50 research outputs found

    Variability of Morphological Traits of European Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) Seedlings in Serbia

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    The results of interpopulation variability of morphometric parameters of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) seedlings originating from eight populations from the part of natural distribution area in Serbia are presented in this paper. The studied populations of DubaÅ”nica, Jastrebac, Boranja, FruÅ”ka Gora, Mali Pek, Goč, Beljanica, and Javor have various ecological and vegetational characteristics. The results of this paper refer to root collar diameter and height of seedlings at the age of 1+0 and 2+0. Analysis of variance showed a statistically significant difference between the populations in terms of the studied morphological traits of seedlings (p<0.01; Ī±=0.05). Geographical differentiation of the studied populations has not been determined by applying cluster analysis, but the populations are grouped randomly and they indicate the ecotypic nature of beech genetic variation. The results of this research may serve in beech breeding and the available gene pool conservation. Based on the obtained results it can be recommended that in terms of transfer and use of the beech forest reproductive material greater attention should be paid to the ecological conditions of the parent stands and habitats where afforestation has been performed

    Gene pool conservation and tree improvement in Serbia

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    This paper presents the concepts applied in the gene pool conservation and tree improvement in Serbia. Gene pool conservation of tree species in Serbia includes a series of activities aiming at the sustainability and protection of genetic and species variability. This implies the investigation of genetic resources and their identification through the research of the genetic structure and the breeding system of individual species. Paper also includes the study of intra- and inter-population variability in experiments - provenance tests, progeny tests, half- and full-sib lines, etc. The increased use of the genetic potential in tree improvement in Serbia should be intensified by the following activities: improvement of production of normal forest seed, application of the concept of new selections directed primarily to the improvement of only one character, because in that case the result would be certain, establishment and management of seed orchards as specialized plantations for long-term production of genetically good-quality forest seeds, and the shortening of the improvement process by introducing new techniques and methods (molecular markers, somaclonal variation, genetic engineering, protoplast fusion, micropropagation, etc.)

    Interpopulation genetic-ecological variation of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Serbia

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    The genetic-ecological variation of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Serbia was studied in the populations at five localities in western and south-western Serbia. Three groups of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) populations were differentiated based on genetic research (seed protein analysis) and plant community research. The first group consists of Scots pine populations on Å argan (FMU ā€œÅ arganā€œ) and on Tara (FMU ā€œKaluderske Bareā€), where the forests belong to the community of Scots pine and Austrian pine (Pinetum sylvestris-nigrae Pavlovic 1951). The second group covers the localities Stolovi (FMU ā€œRadocelo-Crepuljnikā€œ) and Zlatar (FMU ā€œZlatar Iā€œ), where the forests belong to the community of Scots pine and spruce (Piceo abietis-Pinetum sylvestris Stefanovic 1960). The third group comprises the Scots pine population on PeÅ”ter (FMU ā€œDubocica-Bareā€œ) which belongs to the community of Scots pine with erica (Erico-Pinetum sylvestris Stefanovic 1963). Cluster analysis was performed on the basis of seed protein data and showed that there are three groups of Scots pine populations. The three populations coincide with plant communities. The community of Scots pine with erica (Erico-Pinetum sylvestris Stefanovic 1963) recorded on PeÅ”ter at the locality ā€œDubocica- Bareā€œ in the area of FE ā€œGolijaā€œ Ivanjica, is a special Scots pine population displayed at the greatest distance from all other populations in the cluster analysis dendrogram

    Prostorna varijabilnost morfoloŔkih obilježja iglica populacija jele (Abies alba Mill.) na Balkanskom poluotoku u odnosu na klimatske čimbenike

