4 research outputs found

    The state of periodontium in insulin dependent diabetics with and without complications

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    Ispitivano je stanje insulino-zavisnih dijabetičara sa komplikacijama i bez komplikacija a s ciljem da se ustanovi razlika u težini parodontalnih promena. Ispitivanje je izvrÅ”eno na 70 insulino-zavisnih di-jabetičara životne dobi od 20 do 39 godina podeljenih u dve grupe: -insulino-zavisni dijabetičari bez komplikacija, 34 osobe. insulino-zavisni dijabetičari sa komplikacijama, 36 osoba. Ispitanici su imali približno iste vrednosti nivoa oralne higijene i približnu starosnu dob u obe grupe. Za procenu stanja parodoncijuma primenjeni su sledeći indeksi i pa-rametri : -indeks resorpcije alveolarne kosti, Sandler-Stahl -indeks labavljenja zuba, Klinika za bolesti usta, Beograd -prosečna vrednost izgubljenih zuba Za procenu stanja oralne higijene koriÅ”teni su: -plak indeks, Rajmfjord -indeks čvrstih naslaga, Rajmfjord -retencioni indeks, Bjorbyā€”Loe Indeksi koji su pokazatelji stanja parodoncijuma (PDI, IRK, ILZ i prosečna vrednost gubitka zuba) pokazuju mnogo veće vrednosti u grupi dijabetičara sa komplikacijama, nego u grupi dijabetičara bez komplikacija. Na osnovu tih nalaza možemo zaključiti da su promene u parodoncijumu insulino-zavisnih dijabetičara sa komplikacijama teže prirode, nego Å”to su promene u insulino-zavisnih dijabetičara bez komplikacija.The state of periodontium in insulin dependent diabetics with and without complications he study was carried out in insulin dependent diabetics with and without complications, in order to find out the differences in the seveĀ¬rity of periodontal alterations. Seventy insulin dependent diabetics, aged 20ā€”39 years, were didived into two groups as follows: insulin dependent diabetics without complications (34 subjects) and insulin dependent diabetics with complications (36 subjects). The oral hygiene level values and age were almost identical in the two groups of examinees. The following indices and paramters were used to assess the state of periodontium: ā€” index of periodontal diseases according to Ramfjord, ā€”index of alveolar bone resorption according to Sandler-Stahl, -index of tooth loosening, Department of Oral Diseases, Belgrade, and -average value of the missing teeth. The oral hygiene status was assessed on the basis of the following indices: -plaque index according to Ramfjord, and ā€” retention index according to Bjorby-Loe. The values of indices showing the state of periodontium (PDI, IRK, ILZ and average value of missing teeth) were considerably higher

    Recent consideration on diagnosis and therapy of gingival desquamative lesions: Case report

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    The purpose of the studywas to present a case of desquamative gingivitis and indicate to diagnosis and therapy od desquamative lesions of gingivae. The case of desquamative gingivitis in 75 year old patient is shown. Despite pathohistological and immunofluorescent analyses having been done, the origin of the disease could not have been established at first. The undertaken therapy gave limited results. The patient did not show up for the check up for 2,5 years. When he finally came, the clinical situation was the same as the first examination. The bioptic material gave positive results. Continuous linear deposits of IgG and IgA along the basement membrane were found. The histopathological diagnosis presentes a pemphigoid. Metilprednisolon 40mg per day was prescribed, with gradual dicrease of the dose, along with tetracycline 4x250mg per day. Therapy lasted for six and a half months. Changes on the gingivae completely retreated after three months

    Periodontal disease in relation to some systemic diseases

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    Periodontal disease is closely related to the general state of the body because it significantly influences periodontal health, as periodontal health can have an influence on the state of the body. It is known that some systemic diseases can represent a risk factor for periodontal disease such as diabetes, blood disorders and immunodefficient disorders. Reducing defensive efficiency of the body, these diseases enable the onset and the development of periodontal disease. On the other hand, concerning the role of microorganisms in the onset and the development of periodontal disease there is justified suspicion that periodontal infection might endanger general state of the body and cause some systemic diseases, such as cardiovascular, respiratory, eye, renal, skin disease and the diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The awareness of connection between periodontal disease and some systemic diseases is of great significance for the diagnosis and the therapy of periodntal disease and the disorders it may cause

    Dental treatment of oral complications during radiation therapy of head and neck cancer

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    Radiation therapy is often used as primary or adjuvant therapy for malignancy of the oropharyngeal region. Inflammatory changes of the oral mucosa resulting from the direct effect of radiation therapy, are defined as Radiation Mucositis (RM). As a consequence of irradiation, patients have xerostomia, pain, difficulty in chewing and swallowing, dental caries, oral microbial changes, chronic esophagitis, periodontitis, osteoradionecrosis. To eliminate or decrease discomfort in oral cavity, the use of various mouth rinses is recommended for compromised patients. These solutions should reduce pain, promote reepithelialization of soft tissue lesions, normalize the pH of oral fluids. They should be nontoxic, and to have acceptable taste. In the modern practice of head and neck oncology, dentists are essential members of the team. Their contribution is essential in improvement of the patients' quality of life