I. etapa). Crkva se nalazi unutar međa kulturno-povijesne cjeline grada Senja - kulturnoga dobra upisanoga u Registar kulturnih dobara RH pod brojem Z-4186. RjeÅ”enjem Ministarstva kulture Konzervatorskoga odjela u Gospiću izdanom 14. rujna 2017. godine Odjel je dao uvjete za izvođenje zaÅ”titnih arheoloÅ”kih istraživanja ā€“ arheoloÅ”kog nadzora nad radovima na zaÅ”titi lokaliteta i njegovom početnom arheoloÅ”kom čiŔćenju. RjeÅ”enjem je određeno da arheoloÅ”ko nadziranje ā€“ i po potrebi arheoloÅ”ko istraživanje ā€“ vrÅ”i Gradski muzej Senj, odnosno prof. Blaženka Ljubović, ravnateljica Muzeja. Početni radovi na etapnomu uređenju lokaliteta trajali su od rujna do studenoga 2017. godine. Predmet su ovoga rada radovi na zaÅ”titi lokaliteta nekadaÅ”nje crkve Sv. Franje u Senju i njegova početna arheoloÅ”ka čiŔćenja. ArheoloÅ”ki nadzor nad radovima čiŔćenja proveden je svrhu prikupljanja svih bitnih informacija o kulturnim slojevima i arheoloÅ”kim nalazima na lokalitetu. Ovo etapno čiŔćenje, uz arheoloÅ”ki nadzor, provedeno je s ciljem utvrđivanja gabarita crkve i zaÅ”tite grobova unutar crkve od daljnjeg uruÅ”avanja i devastacije.In a programme of the Ministry of the Republic of Croatia from 2017, financial funds were allocated to the Parish of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the protection of the site of the former Church of St Francis in Senj. On the basis of the previous approval of the Ministry of Culture, of the Conservation Department in Gospić, the Senj Town Museum carried out archaeological supervision and protective investigation over the initial works of preservation ā€“ the cleaning of the site of the former Church of St Francis in Senj (Stage 1). The church is located between the cultural-historical whole of the town of Senj ā€“ a cultural asset listed in the Register of Cultural Goods of the Republic of Croatia under the number of Z-4186. With a resolution of the Ministry of Culture, the Conservation Department in Gospić issued on 14th September 2017 the Department gave the conditions for the implementation of protective archaeological investigations ā€“ the archaeological supervision over works on the protection of the site and its initial archaeological cleaning. With the resolution it was determined that the archaeological supervision ā€“ and if necessary archaeological investigation - be carried out by the Senj Town Museum, in other words, Professor Blaženka Ljubović, the director of the museum. The initial works in the preparation stage of the site lasted from September to November in 2017.The subject of this paper is the works regarding the preservation of the former Church of St Francis in Senj and its initial archaeological cleaning. The archaeological supervision of the cleaning works was carried out with the purpose of gathering all the important information about the cultural levels and archaeological finds at the site. This cleaning stage, along with the archaeological supervision, was carried out with the aim of establishing the dimensions of the church and the protection of graves within the church from further collapse and ruin


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    U razdoblju od 1806. do 1940., uz kraće prekide, djelovalo je senjsko sjemeniÅ”te i filozofsko teoloÅ”ko učiliÅ”te koje je utemeljio biskup Ivan Krstitelj Ježić. Važnost njegovog djelovanja ogleda se u tome Å”to je bio značajna odgojno-obrazovna ustanova koja je dala brojne znamenite ljude hrvatskoj Crkvi i narodu. Mnogi od njih koji su se Å”kolovali i odgojili u sjemeniÅ”tu postali su svećenici, ali bilo je i onih koji se nisu opredijelili za svećeničko zvanje već su svoj doprinos dali u raznim znanstvenim disciplinama važnim ne samo za Senj nego i za cjelokupnu hrvatsku kulturu. ViÅ”e od jednog stoljeća teoloÅ”ko i filozofsko učiliÅ”te u Senju bilo je jedina visokoÅ”kolska ustanova u zapadnoj Hrvatskoj. U vrijeme djelovanja učiliÅ”ta obrazovalo se oko 1000 studenata od kojih je preko 700 zaređeno za svećenike, i to uglavnom za Senjsku i ModruÅ”ku ili Krbavsku biskupiju. Iz Krčke biskupije bilo je oko Å”ezdeset studenata. Po važnosti učiliÅ”te je nadvisilo granice Senja i Senjsko-modruÅ”ke biskupije.The Theology college and Philosophy High School, established by bishop Ivan Krstitelj Ježić, worked with some short breaks from 1806 until 1940. Importance of this school can be seen in the fact that this was an important educational institution which gave numerous famous people in Croatian church and nation. Many of them were educated in the Theology college and became pries, but there were also those who did not dedicate their life to priest vocation and they rather gave their contribution to different scientific disciplines important for Senj and all Croatian culture. More than one century the Theology and Philosophy High School in Senj was the only high educational institution in the western Croatia. At the time of the High School work, there were about 1,000 students of whom more than 700 became priests mostly in Senj and ModruÅ” or Krbava Bishoprics. There were about 60 students from Krk Bishopric. Regarding its importance the High school surpassed the frontiers of Senj and Senj-ModruÅ” Bishopric. Throughout Croatia and further across its borders, the High School propagate the voice of religious belief and integrity of Croatian people, the voice of science, illumination, spiritual and cultural prosperity of the time. It can be concluded that the Senj Theology College and Philosophy- Theological High School (1806-1940) honourably fulfilled its duty. It gave many valuable priest to the bishopric and people, as well as numerous teachers and cultural workers and it left a great impact in the Croatian history and culture