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    Interpopulation and intrapopulation variability of three morphological needle traits (length, width and thickness) was investigated in 16 natural silver fir populations in the Balkan Peninsula. The populations represent refugial areas of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.). This paper aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the influence of climatic factors (mean annual temperature, number of days with temperatures &lt; 0, &gt; 5, &lt; 18, &gt; 18oC, Hargreaves climatic moisture deficit and De Martonne aridity index, on the pattern of morphological needle traits within each population. Populations showed variation in the analyzed morphological needle traits, which could not be clearly defined by any of the analyzed climatic factors. The De Martonne aridity index and Hargreaves climatic moisture deficit had the greatest impact on the trait values, whereas the mean annual precipitation had the lowest. Evolutionary ecology research of the silver fir needle morphology is a valuable contribution to the comprehention of the present genetic variability as a prerequisite for adaptation to the rapid climate change and conservation of the species area in the Balkan Peninsula region.Interpopulacijska i intrapopulacijska varijabilnost triju morfoloÅ”kih osobina iglica (dužina, Å”irina i debljina) istraživana je u 16 prirodnih populacija jele na Balkanskom poluotoku. Populacije predstavljaju refugijalna područja jele (Abies alba Mill.). Ovaj rad ima za cilj pružiti opsežnu analizu utjecaja klimatskih čimbenika (srednja godiÅ”nja temperatura, broj dana s temperaturama &lt; 0, &gt; 5, &lt; 18, &gt; 18Ā°C, Hargreavesov klimatski deficit vlage i De Martonneov indeks aridnosti) na obrazac morfoloÅ”kih obilježja iglica unutar svake populacije. Populacije su pokazale varijacije u analiziranim morfoloÅ”kim obilježjima iglica koje se nisu mogle jasno definirati niti jednim od analiziranih klimatskih čimbenika. Najveći utjecaj na vrijednosti obilježja imao je klimatski deficit vlage po Hargreavesu, a zatim najniže vrijednosti srednje godiÅ”nje količine oborina. Evolucijska ekoloÅ”ka istraživanja morfologije iglica jele vrijedan su doprinos razumijevanju sadaÅ”nje genetske varijabilnosti kao preduvjeta za prilagodbu na brze klimatske promjene i očuvanje vrste na području Balkanskog poluotoka

