191 research outputs found

    Early serum biomarkers of ischemic stroke

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    External Audit of Public Finance in Function of Macroeconomic Stability

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    The generally accepted view is that to achieve macroeconomic stability and sustainable economic growth, good management of public finance is necessary. The concept of external audit of public finance, as a subject of research in this paper, is analyzed as an integral element of public financial management system, which significantly determines transparent, responsible, and stable functioning of the public sector in any economy. In accordance with the subject, the goal of the research is to emphasize the importance of external audit of the execution of budget at all levels of government in the process of achieving and maintaining macroeconomic stability, with a special focus on the Republic of Serbia. Recognizing the complexity of this subject matter, qualitative methodology is applied, based on the dominant application of method of analytical description. The paper concludes that external audit of public finance has potential effects on the reduction of budget deficit and public debt. Given that ministries and other state administration bodies know that their financial reports can be audited at any time, external audit has a preventive effect in terms of awareness-raising for greater responsibility with managing public funds. Furthermore, recommendations of the State Audit Institution, to the extent that they are implemented, contribute to saving and efficient use of resources in certain areas. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Reproductive cycle in the common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis) from Belgrade

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    We studied male and female one-year reproductive, fat body and liver cycle of the common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis muralis) from the urban and suburban localities of Belgrade. The minimum size at which females attain sexual maturity was between 49.78 and 51.25 mm of the snout-vent length. Vitellogenesis started at the end of March. The size and number of vitellogenic follicles varied considerably during the season. Increase in the female size leads to a significant increase in number but not in size of vitellogenic follicles. Females with oviductal eggs were found from late May to late July. Two clutches with mean size of 3.5 ± 0.31 were laid in 1994. We found a significant positive correlation between female size and oviductal clutch size, while partial correlation between SVL and mean egg volume, as well as between clutch size and mean egg volume was insignificant. Relative oviductal clutch mass had the mean value of 0.17 ± 0.01, and was not correlated with female size. Testicles and epididymides exhibited maximal weight during April-June, and minimum in late July. The increase in male SVL lead to a significant increase in testicular and epididymal mass. Viable spermatozoa were produced from March to July. Fat bodies and liver of males were the smallest during the mating period while female fat bodies and liver decreased in weight during vitellogenesis. Mass of fat bodies and liver were significantly positively correlated with SVL in both sexes.U ovom radu je praćen jednogodišnji reproduktivni ciklus zidnog guštera (Podarcis muralis) na teritoriji grada Beograda. Minimalna veličina tela na kojoj ženke postaju polno zrele je bila između 49.78 i 51.25 mm. Vitelogeneza počinje krajem marta, dok broj i veličina vitelusnih folikula značajno varira tokom reproduktivne sezone. Veličina ženki je pozitivno korelisana sa brojem, ali ne i sa veličinom vitelusnih folikula. Ženke s oviduktalnim jajima su nalažene od kraja maja do kraja jula. Tokom ispitivane sezone 1994. godine postojala su dva legla, sa prosečnom veličinom od 3.50 ± 0.31 jaja. Ustanovljena je značajna pozitivna korelacija između veličine ženki i veličine legla, dok parcijalna korelacija između veličine ženki i prosečne zapremine jaja, kao i između veličine legla i prosečne zapremine jaja nije bila značajna. Prosečna relativna masa oviduktalnog legla je bila 0.17 ± 0.01 i nije bila u korelaciji sa veličinom tela ženki. Kod analiziranih mužjaka testisi i epididimisi su imali najveću masu u periodu april-juni, a najmanju krajem jula. Porast mase testisa i epididimisa je u direktnoj vezi sa veličinom tela mužjaka. Vijabilni spermatozoidi su nalaženi od marta do jula. Masa masnih tela i jetre kod mužjaka je bila najmanja u vreme parenja, dok se masa masnih tela kod ženki smanjivala tokom vitelogeneze. Značajna pozitivna korelacija između veličine tela i mase masnih tela i jetre je uočena kod oba pola.nul

    Sexual differences in size and shape of the Mosor rock lizard [Dinarolacerta mosorensis (Kolombatović, 1886)] (squamata: lacertidae): A case study of the Lovćen mountain population (Montenegro)

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    Sexual differences in size and shape of the Mosor rock lizard, Dinarolacerta mosorensis (Kolombatović, 1886), from Lovćen Mountain (Montenegro) were examined on the basis of the intersex variation pattern of nine morphometric, eight pholidotic, and four qualitative traits. Sexual dimorphism was apparent for all morphometric characters except snout-vent length, while scalation and dorsal pattern exhibited small differences between sexes. The value of the sexual size difference (SSD) index based on snout-vent length was 1.028. The sex-specific allometric slopes for head dimensions and interlimb distance significantly diverged. Head dimensions, especially head height, showed strong positive allometry in males, while interlimb distance was the only character which showed positive allometry in females. Generally, males had significantly greater body size than females. This was true of all body measurements except interlimb distance. The influence of sexual and natural selection on the examined traits is discussed