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    Od mjeseca travnja do listopada 2007. na prostoru izgradnje trgovačkog centra Konzum, građenog na lokalitetu vrta Olivieri (bivÅ”i DIP) u Senju provedena su arheoloÅ”ka istraživanja. Istraživanja su dala dodatne spoznaje i potvrde o bogatoj antičkoj nekropoli, o kojoj su i ranije poznati podatci u literaturi. Nekropola je koriÅ”tena za ukope od 1. do 3. st. nakon Krista. Svi grobovi pronađeni na sjeverozapadnom horizontu uglavnom su pojedinačni, paljevinski s ravno položenim tegulama. Pokretne grobne nalaze čine keramičke posude, uljanice, staklene boce, čavli. U iskopu su pronađeni kamena urna i antički natpis. Radovima na sjeveroistočnom horizontu pronađeni su dijelovi arhitekture s podnicom mozaika i zidovima tipične rimske tehnike građenja. Ovim istraživanjima potvrđen je areal antičke Senije uz čije se urbanističko područje nalazila spomenuta nekropola, koja predstavlja njezinu krajnju sjeverozapadnu granicu. Bogata arheoloÅ”ka i foto-dokumentacija nastala tijekom spomenutih istraživanja poslužit će za buduću obradu pronađenog materijala i za uspoređivanje s pronađenim materijalnim ostatcima iz ranijih istraživanja na ovom lokalitetu.Archaeological research was conducted in the area of the building of trade centre Konzum in the former locality of the Olivieri garden, the ex-wood processing factory in Senj from April to October 2007. The research gave additional information and confirmation about the rich antiquity necropolis of which data was known before from literature. The necropolis was used for burials from the 1st to 3rd centuries AD. All the graves were found on the north-western horizon, mostly individual, incinerated with straight placed tegulas. Scattered grave finds were: ceramic pots, oil lamps, glass bottles, nails etc. During a review of the excavation a stone urn and an antique inscription were found. During the works on the north-eastern horizon fragments of architecture with a mosaic base and walls with a typical Roman building technique were found. This research confirmed the area of antique Senia along which the urban area of the mentioned necropolis was placed and it represented its far north-western border. Rich archaeological and photo-documentation taken during the mentioned research relating to the beginning, duration and end of the works will serve for future additional elaboration of the material and for the comparison of the material remains found during previous research in this locality


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    Autorica u ovom članku predstavlja dugogodiÅ”nju uspjeÅ”nu suradnju između Gradskog muzeja Senj i mons. dr. Mile Bogovića na polju muzejsko-galerijske djelatnosti s ciljem predstavljanja uloge i značaja nove Gospićko-senjske biskupije i djelovanja njezinog prvog biskupa. U svemu je prikazano osam izložbenih cjelina, ali suradnja se proteže na joÅ” nekoliko manjih projekata koji ovdje nisu prikazani.In the article the author represents the successful longstanding collaboration between the Senj Town Museum and Mons. Prof. Mile Bogović in the field of museum-gallery activities with the aim of presenting the role and significance of the new Gospić-Senj bishopric and the work of its first bishop. Eight exhibition units have been displayed in total, although the collaboration extends to several smaller projects which have not been shown here