    Variations in fruit traits of wild cherry (Prunus aviumL.) provenances in Serbia

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    Prirodne populacije divlje treÅ”nje u Srbiji nalaze se blizu južne granice areala ove značajne Å”umske vrste. Opstanak rubnih provenijencija, u Srbiji i Å”iroj regiji jugoistoka Europe, ugrožen je uslijed promjene klime, male veličine populacija, niske kompetitivnosti vrste i dr. Zbog toga se preporučuje umjetno potpomaganje obnove populacija uz proÅ”irivanje njihove genske raznolikosti. Iako je poznavanje razine i strukture genetske raznolikosti preduvjet njene učinkovite konzervacije i koriÅ”tenja, istraživanja ove tematike na divljoj treÅ”nji u regiji su rijetka. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razinu i obrazac fenotipske varijabilnosti za morfoloÅ”ka svojstva plodova, a raspravljena je i mogućnost povezanosti obrasca fenotipske varijabilnosti s genetskom diferencijacijom provenijencija.Plodovi su prikupljeni u devet prirodnih populacija. Analizirano je deset morfoloÅ”kih svojstava plodova i utrđena je prosječna klijavost provenijencija. Najmanje varijabilnim pokazalo se svojstvo Å”irina ploda (CV = 6.2%), dok je najvarijabilnije svojstvo bila debljina peteljke (CV = 29.4%). Analizom varijance utvrđeno je da su se provenijencije međusobno statistički značajno razlikovale po svim istraživanim morfoloÅ”kim svojstvima plodova (p&lt;0.01; &#945; = 0.05), izuzev po svojstvu debljina peteljke (p = 0.92). Iako je varijabilnost između provenijencija bila statistički značajna, razina unutarpopulacijske varijabilnosti bila je znatno veća (41.2-52.1%) od međupopulacijske diferencijacije (5.3-15.2%). Obrazac diferencijacije između provenijencija utvrđen je korelacijskom analizom prosječnih vrijednosti svojstava s klimatsko-geografskim varijablama provenijencija, pri čemu su se debljina ploda i duljina peteljke pokazali kao korisna dijagnostička svojstva. Prosječna debljina ploda bila je signifikantno pozitivno korelirana s nadmorskom visinom (R = 0.69; p = 0.04), prosječnom godiÅ”njom količinom snježne oborine (R = 0.80; p = 0.01) i prosječnim godiÅ”njim brojem stupanj-dana ispod 0Ā°C (R = 0.70; p = 0.04). Prosječna duljina peteljke bila je signifikantno negativno korelirana s prosječnom godiÅ”njom količinom snježne oborine (R = -0.69; p = 0.04), a pozitivno s omjerom godiÅ”nje temperature i količine oborina (R = 0.71; p = 0.03). Rezultati su pokazali ekoklinalni obrazac fenotipske diferencijacije provenijencija s obzirom na nadmorsku visinu staniÅ”ta i s njom koreliranim ekoloÅ”kim varijablama.Iako su istraživanja obuhvatila fenotipsku varijabilnost plodova iz prirodnih populacija, ovakvi rezultati ukazuju na vjerojatnost genetske diferencijacije provenijencija s obzirom na nadmorsku visinu. To daje temelj preporuci vertikalne sjemenske zonacije areala divlje treÅ”nje u Srbiji, kao i sukladnog koriÅ”tenja njenog reprodukcijskog materijala u potpomognutoj obnovi. Radi potvrde rezultata ovog istraživanja odnosno preciznije determinacije genetske strukture prirodnih populacija, neophodno je primijeniti metode analiza raznovrsnih fenotipskih svojstava u posebno dizajniranim pokusnim nasadima (npr. testovima provenijencija) kao i analiza prikladnih DNA markera.Natural wild cherry populations in Serbia are a part of the southern border of this valuable forest tree species distribution range. The survival of these marginal provenances in Serbia as well as in the wider region is threatened by climate change, small population sizes, low competitiveness, etc. Therefore, it is recommended to artificially assist population regeneration while increasing their genetic diversity. Although knowledge of the amount and pattern of the specieā€™s genetic diversity is a prerequisite for its effective conservation and use, related research in the region is scarce. The main goal of this study was to determine the amount and pattern of phenotypic variability of natural wild cherry populations in Serbia. Possible link between revealed pattern of phenotypic variability and genetic differentiation of the provenances was discussed.Fruits were collected in nine natural populations. Ten morphological traits of the fruits were measured, and average germination rate of the provenances was assessed. The least variable trait was the fruit width (CV = 6.2%), while the most variable trait was the petiole thickness (CV = 29.4%). Analysis of variance revealed significant among-provenance variation for investigated fruit characteristics (p &lt;0.01; &#945; = 0.05), except for the petiole thickness (p = 0.92). Although variability among provenances was significant, the level of within-population variability was much higher (41.2-52.1%) than among-provenance differentiation (5.3-15.2%). The pattern of among-provenance variation was determined by a correlation analysis between provenance mean values and their climatic-geographical variables, whereby fruit thickness and petiole length proved to be useful diagnostic traits. Mean fruit thickness was significantly and positively correlated with altitude (R = 0.69; p = 0.04), annual precipitation as snow (R = 0.80; p = 0.01), and annual degree-days below 0 Ā°C (R = 0.70); p = 0.04). The average petiole length was significantly and negatively correlated with the annual precipitation as snow (R = -0.69; p = 0.04), while it was positively correlated with annual heat to moisture index (R = 0.71; p = 0.03). The results revealed an ecoclinal pattern of phenotypic differentiation among the provenances due to their habitatā€™s altitude and other ecological variables closely related to altitude.Although this study basically dealt with phenotypic variability of wild cherry fruits originating from natural populations, the results indicate likelihood for genetic differentiation of the provenances due to altitude. This likelihood provides the basis for recommending vertical seed zonation, as well as congruent use of reproductive material for assisted restoration of wild cherry populations in Serbia. However, to confirm this presumption of ecoclinal pattern of genetic differentiation, it is necessary to conduct analyses of various phenotypic traits in common garden experiments (e.g. provenance trials) as well as analyses of appropriate DNA markers

    Analysis of intra-population variability of bald cypress (Taxodium distichum l. Rich.) In seed stand near Backa Palanka using RAPD markers

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    The analysis of Bald cypress genetic variability at the level of test trees was performed using RAPD (Random Amlified Polymorphic DNA) markers. RAPD analysis was performed on 20 test trees with 13 primers. A total of ten primers gave a clear picture while three primers amplified weakly. 60 is a total number of detected bands obtained by RAPD analysis with 10 selected primers, and the average number of bands is 6. Based on presence/absence of RAPD fragments among all 20 Bald cypress test trees were calculated similarity coefficients by Dice and they range from 0.73 to 1. Based on similarity coefficients was performed the cluster analysis and results were presented as a dendrogram. All 20 test trees were grouped into two sub-clusters. Test trees 1, 4 and 11 were grouped in the first sub-cluster while other test trees were grouped in the second sub-cluster. By analysis of relations within every sub-cluster and sub-sub-cluster the existence of genetic distances between observed test trees can be noticed. The greatest similarity is between test trees 2, 12, 15 and 18. The results of genetic similarity and distance between observed test trees indicate the overwhelming presence of genetic diversity