    Vizuomotorna integracija kod dece predškolskog uzrasta

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    Визуомоторна интеграција представља повезаност визуелне перцепције и координације око-рука, а базира се на добро развијеним визуо-перцептивним способностима, моторичкој координацији и одговарајућој пажњи. Она има значајан утицај на развој графомоторне способности и писање и представља добар предиктор моторичког развоја детета и школског успеха. Тешкоће у визуомоторној интеграцији доводе до проблема у копирању задатих модела, цртању облика и форми, копирању и обликовању слова, немогућности сврсисходног извођења визуомоторних задатака, као и неспособности у свакодневним активностима. Циљ овог истраживања било је утврђивање повезаности између визуомоторне интеграције и графомоторног изражавања деце предшколског узраста. Такође, циљ је био и да се прикаже утицај тоничне зрелости мишића прстију на графомоторно изражавање, као и на визуомоторну интеграцију ове деце. Узорком истраживања обухваћено је 50. деце узраста од 6 до 7 година, која похађају припремни предшколски програм. Узорак је уједначен према полу. Процена графомоторне способности извршена је помоћу Теста линеације (преузето из Бојанин, 2012, стр. 94), процена визуомоторне интеграције изршена је помоћу АКАДИА теста, субтест II и IV (Acadia Test of Developmental Abilities; Atkinson, Johnston, Lindsay, 1972, према Novosel, Marvin Cavor, 1985) док је тонична зрелост мишића прстију процењена помоћу проба по Реју I и II (преузето из Бојанин, 2012, стр. 73). Резултати истраживања су показали да су средње вредности постигнућа већине испитаника на субтестовима за процену способности визуомоторне интеграције у оквиру очекиваних према узрасту. Према критеријуму одступања од узрасних норми, резултати су показали да се на субтесту Визуомоторна координација и могућност следа одступање за једну SD јавља код 12,0% испитаника, а одступање за више од две SD код 2%, док се на субтесту Цртање облика одступање за једну SD јавља се код 10% испитаника. У погледу разлика према полу утврђене су статистички значајне разлике, постигнућа девојчица на субтесту Визуомоторна координација и могућност следа (p=0,010), као и на субтесту Цртање облика (p=0,005) су значајно боља од постигнућа дечака. Анализом је утврђено да постоји статистички значајна повезаност између визуомоторне интеграције и графомоторног изражавања. Статистичком анализом је утврђено да деца која имају незрелији тонус мишића прстију (Проба по Реју 2), односно испољавају већи број синкинезија, показују и више тешкоћа у визуомоторној интеграцији (Визуомоторна координација и могућност следа). Процена способности визуомоторне интеграције на предшколском узрасту је неопходна, како би се одмах по откривању тешкоћа креирао адекватан програм подстицања

    Neurophysiological Predictors of Response to Medication in Parkinson's Disease

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    Background: Although dopaminergic medication has been the foundation of Parkinson's disease (PD) therapy for decades, sensitive and specific therapeutic response biomarkers that allow for better treatment optimization are lacking. Objective: We tested whether the features of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation-based neurophysiological measures taken off-medication are associated with dopaminergic medication-induced clinical effects. Method: Motor cortex excitability [short-latency intracortical inhibition (SICI), intracortical facilitation (ICF), short-latency afferent inhibition (SAI), and input-output (IO) curve], and plasticity [paired associative stimulation (PAS) protocol] neurophysiological measures were examined in 23 PD patients off-medication. Clinical features were quantified by the motor section of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Scale (total score and lateralized total, bradykinesia, and rigidity sub-scores), and the differences between measures off-medication and on-medication (following the usual morning dose), were determined. Total daily dopaminergic medication dose (expressed as levodopa equivalent daily dose-LEDD), was also determined. Results: SICI significantly correlated with changes in lateralized UPDRS motor and bradykinesia sub-scores, suggesting that patients with stronger basal intracortical inhibition benefit more from dopaminergic treatment than patients with weaker intracortical inhibition. Also, ICF significantly negatively correlated with LEDD, suggesting that patients with stronger intracortical facilitation require less dopaminergic medication to achieve optimal therapeutic benefit. Both associations were independent of disease severity and duration. Conclusions: The results suggest variability of (patho) physiological phenotypes related to intracortical inhibitory and facilitatory mechanisms determining clinical response to dopaminergic medication in PD. Measures of intracortical excitability may help predict patients' response to dopaminergic therapy, thus potentially providing a background for developing personalized therapy in PD

    Empirical research on the external audit of banks in Serbia

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    The paper first explains the role, importance, and objectives of the external audit of banks through their most important definitions, thus illustrating the subject and aim of the research. The methodology of the research and data on the sample are presented afterwards. Results of the questionnaire survey which comprised 28 banks in the Republic of Serbia (RS) show what bankers prefer, and compared to global experience there is no significant difference. As a final point, the inherent limitations of the research and concluding remarks are presented

    The protective effects of oxidative and nitrosative stress modulators in neuroinflammation – experimental and clinical study