    Procena genetičke diferencijacije jele (Abies alba Mill.) sa Javora pomoću SSR markera

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    The process of plant breeding and conservation of gene pool among other things depends on the knowledge of the level of genetic differentiation. The aim of research in this paper was to determine the genetic differentiation of silver fir (Abies albaMill.) populations of regular type and atypical genotypes with pyramidal crown that can be found on Javor mountain, at the site Ogorijevac. The genetic differentiation of silver fir was determined using SSR (Simple Sequence Repeat) markers. Nine SSR pairs of primers gave 29 alleles, while the average number of alleles was 3.2. The primer NFH15 gave the smallest number of alleles (two), while the primer SF78 gave the greatest number of alleles (five). Dice coefficient of the genetic similarity was used to obtain a dendrogram by UPMGA analysis using NTSYSpc statistical program. The genetic similarity recorded among the individuals P1 and P2 was the largest (0.89), while the populations VI and individual P2 showed the lowest similarity (0.61).Based on the cluster analysis it canbe concluded that the studied populations and genotypes of silver fir with different types of crown are clearly differentiated. The basic insight into the level of the genetic diversity of the natural populations of silver fir with the various types of crown has been provided using selected SSR markers. The obtained results can be used for creating further strategy for the conservation of the available gene pool and the regeneration of silver fir forests in Serbia.Proces oplemenjivanja biljaka i konzervacije genofonda između ostalog, zavisi i od poznavanja stepena genetičke diferencijacije. Cilj istraživanja u ovom radu bio je da se utvrdi genetička diferencijacija populacija jele (Abies alba Mill.)normalanog tipa i atipičnih genotipova piramidalanog tipa kroÅ”nje, koje se javljaju na planini Javor, na lokalitetu Ogorijevac. Genetička sličnost odnosno različitost jele određena je upotrebom SSR (Simple Sequence Repeat) markera. Devet SSR pari prajmera dalo je ukupno 29 alela, dok je prosečan broj alela bio 3,2. Prajmer NFH15 dao je najmanji broj alela (dva), dok je prajmer SF78 bio sa najvećim brojem alela (pet). NajviÅ”a vrednost koeficijenta genetičke sličnosti utvrđena je između genotipova P1 i P2 (0,89), dok je najniža vrednost koeficijenta genetičke sličnosti utvrđena između populacije VI i genotipa P2 (0,61).Koeficijenti genetičke sličnosti po Dice, upotrebljeni su za dobijanje dendrograma pomoću UPMGA analize, koristeći NTSYSpc statistički program. Na osnovu klaster analize može se zaključiti da su istraživane populacije i genotipovi jele sa različitim tipom kroÅ”nje jasno izdiferencirani. Upotrebom izabranih SSR markera dat je osnovni uvid u nivo genetičke raznovrsnosti prirodnih populacija jele različitog tipa kroÅ”nje. Dobijeni rezultati mogu poslužiti u budućoj strategiji na konzervaciji raspoloživog genofonda i obnavljanju jelovih Å”uma u Srbiji

    Assessment of genetic diversity of silver fir (Abies alba mill.) In Serbia using SSR markers

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    The paper presents the results of the analysis of genetic variability of eight populations of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) in Serbia obtained using SSR markers. The genomic DNA was isolated from tissue of needles of all eight populations. Due to the costly and lengthy process a small number of the SSR markers for Abies alba have been developed, so in this study were used the microsatellite markers of related species. The obtained results indicate a low level of the genetic variability between natural populations of silver fir. The total number of alleles detected with nine SSR markers in eight studied populations of silver fir is 28. The range of alleles varies from two for NFF15 to six for SF78 with an average of 3.1 alleles per locus. The mean value of genetic similarity between populations is 0.92. The smallest genetic similarity between pairs of populations is 0.82 (Dubocica Bare and Stara Planina; Dubocica Bare and Tara) and the greatest genetic similarity is 1 (Zlatar and Stara Planina, Zlatar and Tara, Stara Planina and Tara). A basic insight into the level of genetic diversity of natural populations of silver fir in Serbia, which are located in a relatively small area, has been given using a set of SSR markers. The obtained results can be used in the future strategy for the management and regeneration of silver fir forests