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    Neuroinflammation is recognised as the leading mechanism in development of many of neurological diseases, including multiple sclerosis (MS). Recently published papers suggest biphasic MS pathogenesis which is based on neuroinflammation, which prevails in the early MS phase, and also neurodegeneration, which predominates in the later stage of the disease, at the time when accumulated neurological disability occurs. The invasion of central nerve system (CNS) by activated immune cells is established as the main part of disease initiation, while oxidative and nitrosative stress participation, through their mediators, as well as glutamatergic excitotoxicity, although recognised as important factors in disease pathophysiology, are still insufficiently tested. Starting with weak and conflicting results, found in recently performed studies, which have evaluated oxidative and nitrosative stress participation in neuroinflammation, the general aim of the actual investigation was to more accurately define the role of named factors in acute attacks of experimental and clinical neuroinflammation, at the same time investigating mutual correlations of those biomarkers with morphological and neurological characteristic of neuroinflammatory acute attacks. In the experimental part, the stated model of neuroinflammation – the acute model of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), was used. The EAE animals were treated with selective inhibitor of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), aminoguanidine (AG), and, also, with antioxidant, N acetyl L cysteine (NAC). The potential protective effects of those agents were tested according to biochemical (concentration NO2 i NO3, MDA, GSH, SOD), immunohistochemical (GFAP, EAAT1, OX42, ED1 and iNOS expression) and neurological characteristics of neuroinflammation. On the other side, in the clinical part, the values of nitrosative and oxidative stress parameters (concentration of NO2 i NO3, MDA, AOPP, SH groups, SOD) were evaluated in hemolysates, plasma and cerebrospinal fluids of patients in acute attacks of different clinical phenotypes of neuroinflmamation, defined as clinically isolated syndrome of CNS (CIS) and early defined relapse remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). The obtained values of named parameters were correlated with radiological, clinical and paraclinical findings of neuroinflammation. The obtained data show increased oxidative stress intensity in all parts of CNS during accute EAE as well as in all tested media obtained from CIS and RRMS patients during their relapses. The closed correlations between parameters of oxidative stress and morphological and neurological findings of neuroinflammation suggest the relevancy of oxidative stress in pathogenesis of accute attacks in both experimental and clinical neuroinflammation. In compliance with expected, the higher values of antioxidative capacity were demonstrated in CIS, compared to RRMS patients. However, the higher level of oxidative disorders, based on obtained values of MDA and AOPP, were also demonstrated in these patients. These results are understood as the consequences of higher reactive adequacy of the body and CNS, in CIS patients (due to shorter disease duration). Thus, the prooxidative processes are more pronounced in these patients as an adaptive phemonenon in suppression of neuroinflammation (through some of the known physiological functions), but due to intensive, uncontrolled generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), detrimental effects are accumulated. Inversely, the general and CNS antioxidative capacity were decreased in RRMS patients due to their continuous exposition to ROS, which explains oxidative stress intensity and worse radiological and clinical findings, which DOKTORSKA DISERTACIJA was confirmed by the obtained correlations. The obtained results show increased level of nitric oxide (NO.) during neuroinflammation attacks, when NO. exerts direct or indirect pathological effects on CNS tissues. The CNS disorders in neuroinflammation are also mediated by glutamatergic excitotoxicity, caused by increased level of glutamate as the consequence of astrocytes activation. The increased expression of iNOS, and other parameters of glial cell activity (GFAP, OX42, ED1) as well as glutamatergic excitotoxicity (EAAT1) were found in imunohistochemical analysis of forebrain section obtained from EAE animals. The protective biochemical, imunohistochemical and neurological effects were demonstrated after AG administration and thiol supplementation by NAC. Also, in the clinical part, the oxidative and nitrosative stress importance in the pathogenesis of acute neuroinflammatory attacks were demonstrated, while both general and CNS oxidative and nitrosative profile were different in patients with different clinical phenotypes of neuroinflammation. The significant correlations between tested parameters and clinical and radiological features, as well as disease duration, were obtained in CIS and RRMS patients. These data suggest the closed correlations between disease duration and the worse radiological and neurological score, and decreased antioxidative and antinitrosative profile, as well as increased, general and CNS, oxidative and nitrosative stress. The similar correlations were obtained between all tested parameters and other general parameters of biological and biochemical syndrome of inflammation, in both, CIS and RRMS group. The obtained results give an advanced insight into the roles and imoprtances of oxidative and nitrosative stress during neuroinflammation and offer the posibility for antioxidative and antinitrosative treatments in accute attacks of neuroinflammation. In this way, the diseases caused by neuroinflammation might be controlled in early phases whose characteristic is reversibility, at the same time delaying later phases which are accompanied with irreversible neurological disabilities. Although there are not ideal biomarkers of neuroinflammation, some of here tested oxidative and nitrosative stress parameters might serve as surogat biomarkers for the earliest diagnosis, tracking and assessing neuroinflammation intensity, and its radiological and clinical correlates